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Everything posted by steve

  1. A belated thanks for the lesson, Mike. And I always learn a lot from you technical guys. Happy Xgiving all! Steve
  2. Mike you're the expert here, but I'm a little confused. I sit back almost 5M (15 ft) from my KHorns, using a 8 watt SET, and have measured 90db with my sound meter. Yes, it's not earth shaking, but it's a "full" sound.(as you describe) The preamp is at the 12:00 position, so I don't think I've peaked my SETs. The 90dbs are the average, I peak in the 100s. Isn't this the norm, or am I missing something? Thanx Steve
  3. both Massey Hall and Heart of Gold are great DVDs! I've seen some obscure footage of Neil on VH1 Classic, and I wonder where they got it?? Steve
  4. Happy Birthday DTel! Yeah, the AARP flyers will start arriving soon! Ha ha. Amy's got her present..she gets to be around Klipsch speakers all day! The best to ya both! Steve
  5. Michael yeah, just going by what the manual says..and actually, in my experience, it's pretty close. But as we all know, the KHorn sounds great when you're anywhere in the ballpark! Regards, Steve
  6. long wall, long wall, long wall. KHorn manual says speakers should be set up so that ratio of the distance between the speakers and the distance from the listening area is 1 x .618. If your room is 16 x 10, (192 inches by 120 inches) you've missed it by less than 2 inches!! (192 x .618 = 118.66) Ideal! Steve
  7. 2 in the AH! 5 in the GW preamp and 7 each in my SETs..total 21..and I thought that was a lot until I saw the other replies.... Steve
  8. With the same exact meter IB pictured, I average 85-90db ..not only because it sounds "right" but it also correlates with the OSHA standards. I don't want to lose my hearing..well, any more of it! After 32 years working around jets, I have been smart enough there to wear hearing protection the entire time. Unfortunately, as a teen and into my early twenties, I didn't think my motocross bike's expansion chamber/stinger would affect me. That was before spark arrestors, mufflers, and me wearing a helmet! Wonder where my hi end hearing loss came from?? Not wanting to lose anymore, I've been pretty careful. Who, unfortunately, you'll get older too. Not saying to not enjoy life, but moderation's where it's at..and re reading your post, I think that's what you're saying too! Steve
  9. Mike, speaking of vinyl, the album 'Tejas" is a lot better on vinyl than on CD. Don't know who remastered the CD, but there's certain musical passages missing and/or different on the CD. These guys put out some great foot stomping music!
  10. Seti I absolutely LOVE this preamp. It had some problems when I first got it, turned out the selector switch was bad. I sent it to George, and he fixed it for me. Very nice guy to deal with. I replaced the Sovtek 6BM8 with a Mullard, and as noted, the GE 6X4 with the Mullard. I think it made a slight difference, smoother sound, but I could be imagining it. At any rate, after I got this preamp, I was able to take down the wall hanging behind my listening couch, because there was no harsh sound anymore. I had it up for the "glare" of the SS pre I was using. IMHO, this is a great preamp! Regards, Steve
  11. I just bought a used tube..a Mullard 6X4 for my George Wright preamp. I just like Mullards for some reason..anyway, when I first power up the pre, this tube glows brightly for a second or two, then settles down and puts off the same light as the other 4 tubes. Is this normal, or am I asking for trouble? I've used it for about 8 hours now, and there's no noise of any kind. Thanx Steve
  12. I too have the upsampler and still like the stock Philips tubes..I tried the Amperex 7308s on a suggestion, but I like the Phillips 6922s better. Go figure. Might have to try the Siemens next. Steve
  13. Hope you enjoy the amp! I had one, but preferred the SET amp I already had (Assemblage SET 300B)..go figure. I'm the odd man out more than likely. Regards Steve
  14. That's very true Mike..but I find this ratio works well with multiple seats i.e. not just one person in the sweet spot. As an aside, years ago I sent an email to Klipsch, and was told by one of their techs that the KHorns should be set up on the short wall. When I quoted the manual (contradicting the advice) Bob Gassel asked for a copy, which I promptly sent. I was generously compensated with a t shirt and a pic of Paul W. himself. That was indeed nice of Bob. Regards Steve
  15. actually Doc, that's not necessarily true. My Klipschorn manual says distance apart times .618 equals ideal listening position. Therefore, my speaker width is 250 inches (almost 21 feet) and my listening position is 155 inches (almost 13 feet). I find these values pretty true..tried variations on both, and to close is worse than too far back, but the .618 works. As far as what's ideal without a center channel..I don't know. I like mine better with the Belle more than without it..and I'm sure my KHorns aren't as far apart as others. Regards Steve
  16. an opportunity like Colter had?? You mean we have to pay to work for klipsch now??[]
  17. Travis My sincere condolences for your loss. As a fellow pet owner, I feel your pain. When the time comes, it's never easy. You never get over it, you just get used to it. Sounds like he had a great life and was well loved. Remember those good times. Take Care. Steve
  18. Enjoy your amps Mike..I love my 2 300Bs, and I listen to all sorts of hard rock, metal, pop, just about anything except opera..not my thing. The biggest improvement was the George Wright preamp, why, I don't know, but it made me a believer in setting the tone controls at 12:00! I always needed them for extra bass with previous pres, but now there's more than enough bass! Everyone has their own likes and dislikes here, and I enjoy reading the forum as most have valid points. When you finally get it nailed down what sounds good to you, you're there. Be it SS, tube, intregrated, whatever...I finally at long last got mine! Craig, Mark etc. are good builders, and know their stuff. Duke makes a great read, and knows what he likes. The forum is always interesting. But what you like is what counts. Regards Steve
  19. "Dark Side of the Moon" as the LP demo Travis?? Great choice! Sounds like you guys had a great get together! Thanx for the pictures and post! Regards Steve
  20. Excellent show! I first had it on a video disk (remember those, with the needle? just like a turntable with pictures!) Was transferred to VHS, and then I got the DVD when it came out. It is indeed a keeper. Lot of those folks are gone now, like Rick Danko and Richard Manuel from The Band, not to mention Muddy Waters, Paul Butterfield, etc. Great piece of music history! Steve
  21. James I always used a Harmon Kardon 730 receiver on 2 sets of Heresys..thought it sounded great! See if you can find one in good working order, and you'll be way below your 500.00 budget! Good Luck! Steve
  22. Welcome back Win.. good to see a familiar face back on the board. Hope all is well for you. Steve
  23. Although I use all tubed components in my 2 channel rig now, I thoroughly enjoyed (and still have as a backup/spare) Adcom GFP565 preamp. I feel this is the best pre they ever constructed. You can find them on eBay for 2-300 bucks used. A great preamp, not too bright (even with my KHorns) in my opionion. Good Luck! Steve
  24. I thought about emailing him for pictures of the original boxes..probably rarer than the amps! But like Josh, I'd probably get some sort of scam reply!
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