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Everything posted by mungkiman

  1. Deaths and hospitalizations generally follow after a 2 week lag.
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/treated-with-nepotism-gloves-attention-shifts-to-jared-kushner-as-nypd-cop-is-charged-for-falsehoods-on-sf-86-form/ar-BB19h6wo?ocid=msedgdhp
  3. The trademark "Pissing Off The Neighbors" appears to be owned by Kathleen and Thomas Haack for use on apparel.
  4. But what about the caravans!? Enquiring minds want to know...
  5. A County Commissioner issued FB post about the possibility of Civil War should be your first clue...
  6. My parents would twist the knob to PBS and then pull it off.
  7. Did your parents introduce you to PBS? Mine did. Burning stuff and fighting seems to be more agenda than safety.
  8. 1st amendment rights shouldn't be met with violence, but here we are.
  9. Do you induce adrenaline on any regular basis?
  10. Violence isn't emanating out of peaceful protests either, but peaceful protests are too often met with violence. That was my point.
  11. Even peaceful protests of hundreds wearing masks are sometimes met with extreme violence from people on the other side of the same coin, if not also militarized police and federal officers. I have yet to see that type of response against peaceful worshipers not wearing masks this election cycle, at least not in this country. Is the difference based on agenda, or safety?
  12. We'll be into Greek alphabet named storms after 1 more, Wilfred.
  13. Come to think of it, that could have been me...(!)
  14. Around here, only 2 people are allowed in the liquor store (based on square footage) at the same time and only if they're wearing masks. Only 3 at a time in the local UPS store, because it is larger and people can keep a safer distance. I don't see any justification for packing people shoulder to shoulder in houses of worship or rallies of any kind. I appreciate your link to Jacobson v. Massachusetts. I do realize this isn't 1905...
  15. I'll just leave this here: https://ballotpedia.org/Adam_Fortney_recall,_Snohomish_County,_Washington_(2020)
  16. mungkiman

    Toots. So sad.

    Even with Tosh and Bunny Wailer, we're still not up to three triads...
  17. Current Air Quality Index is pretty rough right now.
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