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Everything posted by JiminSTL

  1. God notices when you do, and encourages your understanding when you do not. I am a "mature" senior citizen (coming up on age 69). I have apologized to God that I used to think that I had the right to decide, and thought I was smart when I was cavalier about the "quality" of my life (as I understood it to be), and hoped that I would be taken when my life had little value as I defined it. How presumptuous--and foolish--I was. And how much I appreciate the wonderful gift of my life now, and shake my head at my previous impertinence.
  2. Sometimes I whine. I also have four herniated disks (two in my neck that are absolutely horrible) pain every day -- some days i don’t notice it as much. But, i hear what you’re saying -- i’ve seen some with tremendous physical burdens and they have an incredibly positive attitude and drive to do all they can. it’s pretty humbling. Pain . . . unpleasant, and sometimes much worse. Sad to say about our specie, though, that it is not good times and good feelings that bring about our growth. Have you noticed how with good times and material plenty that we simply are quite disposed to remain where we are, as we are? We become protective of the way things are, and actually oppose change? That we seem most open to examining our selves and our lives when we are, instead, in pain of some sort . . . .
  3. Learn something every day. Effective (apparently), easy, inexpensive--my kind of solution.
  4. Thanks, Taz, will try. The only thing is when they are unable to retrieve them under various pieces of furniture. Not only do I get drafted for that purpose, it involves more than a little effort: 1) getting down, 2) getting my neck/head low enough to be able to peer under to attempt to locate, 3) actually seeing the whatever (sometimes involves a flashlight), and 4) then getting back up. All of this is accompanied, of course, by much grunting, groaning, and heavy breathing by me. Just thinking of all that effort makes me a tad thirsty . . . .
  5. Mighty, you must be one heck-uv-a animal trainer. Wish I had the skills/insight to be able to energize my/our 3 (rescue) cats more. They are great cats, it's just that the lifestyle my wife and I have is likely very boring to them! Truth is, they deserve more stimulation than we provide. Have tried the laser light, the Wahlgreen yellow nylon contraption with the rotating mouse tail, and an assortment of other typical cat toys. Nothing seems to energize them too much.
  6. Griffen, on 12 Jan 2015 - 7:18 PM, said: I'll not only keep my cats. Don't need anyone's permission. Re the "permission" in this quote above--I think it was a tongue-in-cheek, oblique reference to the false promises of Pres. Obama regarding keeping your physicians if you like them. My take anyway.
  7. To all those who posted their conditions and cares: there is no doubt that you have endured (and continue to) various kinds of pain (not "just" physical) that most people have not. I have not. And yet, what I hear and absorb is your character. And that is very admirable and exemplary. A patience, tenderness, strength, and appreciation for what you have in life, rather than emphasis on what you do not have. Would that more of us lead by example (myself included when I indulge in what is not) . . . .
  8. Jeremy, welcome. I notice that there is a Denon 3803 for sale here in the St. Louis area. By a person who appears to be a "recycler" of audio equipment. He has the 3803 listed for $165. To me he seems to be within a reasonable range (maybe starting a little high, but not outrageous) on his pricing. GLWS.
  9. Dave, The CF-4s and KLF-30s--a little difference in sound, I suppose. But let's face it: we both are blessed enormously. With the speakers, too!
  10. Absolve, what you say, I understand completely. And yet, doesn't her behavior (and company) put a smile on your face, and make you chuckle a bit, even when you want to be/are a bit peeved?
  11. Oh, and Dave, I really admire what I imagine the sound to be from your CF-4s. May be similar to my KLF-30s? But I don't know, as I have never heard the 4s. Bet they sound great!
  12. Dave, Thanks for your answer. And thanks to the handsome fellow on the right, and his beautiful wife, who did such a good job of bringing up a son with the values he likely has! FYI, my father was career Navy (I lived 2 years in Germany during that time), I was 5 years in the Navy, and my son 4 years in the USMC. I suspect that we are similar ages.
  13. Yup, miner, it happens. Kinda like cars, receivers, TVs, and, even, us! Glad my cats don't throw in MY towel for me, because they probably will outlive me, ha ha.
  14. Not you, absolve (see my reply #30, above). I joined in the pleasantries about cats. Others have a different regard for them, and I directed a few thoughts accordingly. Sorry for any confusion!
  15. Dave, Well said. Agree completely. Not normally "naive", but I really did not consider the troll aspect--especially from Forum posters of some history and reputation. Don't deliberately attempt to annoy others (happens anyway occasionally, despite my intentions, ha ha), so I really did not consider trolling as possible motivation . . . . BTW, you present or former Army?
  16. Obviously, I am in error to have given the benefit of the doubt in this case. My hope was that some time to (re)consider things, might result in a more peaceful and softer heart. So, directed at no one specifically, my final comment is that we change and grow only when we allow it, or circumstances become so overbearing that change and growth are the ONLY results possible, if we are to maintain ourselves. And, as there are not likely many interested in/invested in following this thread, my silence going forward on it probably will not be interpreted as acquiescence. Cruelty and/or needless killing and injury are hideous. JiminSTL out ("radio" silence)
  17. JBryan, No apology necessary. It seems to me that absolve started a mildly entertaining, light-hearted thread with his (?) modest posting. I responded--with a simple, non-invasive method I use to ensure my cats do not "play" with my floor-standing speakers (vinegar and water spray on the grille covers--definitely, not on the cats!). I also felt compelled to add a 2nd response, saying, "However, it does hurt to hear cavalier talk (probably not really intentioned or acted upon) about mistreatment of things that can feel pain." Hopefully, some of the comments were more "manly" bravado than reality. I certainly have been guilty of puffery and opening my mouth before really thinking about the value of what I was saying. Perhaps that happened here, too. However, just this weekend my grandsons were watching Dr. Pol on TV, and a woman brought her cat in that was in a bad way. Don't know any living creature that is improved or helped by being shot through its lower jaw, as this one had been . . . .
  18. Hey, Sancho, I have 3 cats ("grew" into cats--first one for wife, 2nd for first cat, then 3rd for 2nd to quit pestering the 1st, ha ha, before I REALLY put my foot down about the number!). Anyway, originally, a "dog person", but as I opened my home and heart, I have come to appreciate the feline majesty that God has given these creatures, too. I know that He wants that appreciation shared with all (2 and 4-legged) creatures of His. So, I suppose that I must do a better job of reflecting that understanding . . . . However, it does hurt to hear cavalier talk (probably not really intentioned or acted upon) about mistreatment of things that can feel pain.
  19. Twisted, nice equipment, and am sure you have warm and wonderful sounds as a result. Even better is a warm and wonderful relationship with an affectionate living creature (4-legged). And better still is that they do not have to be mutually exclusive!
  20. tromprof, Obviously, you have and love cats--perhaps all living things. While my great pleasure with my 3 cats is that they have no fear or uncertainty in my (their) house, that they may be completely at ease and unthreatened, I have found that a mixture of water and vinegar in a spray bottle applied to the grille covers generally keeps them away . . . . To everyone's betterment and peace.
  21. Dinesh, Welcome, and I am sure that you will receive a good range of thought, experience, and opinion. Mine included. I also have a large cubic foot listening area, open to other/adjoining areas. FYI, I have "good sized" speakers, however, I do not customarily listen at "high" levels (at least, not for long). I mention these things because recently I went through the very odyssey that you are, with the attendant uncertainties, fits and starts, etc. My decision was to go with a 12" down-firing subwoofer (Outlaw LFM-1 EX--now discontinued and superceded) for $599 delivered. Much informed and experienced advice counseled (typically) 2 - 4 subs, often 15" to even 18". As the WAF component was unlikely to see--or hear--the beauty of a multiple sub solution, I really rolled the dice with the one sub. I cannot say how pleased I am with the result (and the roll of the dice). That Outlaw is absolutely sufficient for my purposes. It has great power for my area (350W RMS, 1300W peak), it extends (per specs) to 16Hz w/ one vented port, and absolutely does everything that I want it to do. Deep and clear rumbles, vibrations galore (nearfield). Now, does it deliver that everywhere--in all seating positions, near the vaulted ceiling, or in all the corners? Probably not. But it really delivers in the areas where people (2 to 4) are likely to be seated, watching the screen with my wife and me. It is not worth the expense, effort, or the marital discussions to me to have another sub (or 3 more) for the very small net increase in "perfection" everywhere in the listening area. Others with similar circumstances come to different decisions, with equal justification. But, you may try a sub with similar specs and see what you think. We all would like to know your decision, and thoughts about the results you achieve. Good luck!
  22. Forgot to check that part of things! Maybe there will be an unexpected/unlikely outcome, after all?
  23. John, good find. And I hope that someone who has been holding out for a REALLY GOOD L/C/R combo will snap this up, and love listening to them for many years!
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