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Everything posted by minermark

  1. c-note audio eh ? very interesting web site there, I just spent a few min looking around. bookmark that puppy I will.
  2. Craigs list everyday, you will be surprised. Also look in Garage sale on this forum under 'alerts', I try and post norcal craigs list everyday.
  3. I hope some people answer. I have answered a few times already. Someday when I get lots of time, like retire, iv got just about every type of dam coax, lamp cord, zip cord, monster, belden, carol, GE, well you get the idea. Ill dig out the Quad trace scope, and throw together a test rig. then I,WE, will know more, ill even let the forum members pick how long to make the two runs.
  4. Beg, barrow, buy or steal a tube amp, and your world will light up just a "Tad" more.........
  5. If you poke around on the google websites like I did looking up your tube, it was very educational, they may be worth big bucks to someone.
  6. If you polk around on the google websites like I did looking up your tube, it was very educational, they may be worth big bucks to someone.
  7. Alerts on Friday there will some new ones yet again. keep an eye on this .
  8. Hey that's where I dry my panty hose Funny you should say that, so I will repeat what Iv heard at a local Pub, NEVER EVER use the coffee pot in a Hotel/Motel ! ...Airline stewardess use them to clean their Pantyhose.......EEEEK!
  9. Actually, the Mr. Coffee can produce a truly clean, pure, focused brew with only the tweak of a 24 carat gold filter basket. Dave Yes, I strongly agree, I owned them, currently the wife and I run a SS Old School Proctor, purchased at a hardware store, and the secret is once a week clean it with Oxyclean, Frigging brand new! Taste is amazing.........wich remindes me, I need to do that.......
  10. Tonight as planned is her night, cool, I get to sit at the bar where she can find me, I hand her a $20 and off she goes, comes back with either a ticky worth anywhere from $75 to her personal best of $450, hands me the ticky or ask for another $20, meanwile im drinkin, pushing buttons......
  11. True How could you not trust a farmer that looks like this ? Ya mon I hope he is not into power tools.
  12. A Mr Coffee is just fine, but in order for a response from me you will need to replace the power cable with NO less than a 10Ga monster.
  13. http://sacramento.craigslist.org/ele/4320257957.html http://sacramento.craigslist.org/ele/4315933864.html http://sacramento.craigslist.org/ele/4321020283.html
  14. Im finding at the moment, I cant do Chit, I don't have an old tube....dam. Pulled the main face panel off, looks brand new inside, i'll be dammed if im going to stick in one of my KT88s from my amps just to see if this works. Ill go to the swap meet this weekend, get some tubes to run known values with. We have Denio's swap meet in Roseville, one square mile of rows, and rows of everything you can think of, besides iv been hankering for a CornDog and a six dollar Budwiser lately.
  15. it list their replacements, that must be a 40s 50 s tube, my guess.
  16. Just got home and its in the back of the truck, ill know in a couple of hours. It does need rerpair, should be no biggie, I planned on that.
  17. My 'New' tube tester shows up at my plant today, so my ever endeavoring search for LaScallas is on temp holding pattern. Do not know the kind of work this critter is going to take to refresh it to specs, but this I will do.
  18. Thanx for the direction, just posted some new ones.
  19. Thanx for steering me in the right direction. will post there form now on.
  20. http://sacramento.craigslist.org/ele/4300493706.html http://sacramento.craigslist.org/eld/4318783974.html
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