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Everything posted by WillyBob

  1. Ironically Our method/s of harvesting honey [over 5000 years] contributed to the African bees being "defensive". Before movable frame hives, harvesting meant destroying the whole colony. The colonies that were less defensive got taken first. Darwin in action
  2. One of our local beekeeper does some migratory pollination services,,, almonds in CA. given a choice, the bees won't work almonds. They have to place the colonies deep inside the orchards to force them to take what is presented. If you want to look for a cause in the decline of honeybees, start with Monsanto's GMO's, and their corn that makes Bt in its pollen.
  3. @kink56 If you decide to sell them, let me know. I'm just around the corner from ya.
  4. a few of us are being blessed with nice weather. 85` today @dtel I'm pretty sure it's rhododendrons that make the poisonous honey. Keeping a couple of hives is a good hobby level. Sorta like having an aquarium that gives food. FWIW African bees were released in LA back in the late 50's. Mean bees are not a new thing. Blame it on SteveTabor
  5. ya see how dangerous I view them ..We have rattlesnakes, scorpions, centipedes and my big worry is bees.
  6. I got out just when the Africanized bees started getting established here. I worry my okole [see if that doesn't get starred] off all spring/summer when I see swarms going by. We have a lot of wild hives around and I have a lot of old junk wood sheds. I had some hot as Italian [the standard yellow/black] that you HAD to suit up for. And some others that you could work wearing a T shirt and veil. the swarms don't present a problem, even though I am allergic. Give them time to set up and have something to defend. Then it can get nasty.
  7. My Blodwyn Pig "Ahead Rings Out" import was different. ... and Red House is on Are you Experienced [European copy]. so, yeah ... it happens
  8. Been a few years ... fun time trolling the beaches of Noosa and a little trip to Inskip Point
  9. I have Jan Hammer Group with Jeff Beck - Live, too It's worn thin. @Full Range I have a mate up the Sunshine Coast. Suffering a "senior moment" and can't recall the town he's in ... Cooroy Had to look
  10. I dinna do beekeeping in your area... I imagine it works the same there. You learn what is in bloom and are able to see the difference in nectars when they load it into the combs. We have mesquite and catclaw honey where I am. They are easy to tell apart. Catclaw is water white. Mesquite is more yellow. rambling along ... gimme long enough and might get to the point, if I remember I imagine the beekeepers cull those combs.
  11. that maple resembles a false arailea [?] it's either rhododendrons or azaleas that make poisonous honey. another of my backwoods hobbies. Used to be an apiculturist ... beekeeper I had 20 colonies [hives]
  12. like they said about my roll yer own cigs "uh huh, sure "
  13. If you're in the slow lane, I must be in the parking lot.
  14. seems like a good one for the 1st day of spring
  15. My wife, too. that just pisses me off. The whole world knows before the parents. I promise not to rant this is about as social as I get. I wouldn't have a computer if my friends didn't buy one for me. Now, I'm kind of obliged to use it. on to other things had mystery tamales for dinner last night. Was digging thru the freezer and found 2 dozen. These are handmade, genuine Mexican ...Pulled one out. Looking at them, dinna think they were beef. 2nd option would be green corn. We good with those, too. Popped a few in the microwave. Surprise - chicken. Super good. Like chicken soup you can eat with your hand. I know - the hand should be eaten separately Spring! 80` today. a little sigh of relief. 90` tomorrow - a BIG sigh of relief
  16. we were all a little Irish the other day. kinda think we're all a little what it takes.... Happy Cinco de Mayo ya know what I mean?
  17. y'all catchin' your breath after the weekend? The UMBC game was fun. They were quite competitive.
  18. how deep do you want to go down this rabbit hole? nipples and joints, and and and
  19. this would beat the crap out of my old speakers...
  20. I used to need to weld in some pretty dicey situations.... I know what you mean
  21. Wet rags around the work site are helpful. .
  22. a union there ya go ! I was going to say, a dremel type tool will work to cut it off If the space is that small, sweating may get tricky.
  23. my dad was Italian spaghetti day required us to drink a little glass of wine. Same reaction BSM I won't tell you that we have had a skunk living under the porch. It came in the house. We have a "cat door"... one tiger, one orange, one black and white, two tiger, 2 black and white .... "Honey, did we get another black and white cat?" "No" and carefully herd it back out .... twice trapped and transplanted him. He was OK, except when he would come home after a hard night. I transplanted a half dozen coons to the lake. Had to fence the javelina out...
  24. The fed will have to change their stance sometime. The number of states with some form of legalized mj has to. AZ had to have medical mj rammed down their throat 3 times [by initiative] before we got it. They are still trying to make it not work.
  25. I am still wrestling with a problem I have. trying to be able to call a day relaxing "productive"
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