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Everything posted by AndreG.

  1. @MeloManiac I see You use a Pro-Ject Essential III. At some point i plan to buy a TT as well. If i were to buy new, the Essential would about fit my price range. Apart from being a special edition, do You use it as it came out of the box, what have You changed? Would You buy it again? I´m hijacking the thread (just this instant), excuse me guys!
  2. Yep, my thinking too. If the copper starts turning dark we´ll know for sure.
  3. There was a german version, keeping all the music but the narrative was spoken by Curd Jürgens.
  4. Got that one about twenty years ago, still like it very much. Should put it on again some time.
  5. I would guess, those copper-cones are laquered, no? A defect on that? @Jones , can You wipe it off?
  6. Thanks, that cleared this up for me. I wasn´t that keen on recaping the RF3s anyway. As You say, they still sound just fine. Will take a good look/ listen to my H1s though, once i cann hook them up to my Marantz.
  7. Nice looking RP-600M/ ebony on Ebay Kleinanzeigen, 400€. No affiliation. https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/klipsch-rp-600m/1650792457-172-1202
  8. Ok Henry. Wich makes me think film-type caps don´t need replacement, right?
  9. I was wondering; i have RF3s, bought them in 2000. I remember reading that the "newer" caps don´t age as bad as the ones in my Heresys, something about older caps being "wet" and newer ones being "dry". Is that correct, or do the newer caps also come with 20 - 25 year lifespan?
  10. Just curious and not knowing: Why would one want to use a R2R and not a higher quality Tapedeck?
  11. Chorus 2 in southern Germany, 1.200€. No affiliation. https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/klipsch-chorus-2/1647806192-172-5751
  12. Right, forgot about that special thread, thanks Wuzzer, i'll remember next time.
  13. I know these are in Germany, but maybe fellow germans are lurking. Haven´t seen Epics on German Ebay for some time... No affiliation. https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/klipsch-lautsprecher-zu-verkaufen-np-999-/1645559821-172-7251
  14. Hi George! Finished oiling all the boards and am now waxing them. Next i have to decide the length of the threaded rods and cut them. It´s getting there, just needs time drying.
  15. Welcome to the Forum! As for Your replacement caps, take a look at this thread: Are You sure your grills are attached? Usually they are fastened via velcro-pads to the cabinets. If not removed for a long time (decades?), they can be hard to pry off. Take a butter-knife, for example, wedge it between the cabinet and the grill and losen it gently. If the pad comes of, no problem, just glue it back into place.
  16. I love wooden floors. The floor of the living-room in our old home was wood too, don´t know wich though, but it was very dark.
  17. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    Interesting. Wikipedia draws a blank, amazon Germany gives me three Albums of Aragon: Mouse, Don't Bring the Rain and Rocking Horse and Other Short Stories From the Past.
  18. Welcome to the Forum! I don´t own Carvers, but i say this - if it sounds good to You, why change it? As for the verneer, You could use some acetone and strip a spot of paint on the bottom of your Heresy to get a peek. Just my two cents.
  19. Well, actually i was thinking about getting rid of the old verneer (bummer, because i think it was walnut...), fixing the cabinet and re-verneer in oak, since my 1.5s are oak too. On the sonic-side, the box seems to be working, just have to find the right placement for optimum base.
  20. Here´s some pictures. It´s no impossible task and i might learn something. My colleague is a carpenter and he will help me out for sure, so not all is lost.
  21. Ok, so it´s been delivered... but. - I haven´t connected it yet, only measured ohms, the drivers seem to be ok, high setting gives about 9 ohms, low is about 5. But the cabinet needs a rebuild, all four corners are banged up, badly, even the MDF took a beating. It looked ok on the Ebay pictures, so my guess is our postal service dropped it a few good times. Packaging wasn´t enough to handle 20 kilos of speaker i guess, i feared as much without original boxing. Gonna hook them up tomorow and see if the drivers are good. Also pictures tomorow. On the plus-side, the cable i got to connect the 1.5s and the SW looks pretty sharp. This will be a bigger project than i thought.
  22. While oiling & waxing of the wood is still in progress, all the remaining parts arrived this week.
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