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Everything posted by lancestorm

  1. Good question. Most of the speakers are assembled in Hope, Arkansas. But I don't think that is the case with Synergy. Anyone know exactly?
  2. Several months ago my friend Adam wanted to upgrade his HTIB system. He had previously thought that Bose were the top of the line until about 4 months ago he listened to my setup. I took him to a local dealer who had Klipsch, Def Tech, Paradigms...a pretty nice setup of speakers. He tried all kinds while I played with the RF-7's in an adjacent room. I didn't want to be an influence. Instead I wanted him to play and find what sounded the best to his ears. Well forum members, we have a proud owner of a new pair of Klipsch RF-35's. I have to admit, I'm very jealous of the magnetic grill...it works so perfectly and is sweet. And quiet honestly, I love the look of the woofers...beautiful! I probably will never be able to compare side by side, but they sound wonderful. He is extremely excited about the speakers. He called to tell me he was hearing parts in movies that he had never heard before, like the background chatter in the Office Space movie (his favorite). Congrats Adam!
  3. Any weekend so long as it is NOT June 11 - 13
  4. Yes, let's start a poll if at all possible. We could even have it setup to flood someone's email box if we want for our individual votes. I would set one up if we wanted to do it that way, I have no problem with that. I would go ahead and probably say that going with the last weekend of June won't work. The second to last won't because of Father's Day being that weekend. I personally wouldn't be able to make it to the 2nd week of June, but that might be the ideal weekend for everyone else. I would like the first weekend of June considered. Or can we also think about spending a hot July weekend? August? Or what about before the kids get out of school... April / May even? Just think we are jumping the gun... Anyways, I will volunteer an email address to start a poll if the forum does not have that capability.
  5. Another suggestion is to start a poll! I'm hearing that the last week of June is bad for multiple people. But I haven't heard anything about the very first week of June! How's about that instead of 2nd? We'd be coming off a 4 day work week because of Memorial Day...wouldn't that be perfect?
  6. ---------------- On 2/14/2004 10:10:34 PM trey cannon wrote: The first thing is the date. I will get with Jill and talk about the 2nd week in June. Once we get the date set, we can start to tie down things to do. ---------------- Nooooooo!!! Noooooooooooo!!! Not the second week in June! That's when my sister is getting married, that Saturday! She would be majorly PO'd if I missed her wedding . Are we already jumping on this date? Can we at least consider the first week of June or the last week of June?! After last year, I promised myself I wouldn't miss this year! I'll be driving from Cincy so I could bring a set of RF-3II's if needed.
  7. Awesome. Nice and clean, looks good. Any plans to tilt the center speaker down towards the listener?
  8. Paragraphs, PLEASE! LOL...seriously that is very difficult to read what you are saying. Maybe you'll get better response if you can clean it up a bit...
  9. I would highly suggest using your favorite music instead of a movie. Using a music CD will determine how realistic the speakers make the instruments sound to your ears. Anything in movies are usually artificial sound with added effects...in other words, I think it is harder to try to compare those sounds to what you've heard in real life. However with music you KNOW what a drum sounds like, what that guitar should sound like, etc. I just believe that if you like how the speakers sound to music, you will like them for movies. JMHO. Best of luck.
  10. Time to update that signature...
  11. Hey I just wanted to say that I would find it unlikely that many (if any) members on this forum have seen this projector in action, yet alone own it. Have you visited avsforum.com or hometheaterforum.com ? I think your questions would be more quickly answered there.. Anyways, welcome to the forum!
  12. Well it is good the problem is solved for now...I never ran into that kind of problem when I had my 525. Then again, I am like m00n and only dvd player goes to the receiver.
  13. Thanks for the reply. Actually I'm trying to avoid Home Depot and Lowe's because they seem to be even more expensive than Parts Express. Is the $6 - $8 per plate an appropriate cost? I just personally thought it was rather expensive for some plastic and two inputs. Maybe I'm losing it... Secondly, I saw a multiple input (5) in a recent Lowe's ad. I hadn't seen them elsewhere, but they wanted $35 for it!!!! That is WAAAAY too much if you ask me... Anyone else?
  14. Do you know any good websites that sell them for decent price? I'm not exactly sure what you call them. They are audio plates that are the same size as electric outlets in the walls of your homes. I would like to be able to use a banana plug into the outlet from the outside. But from the inside of the wall I would like to prewire it via bare wire. Also, I will be looking for one nice big audio plate for the hook ups to the receiver. I've seen them before (although not so sure where), where they had inputs for 5 channels on one plate, which would be PERFECT for hooking up to the receiver, coupling it with maybe an audio plate that had two inputs for the surround connections to receiver. It would look very bad if I had 7 single audio plate outlets all lined up behind the receiver, LOL. I am trying to do this for as CHEAP as possible, if possible. I do want some quality connection. I think I got a pair of these audio plates from Parts Express (with single input) for about $6 or $7 each, which seemed kinda up there...am I nuts for that?
  15. Thanks for the replies so far. I am getting a pretty good deal on the spools (urrr...I think I am, am I?). Approximately $0.37/ft for XP-CI. The XPHP-CI is $0.59/ft. I think the price is pretty dang good for the XP-CI. I guess I will have to contact Monster to see about electrical interference. I think I will get two spools to ensure equal lengths on all 7 strands of wire.
  16. Hi folks, I am going to be getting started on actually finishing my basement (future home theater-only room). For that I am going to do pre-wiring for in-wall and for a 7.1 setup. I know that Monster is not highly regarded by quite a few folks on the forum, mainly because of what you get for the price. I have a connection to get it at a very good discount, and think it would be a good deal in price. I am imagining that I will need 200 feet (two 100 foot spools) because I have a 14 x 20 room. 200 seems like about the right amount. I have a choice here: Monster XP, Monster XP-CI and Monster XPHP-CI. I cannot decide what is really needed for my application. I want to say that the Monster XP-CI would be what I should be looking at because I think it is made for In-wall, whereas standard XP is not. I am not sure that XPHP-CI would give me that much benefit over XP-CI, but I am not sure. That would be my first question. My next question would be regarding the electric wiring. Since they will be run near speaker wires, is there a protection on wires to look for to try to avoid the interference? And lastly (whew): When I cut the strands, should I make them all of equal length? I wasn't sure how important that was because as I recall receivers set it up regarding distances from the speaker to you, not a matter of how long each cord length is. I hope it never assumes they are all equal. Regardless, what are your opinions on this? Would it be IDEAL to have same length. Or does it really not matter. Thanks a lot bunch.
  17. Koenig, Welcome to the forum! I couldn't help but notice your new posts. No one is ignoring you, but I think you will have more luck posting in the appropriate forum. This forum area is mainly for home theater systems. If you go down a bit you will notice there is a Promedia Forum. You would probably have better luck there. Best to you..
  18. Dangit! Ohio is a bit too far from you. I hope Klipsch puts together the Indy trip again so this time I can join in...
  19. Geez a 7.3 setup, lol. What are the specs on that amp btw? The previous response is correct. The efficiency of the horn design will mean very little juice is needed to power those babies.
  20. I agree. I think they won't have the match you are looking for. You would probably get better results with a cheaper reference bookshelf than a synergy floorstander. Maybe you can use those synergy's for another 2 channel system in another room? I wouldn't recommend using them for surround duty though... Or just keep saving so you can find the perfect match...
  21. That is SERIOUSLY a good price on a new unit. I ended up paying about $575 for a refurbished 525. It was a great receiver. The refurb had some problems though (I think the previous owner dropped it) and H/K replaced it with their new series. I believe the 630 replaces the 525. But still, that bad boy is nice. I agree with the others, keep it out in the open. In fact, I keep it on the top of my entertainment center, wide open to breathe. I cover it with a board on top when not in use so dust does not accumulate.
  22. ---------------- On 1/23/2004 11:28:07 AM syclone385 wrote: My Pioneer Elite VSX36 is currently in the shop, if you can call it that! I drove 42 miles one way to drop it off at the Authorized repair center. Turns out the Authorized service center is some guy out in the middle of nowhere(Decatur,TN)working out of his garage. I have serious doubts about whether my receiver will ever work again. The guy had no idea what DTS was or DD for that matter. To make matters worse I have continuously tried to call and get nothing but the machine. I wonder if I will ever get it back! Pioneer is going to hear it real soon if something doesn't happen soon. Oh yeah, his wife was one crazy foulmouthed B!tch!! ---------------- Wow dude, I wouldn't have even dropped off the unit to that kind of place. Especially after your initial interactions with them. I would have called the company and told them no-way you were going to drop it off with them. You expect good customer service!
  23. I think we really need a moderator to take care of moving these type of posts to the appropriate section. I would take on that responsibility if they really didn't have the time...
  24. I want to knock some heads at H/K for allowing my refurb unit to get in my hands in the first place. After a few months the 525 was acting very weird and took over a month for H/K to even consider replacement. The guy at the shop said the main board was saudered to hell and back. I must have received a unit that had been tossed around like a rag doll by the previous owner. He said it was in such bad shape that in no way should it have left repackaged as a refurb. But at least I got something out of it and complaining: a brand new 630. I am thankful that my Reference series speakers are in great shape and working great. No problems with quality there, knock on wood again.
  25. Could you possibly post a pic of the couch arrangement in relation to wall? I'm a more visual person...
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