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Kent T

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Everything posted by Kent T

  1. Broadcast engineer, electrical engineer, and audio engineer.
  2. Room modes can and are often a problem. And the first thing to address before adding subs, get your acoustical house in order.
  3. If your Klipsch need subs, get thee larger Klipsch. Klipschorns if need be. If it was built in Hope, Arkansas (A town I need to visit) it is superb.
  4. When Paul W Klipsch had to turn his lapel and show the Bull*hit button, he likely just met Dr. Amar Bose.
  5. When your speakers fall into a lake, and their sound reproduction is improved, you must have Bose.
  6. "What this world needs is a good 1 watt amplifier"- Paul Wilbur Klipsch.
  7. And for those who need to be Southern, we have our brand new course "Hooked on Hillbillyonics". For further information call 1-800-A-B-C-D-E-F-Y'all. What is worst about this article, I lived in Oak Ridge, TN for some years. And I am an Oak Ridge High School graduate, class of '85. And I know Mr. Keim.
  8. Rivervalleymgb, From your equipment list, we share too much in common. I assume you have a broadcast background from that. And I am listening to a loaner pair of Klipsch Chorus II speakers (Klipsch content) and we own some of the same turntables and tape decks.
  9. CornScalas I also have as an option as well. I could build some if need be. Maybe I could find donor cabinets. And do some Crites style upgrades on them.
  10. I am a 2 channel purist. And will be that way until I die. And prefer no subwoofers save few.
  11. This is a recommended resource for broadcast engineers, audio historians, and all vintage audiophiles. Great reading and lots of useful foundations of audio principles and the hows and whys.
  12. Yes, I have decided Heritage or Forte or Chorus are my style. Alternatively KG4 or higher. Those are the ideal generations for me. And I am leaning Heresy, Cornwall, or Chorus.
  13. Good points made, and practical.
  14. If the Chorus II in my living room get offered to me, yes, they'll stay.
  15. I agree with KAB being recommended for rewiring your tonearm. Mr. Barrett is a superb gentleman and does superb work on the Technics SL-1200 family. I use the Technics SL-1200's upscale brother, the SP-25 broadcast turntable with an Audio-Technica ATP 16-T transcription tonearm and use the Pickering XV 15/625 cartridge with mine as main cartridge. Superb sounding, and broadcast dependable.
  16. Will consider Reference. I am leaning towards the Heresy in my living room. I listen to most every kind of music, am an avid vinylphile. I also like the Chorus II and the Forte line a lot.
  17. A Heresy based system would be excellent for DJ use in industrial livery. I would recommend the KLIP protection and using an excellent subwoofer system for bass below 50 Hertz with them. A radio station I engineered for used a single Heresy for remote broadcasts powered by a Gates tube mono amplifier coupled with a Russco turntable console with a mixer and two Russco Cue Master turntables with Gray 108 tonearms and Stanton 500 AL cartridges, Tapecaster Cart machines and an Ampex 600 reel to reel machine. This remote rig sounded great.
  18. Hello all Klipsch fans, I am Kent T, from Athens, TN. I am an avid audiophile for over 40 years. I am new to the Klipsch experience, don't own a pair yet. (I have a pair of Chorus II on loan). I am using a McIntosh MA 5100 integrated amp to drive them with. And very much love Klipsch's sonics and have used them in broadcast station control rooms as an operator and engineer. Which speakers are best suited to small sized rooms in Klipsch? Which is your favorite Klipsch speaker? I really enjoy reading this forum, and have lurked here several months. Thanks!
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