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MEH Synergy

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Everything posted by MEH Synergy

  1. If I somehow manage pop them out and snap photos of all drivers inside, is anyone interested in purchasing as a result? I thought given the price these would move....
  2. Yes. So, I removed the screws on the input panel and gave it a SOLID tug and tried prying using car panel removal tools (plastic). Little sucker won't budge easily. I would rather not damage anything just trying to get a look inside. Anyone that is serious about the pair is more than welcome to come and do so yourself. Shipping I am guessing would be a deal breaker anyhow.
  3. Underwood hifI is running a quite impressive sale on wyred 4 Sound integrated amps right now....
  4. So you aren't selling rough 1975 khorns? Oh OK, got it. GLWS
  5. She says every time I sell one thing, 3 more arrive. She isn't entirely wrong....
  6. I'm gonna talk to the wife about this one. This sounds like a must attend.
  7. Oh good, so I'm not the only one. I'm eyeing this thread. Would love to go.... Well see what happens as time gets closer...
  8. https://www.ebay.com/p/755976568?iid=193074846403&chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=193074846403&targetid=475515149901&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9031072&poi=&campaignid=6469981131&mkgroupid=79220283322&rlsatarget=aud-622524042438:pla-475515149901&abcId=1141176&merchantid=8525214&gclid=CjwKCAiArJjvBRACEiwA-WiqqykPzDLqXuwOh00zb8ndh6aVqkld01DlHOVlssFgwy0N8K2oPDk41BoCyigQAvD_BwE This is a fantastic deal and pairs exceptionally well with Klipsch. Click buy, thank me later 👍
  9. Yes. I have owned several of them. They tend to be very musical IMO and perhaps a smidge bright (which I prefer). I have never had a receiver from them. I am speaking on their separates (older and current models) and their integrated amps. For the money, they have my solid recommendation. That being said, I wouldn't recommend buying blind within a brand just because of the brand. I would consider them a bit of a poor man's parasound if you will (in a good way).
  10. You can get risers from Crites if need be. From my experience, they will bit sound good on stands that high and will make a sub mandatory if so.
  11. You could have gotten them for $1000 at the time. You cannot anymore. Prices have gone up considerably. Heresy III is discontinued. Stands are extra. Things to think about when determining value for yourself.... Good luck, let us know if you land em. Those are Fantastic speakers BTW
  12. Chipotle version I don't believe has risers. These don't show sides or risers. Chipotle version.... I'd rather have Textured black for this reason. I could be wrong on lack of riser.....
  13. That is what the label is, I'm quite certain.
  14. If I'm not mistaken, those were destined for Chipotle. Those sold for around 1k for the pair NEW. Just FYI....
  15. Wow, in just over a year, look what this project has evolved into. Congrats, looking and likely sounding better all the time.
  16. Confirmed. Functioning properly as of late yesterday on my end.
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