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Everything posted by AndreG.

  1. Well, the interest is there, but they are too far away and no shipping (plus i´ve had bad experience shipping speakers with german mail...) and i´m gonna take a look at an interesting Panasonic blueray this weekend wich will be approx.300€ if i buy. Almost got a pair of good KG4s two weeks ago. Thanks guys @billybob & @001
  2. Yep, they´re black alright: Price says "negotiable" and since we are in Germany here, i´m think the seller will ask some outrageous price for sure. Come with some old JVC receiver.
  3. On german ebay a pair of KM6 turned up. I never heard of them before. Google led to the spec-sheet for the whole line. Are these lower class contemporaries to the .5 KG line?
  4. AndreG.

    What I Got Today!

    You said Vancouver, yes? Well, the trees give it a mediterranean appeal. You really picked a nice spot.
  5. AndreG.

    What I Got Today!

    My thoughts: - Didn´t mind the PS5 next to Jethro Tull. ^^ - What speakers are we looking at here? Excuse my lack of knowledge, but i don´t know the makers-logo... - AND – most interesting of all! Star Fleet Project? I haven´t heard Brian May´s music (yet), i asume You know the TV show?
  6. Ah, so it isn´t meant for home-hifi per se, that is?
  7. I don´t mean to be a smart alec, that unit was not broken out of the box?
  8. I am seriously considering the Elekit for the future. I like kits and it´s more affordable here in Europe. I would really like to try the Tubecube, alas...
  9. I bought tape like this one ( sorry, german amazon...): https://www.amazon.de/dp/B081ZQBQG8/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B081ZQBQG8&pd_rd_w=pRJeI&pf_rd_p=b9377742-1edc-4d5e-b680-070f2360d891&pd_rd_wg=5BrWY&pf_rd_r=5ZE7SWDED643NA3JHZS3&pd_rd_r=4d316f63-1415-4db9-a090-ee146be7ba21&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyVFJSM0I4MlVLR0NOJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzg4ODc3M1QzTTU1T09MNjFHTSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwOTYxMDIxM01aV1hGMlpZN0IzTSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2RldGFpbCZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= I used it on the backpanels and i will use it to seal off the horns against the cabinets too. For replacing the gaskets on the midrange, You will find instructions, as well as parts on Michael Crites site. I think, the tweeters and their respective horns are bolted together, no seal. You can replace the diaphragms, but not seperate horn and driver.
  10. Welcome to the Forum! As far as restoring the shine to Your finish, You have to like it and as long as you don´t want to sand down the verneer to re-oil it, the restorer seems the t be the way. I have chips in my Heresys as well, i plan to use repair-wax to fill up the mising pieces. I guess, that is all one can do, apart from re-verneering the whole thing. Concerning Your old account, maybe @Chad , our moderator can help You out.
  11. AndreG.

    What I Got Today!

    While it´s not for the faint hearted, there are instructions on iFixit for repairs. Have You thought about it? Or was the old mac getting long in its teeth anyway?
  12. Look up ebay and craigslist for prices if You want to sell. There are people looking for these. You can offer them up in the "Garage Sale" section of this forum.
  13. Those are Klipsch KG3: https://www.klipsch.com/products/kg-3 Nice speakers, if You were in Germany, i would ask if maybe You would like to give them away. If i were You, i would keep them.
  14. Marvel, i always wondered, won´t those rubber/plastic discs stick to the finish, given time?
  15. AndreG.


    Great thread, havn´t laughed this much reading one in some time. Regarding synth meat, i wonder, they tell us soybean monoculture is bad for the enviroment, rainforests are cut down to make space for soybeans. Rainforests are cut down to make space for cattle to feed. Isn´t this replacing one bad for the other... For myself, i think i can do my share by just eating a little less meat. It´s a bummer i can´t get ground chicken here anymore... I must go and see if Burger King in Germany offers the impossible burger as well, interested in the taste.
  16. Great cover art!
  17. I think the OP mentioned that he likes to listen to concerts multi-channel.
  18. Gather, all ye tinkerers!!
  19. AndreG.

    Android Auto

    Google says yes.
  20. Now that You mention it, i see the YES-logo... I do own one album by YES, Union.
  21. Speaking of the ST, took a look at one of my Tangerine Dream CD-booklets some time back, it said the music was done on a Atari ST.
  22. I sold my C64, that was stupid. There were a bunch of games that never got ported to other systems. I had to let go of my Amiga, a move and there was jus no space to put it to or store... Since i have not made the same mistake with my gaming consoles! Still have my Sega Genesis (+CD), Super NES, Playstation I & II, Game Gear, Atari Lynx, Gamboy Advance & DS and my PSP (flashed custom OS).
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