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Dave A

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Everything posted by Dave A

  1. Oh for a second there I thought you said old and creaky ;D
  2. Well he did beat the smartest woman in the world by CNN standards so we know he is at least in the genius level if not higher. Beat the media and the DNC and the RINO's and all the syncophants too so he is at least smarter than all them.
  3. Exactly. I read all sides but believe the one that seems to be a real reflection on how things end up working over time. CNN = disinfomation and agenda driven lies to support the downfall of the constitution and people like Rush and Trump are on Jeffersons side. I want America for my children not a luke warm version of socialism and ever declining freedoms and standards of living. I do not need a nanny and I don't want to dictate how my neighbors live but I also don't want them in my business.
  4. For idle entertainment. https://twitter.com/i/status/1253690275366649859 https://twitter.com/i/status/1253849059577794560
  5. Depends on which side of the spectrum you are on. Jefferson would I believe endorse these people and he was writing about the networks I mentioned. Jefferson was in part responsible for the establishment of this USA the greatest nation ever. He had solid reasons and experience for the things he had to say. On the other side we have the Kings men, self appointed royalty who know best how peons should behave. The founders of this nation had a very one sided point of view because they had far to much experience with other ideas that had been proven to be inferior. The results of the Founders philosophy are not in doubt but there are many today who treasure the idea of being able to take freedom of choice and money away from all others because they can't stand the idea that you do not have to jump when they say jump.
  6. Precisely and [news outlet] did it with malice aforethought. People who gleefully repeat the story are guilty of the same thing since they willfully do not investigate what was said. Some things never change and human nature is timeless. Here are some Thomas Jefferson quotes about newspapers (CNN, MSBSNBC, ABC, NBC etc today's equivalent). He hated them: 1. "The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors. He who reads nothing will still learn the great facts, and the details are all false." ~Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, 1807. ME 11:225 2. "I deplore... the putrid state into which our newspapers have passed and the malignity, the vulgarity, and mendacious spirit of those who write for them... These ordure’s are rapidly depraving the public taste and lessening its relish for sound food. As vehicles of information and a curb on our functionaries, they have rendered themselves useless by forfeiting all title to belief... This has, in a great degree, been produced by the violence and malignity of party spirit." ~Thomas Jefferson to Walter Jones, 1814. ME 14:46 3. "As for what is not true, you will always find abundance in the newspapers." Thomas Jefferson to Barnabas Bidwell, 1806. ME 11:118 4. "Advertisements... contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper." ~Thomas Jefferson to Nathaniel Macon, 1819. ME 15:179 5. "Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle."" Another one "Lies of the Press to J Norvell, 1807 It is a melancholy truth that a suppression of the press could not more completely deprive the nation of it's benefits than is done by it's abandoned prostitution to falsehood. Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle." He goes on to say more of the same and ends his letter thusly, "Perhaps an editor might begin a reformation in some such way as this. Divide his paper into four chapters, heading the 1st Truths, the 2nd Probabilities, the 3rd Possibilities, 4th Lies. The first chapter would be very short."
  7. I found the mother lode of Bach last night. Recorded from organs built from 1755 back to 1675 and the few I have played sounded really good. From the pictures it looks like these organs are not in those giant Churches so the perceived muddiness and echoing I hear often was absent. It will take days to listen to it all and you download the hi-res version it is a 9.6gb zip file. Really a joy to play these on a big honking single fold horn. http://www.blockmrecords.org/bach/index.htm
  8. I think there should be a lot more of that mind our own business first too. I would amend that thought though to being a world leader is not bad if others want to be like you according to the wealth and freedom your system represents. Being the worlds policeman bothers me a lot however. Another thing the Founding Fathers taught against was foriegn entanglements
  9. Alumni endowments and student fees paid in full without govt grants to do so. All that is there on their web site all spelled out in plain english. Voluntary transfer of wealth because they are a valued institution treasured by many who speak verbally and with their wallets.
  10. No censorship on Twitter or Facebook and no cooking search results by Google eh?
  11. You seriously mean that? You mean a group of people in a "free" nation cant decide to do things with their own money? No one is forced to go there and no one is forced to pay for it either by taxation. And by what standard are they not objective and transparent?
  12. No you don't all value freedom. It is why conservative and Christian groups have to fight to even have guest speakers on college campuses. All the alphabet groups get to do what they want though and administrations look the other way when their Antifa students bust a few conservative heads. Then the administration says the conservatives can't have another event because antifa might show up and security costs are too high. Freedom means opposing viewpoints have as much right to be heard as yours and let adults decide which they choose to believe. Since this topic is now being discussed do you consider the Founding Fathers philosophy extremist?
  13. NFL attendance was with money earned and freely given and those people were telling those they hired to do what they were hired for and stop the nonsense. They also then decided to stop giving the NFL lots of money and the problem of tone deaf players will in time take its natural course. Govt money often has an agenda attached that supercedes its stated purpose and is done with money taken from people many of who do not approve of how it is spent. Unlike the NFL players who can move on and find other work there is no escape from forcible taxation.
  14. Yes because growing debt is passed forward and most of it to be paid by many who are not even born yet. One of the things that the geniuses that founded this country considered was that no debt should go past 7 years and no generation should have the right to enslave the next one through debt. I don't understand how so many voting adults do not see how destructive many things are in the rush to feel good today and let the future unravel the mess created. Guns and Butter under LBJ comes to mind and he was the one who took social security out of it's own firewalled existence and put it into the general fund where it was promptly spent. That money if it would have been left alone would have represented a huge chunk of change by now if it would have been left alone and given only to those promised it at the time. This BS pile of money being spent because we are not working is added to the burden others have to pay. And yes it does not matter who he said it too. Tucker pulls the shroud off many liberals and RINO's too when he gets right down to real investigative journalism. The truth shall make you free and deliberate deception will enslave you. It is why they hate him so much.
  15. Are you making a Super Heresy? If so which version?
  16. In 1951 and 1994 here in Middle Tennessee there were severe ice storms. We had enough trees down on the house that it looked like a doll house stuck in a bush. A friend of mine borrowed my generator for some time as he was without power for about a month. We were without power for I think 7 days. Canada has had severe ice storms as well as many areas in the USA. Now another thing is solar flares. The Carrington Event of 1859 if it happened today would be bad. The solar storm of 2012 was of similar magnitude, but it passed Earth's orbit without striking the planet, missing by nine days. While disruptive events do not happen all that often they do happen often enough to take steps to prevent problems in your own house hold. I find most city dwellers are oblivious to this and think magic or something will make it all just a minor inconvenience rather than a multi week long heat and food on the table problem. Or something silly like you mean we turned the tap and water did not come out???? Yeah it did not come out and you are cold and have no food no water and no toilet. Preparation is other things too. Dad moved us up to Detroit in the fall of 1967 just after the riots. Suffice it to say if you were not armed you had no way to protect you or your family if the thugs came your way. Detroit never recovered and for some years afterward it was known as the murder capital of the USA. This is where many cities are heading right now and the social disruption will in all likelihood be severe. I would not be in San Fran, Detroit, Chicago, LA, NYC, Philly, or Baltimore and we can all add to that list. Places where severe moral decay is happening and social chaos will inevitably follow and many of those places make it hard to be armed to protect yourself. The cops will not be there to help you do anything but fill out the crime report. You or maybe your survivors if you don't make it. Years ago I made a plan to move away from all that city mess and danger and while it can be inconvenient to not have Walmarts a block away that is the only downside. A wood stove if needed and 56 acres of woods. Two freezers and they stay pretty full. Deer abound if I need one and my neighbor raises cattle if I need one of those. Gravity flow spring water so I drink good pure fresh water all the time and my toilets flush when the power is out. It is pretty well known that theft and robbery and home invasions carry a very heavy price tag here as all are armed and we are not snow flakes so crime is extremely low. Most of you have never experienced something like the chaos and utter breakdown like the Detroit riots and have no clue how fast it can all get real ugly. Take this wuhan virus nonsense as a wake up call and prepare yourselves and remember geography is the very best step to take. You do not want to live next to a powder keg and wonder if someone or a natural event has a match today. I would never live in a major urban area like LA or San Fran for instance with the inevitable major earthquake way over due and very few arteries of transportation that will work to feed and water all the city dwellers since the few rail lines and major interstates and utilities will not be working and neither in all likelihood will the port be able to unload vessels. That and all the time people telling me how I have to live. You choose to live in those kinds of places you better have an eye on the social barometer and a room with at least a months worth of what you need to survive. Hank Williams Jr's song "Country Boy Can Survive" has been running through my mind as I type this.
  17. And for today we have https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ and https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ I am quite certain the math is easy to do.
  18. For what it is worth I would not try to cobble together such disparate parts. Far easier to sell off the stuff and start with a purpose and plan with combinations others have used with success. A pure horn system is capable of ruling the Universe however. That driver is as big as a basket ball. What is it?
  19. Well OK tell me. Every study on HCQ for Covid mentions the risks for increased QT times were assessed and every study to date mentions some patients had to be taken off of it. OK so what was the increased rate of recovery from Wuhan Virus by taking HCQ? Some is not a definable percentage I can make an educated choice from. Also according to Italian Doctors Wuhan Virus is taking out primarily people with up to three serious other complications besides old age which were on their own life threatening. Were these patients taken off HCQ at risk patients also subject to other critical illnesses which made them vulnerable to HCQ complications that would not exist for the vast majority of people? You are not giving me enough information to make an educated choice here. Could you give me a link to that study?
  20. https://www.ktvu.com/news/stanford-antibody-study-suggests-covid-19-more-widespread-than-official-confirmed-cases Well well well. And they are not the only big time University saying this. and from another University namely USC https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/20/coronavirus-antibody-testing-shows-la-county-outbreak-is-up-to-55-times-bigger-than-reported-cases.html and a commentary on this http://bluecollarperspective.net/?p=28446&utm_source=whatfinger
  21. I fully understand medicines can be deadly. Reading the anticholesterol warnings on the side of my wife's meds is an eye opener. When the percentages are extremely low they are approved by the FDA and put out there for public consumption. Routinely prescribed for two weeks before you leave the country to travel to a malaria area and taken while there and often when you get back to. There is way to much evidence for safe usage of for me to even have the slightest concern over using it. I have a greater chance of dying in a car wreck I figure than taking Hydroxy. If .001% of patients will have a potential reaction I choose not to worry about it.
  22. I see that CNN is learning to CYA. After that splashy title you get down into the article and they admit the "health" workers were not vetted to be such. Hey CNN, we are going to have some (antifa?) people down there faking themselves to be medical professionals if you want to make sure and send the camera crew. Funny how they can think to state they are not identified and then run the story anyway to feed their narrative. Who, What, Where, When and WHY used to be the cornerstones of real reporting which sadly are about 100% absent from network news like CNN.
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