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Everything posted by DizRotus

  1. KLIPSCH S/N FORMATS <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
  2. It's definite not definate! The word "finite" is the foundation of "definite." To the best of my knowledge, there is no such word as "finate," i.e., there are no such words as "definate" or "definately." I know spelling doesn't count and some of the best information comes from members who couldn't spell correctly at gunpoint, but it's getting difficult to decipher some of the more creative spellings on the forum. If you type your posts into a Word document, use spell-check and then paste the edited text into your post (EDIT: or use the forum's less user friendly spell-check as Moon suggests below), many of the more common mistakes would definitely be eliminated. Unfortunately, spell-check wont catch the improper use of your and you're or their and there, as each is a correctly spelled word. Fortunately, its easy to figure out what the writer intended. Sometimes its an enjoyable challenge trying to guess what the misspelled words were meant to be. Other times its a PITA and the temptation is to ignore a post that might contain valuable, albeit misspelled, information. OK, enuff wranting. Deafinittlee injoi the rest've you're weakind.
  3. Has anyone not liked the results of this easily reversible mod?
  4. It's a Lotus/Caterham 7 on steroids. When I built it, they didn't make the long version of the Caterham 7 that's currently available. The Rotus was 10" longer and 4" wider than a Lotus/Caterham &, all of the extra size in the cockpit, better to accomodate my 6'1" frame. The Rotus frames were built in Hagerstown, MD by Dennis Hedges; Rotus, Ltd. was owned by the late Christ Custer. The company is now defunct. If I were to build another, I would do the stretch Caterham and use 2.0 liter Ford power rather than the 3.5 liter Buick/Rover V8.
  5. Klipschguy, aka Andy, was kind enough to send another pair pf RS 40-1197/Fe 103s, a pair of Piezo horn tweeters and a pair of Radio Shack "full range" 5 1/4" speakers with wizzer cones. Andy said that he'd acquired the 5 1/4" speakers for an infinite baffle project that never happened. Now that he appears to have tamed the boom in his Cornwalls (see Cornwall Port mod ) he seems to have no use for these project speakers. I tried the 5 1/4" speakers in the rear horn enclosures. They're nowhere near as nice as the smaller 40-1197s. The imaging is not as good. Whereas the speakers with the 40-1197s seem to disappear as the sound source, with the larger speakers the sound source was always apparent. Due to Andy's generosity, I now have the luxury of trying some of the "improvements" for 40-1197s that are posted all over the Internet by its cult followers.
  6. Gilbert, That's a Rotus 8, with a 3.5 liter Buick aluminum V8. At 1800lbs and 200+ HP it 's quick and corners like a go-kart.
  7. I'm waiting for word that they're headed to DTW.
  8. OK, then I will. It would go well with a trip to Bookbinder's or a cheese steak.
  9. Thanks for the interesting article. PWK enjoyed, and frequently listened to, live music. It was the standard to which he compared his speakers.
  10. Let's hope the seller tests vintage receivers better than he spells Harman.
  11. How do the EV Cobreflex IIB and III (Parts Express 2006 catalog p. 220) differ from earlier versions, and from each other? Is either suitable for Hi-Fi use?
  12. It was an interesting read, but PWK deserved better. The poor quality of the writing was exceeded only by the abysmal editing.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
  13. Dee- I'm in a similar situation. I've got an extra pair of K-77s that will probably go to eBay.
  14. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/ref=br_ss_hs/102-9094345-7604942?platform=gurupa&url=index%3Dstripbooks%3Arelevance-above&field-keywords=Klipsch&Go.x=6&Go.y=9
  15. I realize that the revolving elements in organ speakers are designed to affect the sound, but to what end? Is it done to make an electronic organ sound like a pipe organ, or is it just done to produce a sound effect?
  16. The same thought occurred to me. Who can tell us more about this setup?
  17. If you have Power Point on your computer you should download the "PrettyBluePlanet" attachment. While it's reasonable to be skeptical of attachments from strangers, you should take some comfort in the positive comments from mark1101, Steamer and Jay. Or, you could decide that I joined this forum 4 years ago and patiently waited to post a thread that includes an attachment that would infect your computers and lead to the downfall of western civilization.
  18. " . . . shouldn't the back pieces extend all the way out until they intersect the plane of the front of the cabinet like false corners?" As I've said many times here, I used four Speakerlab SKhorns in a mobile DJ biz in the 70s. I used the 1/4" plywood from the shipping crates to do exactly as depicted in D-Man's drawing. While not perfect, it seemed to work. Even freestanding (not in corners), the SKs produced prodigious bass. One repeat customer asked if the price included the drummer. It was difficult to convince her that there had never been a live drummer, the bass was that good. The improvement upon placing them into proper corners, although discernable, was not spectacular.
  19. What did EV use to paint, or otherwise finish, the horns black? Alternatively, what has anyone used with good--or poor--results? Thanks
  20. I agree about "stunning," but one can be stunned by ugly too. This isn't ugly, but it's not what I would choose. As to the owner, go to http://www.wallyarmour.com/ . You got to sell a bunch of cars to finance that house.
  21. The center speaker doesn't appear to be a shorthorn, as it's not designed and made to fit snugly in a corner. I don't believe that PWK ever used shorthorns as center speakers. Therefore, it does appear to be a Cornwall. When did Klipsch first use the Cornwall designation?
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