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Everything posted by henry4841

  1. You have been holding out on us Seti. Really gorgeous looking amplifiers. Shows up my spartan build.
  2. This is an amplifier designed by Bruce Heran of Oddwatt and is available as a kit. He generously supports diy'er's and has published his schematic as you can tell from my build. This is one of the few PP tube amplifiers I own and what is unique about this one is that it is run in class A. I have built a number of his designs and am well pleased with all of them. http://oddwattaudio.com/owpoddwatt.html
  3. I have not heard them but I would favor the Hypex VTN from all that I have read. There is at least one guy on this forum that really has praised the sound of the Hypex and he has had many amplifiers. Maybe he will see this thread and respond.
  4. The typical price of a street gun in the 70's was $25. A simple question for doubters. Let's say you have a stolen a gun. The average thief is an opportunist, not a sophisticated criminal, with little or no planning. Where do you sell a stolen gun and not get caught and go to jail? At a premium price, I think not. Law abiding citizens will not touch it not wanting to receive stolen merchandise. A thief has little options with a stolen gun. They usually get passed around to other thieves at rock bottom prices not what you are told by media or the movies. A fellow business owner on the same street I was on bought a gun off the street way back in the 70's. Turns out the gun was involved in a murder. After being stolen it was sold multiple times before he got it. The FBI came to him eventually after tracing all the leads and retrieved it. He was not charged with a crime back then being he bought the gun in good faith. A stolen gun bought off the street can get someone in a lot of trouble. Beware, know who you are buying a gun from. The only gun laws that will prevent gun crime is on the criminal not law abiding citizens. An outlaw by the very definition lives outside the law and doesn't really care how many laws they break. Gun laws only hurt law abiding citizens but it sounds good when a politician says it is the gun and not the person doing the crime.
  5. Guns bought on the street are much cheaper than at stores. This I know for a fact having worked on the bad side of town for 30 years. Sometimes as cheap as the next fix. I put my legally owned gun, with carry permit, in my pocket before leaving for work every morning. Had offers to buy guns all the time. That is where the outlaws sell them not what you hear on the news about fences and premium prices. The only thing that will help prevent gun crimes is quick and decisive punishment of outlaws. Not the slap on the wrist and how poor Billy was mistreated as a child and just bought a gun off the street and killed 2 or 3 people. Bad gun is what many want you to believe. Much easier to blame an inanimate object than the criminal. Some people should not own guns just as some people should not have drivers license. But responsible law abiding citizens should have the right to protect themselves.
  6. And exactly how do you do that? Make more gun laws that make it harder for law abiding citizens. Outlaws that live outside the law do not have to buy guns legally when all they have to do is buy them off the street at a cheaper price. Chicago has had a ban on handguns since 1982 so now there are no more shootings in Chicago?
  7. We should have discussions and disagreements in a civil and gentlemanly way. That is part of the United States of America as well. We are free to disagree as long as it is peaceful and civil. I believe we all here on this forum are decent upstanding people with different views and opinions. Lets all be together on that thought. I agree we should be able to disagree on any subject.
  8. And included the 2nd amendment and never changed it. They included checks and balances as best they knew how when forming this government. The 2nd amendment is a check on government. Take away that right and we are in a lot of trouble.
  9. You have the right to your opinion oldtimer and I think it is good to have discussions on the subject but I strongly disagree. It is impossible to get everyone to think the same. The founding fathers had just overthrew a hostile Government to form this country and knew how governments treat the people and how they get corrupt. The amendment does not have to say the Government. With your thinking we should never had a revolution but just bow down to the British government. They needed weapons to overthrow the government in power and the British did everything in their power to keep citizens from having weapons as all governments eventual do. Ban guns and the people have to bow down to everything they say or else they will force you to. Our government has gotten bigger and bigger with corrupt politicians lining their own pockets. They go in broke spending tons of money getting the job and come out rich. Armed civilians is the check on government. Without armed civilians they can call up the military or like Germany the gestapo to quell anyone that disagrees. With armed civilians there are many in the army they would not obey orders to quell a revolution. The 2nd amendment is to protect citizens from government. Shall not be infringed is what it says but many are trying to infringe on that right at every turn. This has nothing to do with politics but everything to do with our constitution and what it says whether you are Democrat, Republican or independent. Lets just follow the constitution.
  10. That is just a politically statement to misinform calling semi auto guns assault rifles for those not familiar with guns. If you believe that you have taken the bait. The ones that want to ban guns know it would be hard to do outright so they chip away with one law after another. At least Beto is honest. The 2nd amendment is there to protect the people from government. Our founding fathers knew exactly what they were doing when they put that as 2nd. I do not trust any government so I am in favor of our 2nd amendment. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Read it carefully and take it as face value not with those that try to read into every word and twist it to suit there narrative. It says militia, not sporting, and shall not be infringed yet it is infringed almost daily. I've never heard of a gun killing anyone, only people doing so. In the deep south criminals do not target redneck houses because they know there is probably a gun in there to shoot back. Now more than ever we need our 2nd amendment. Just take a look at the news and see what is going on.
  11. Too much nitpicking on parts like transformers and caps on this thread. I have heard many amplifiers and probably right now have more than 20 and the differences in the better ones are subtle and subjective at the most. It is the design of the circuit that is more important and not whether there are coupling caps or transformer. A poorly designed OLT amplifier circuit will not sound good. When you start comparing the best of any design, again the differences are very subtle and subjective. If one kind was superior over the other we would only have one amplifier to buy and everyone would agree, right? Right now all l see on this thread is members disagreeing. So there you are. Time to go and listen to some music.
  12. I have no problem with a cap in the signal path or either a transformer as long as the amplifier sounds good. The sound will depend on how both are implemented. Mcintosh uses iron in both it's tube and SS amplifiers. One an OPT and one an autotransformer. They have a loyal following and have had a lot of praise for a long time. Holds their value really good as well for a reason. The sound fantastic.
  13. I quit watching those kind of shows since the last election. They never have positive things about the party they are against. We have 2 parties as I hope we always do or else we will have a system like Russia.
  14. I thought it must use Hypex. Marantz uses on the best. I have heard nothing but good about the Hypex modules.
  15. My doctor told me a few months ago that it is not much use getting tested if you are feeling OK. He did not put much emphasis on the accuracy of the test. That and you could test good today and catch it tomorrow. I know one that tested positive and never had any symptoms and he was over 65. If you have symptoms of covid and you have a fever run to the emergency room. Stay safe everyone.
  16. Bet she said you were handsome too. Lie to me sweetheart.
  17. The wave of the future. Class A myself, at least most of the time but all of them A, AB and D can be made to sound really good. Class D has made tremendous improvements in the last decade.
  18. Another score on Ebay. Lovely music.
  19. You are missing "Lush Life". Not one of my favorites being that to me it does not seem to be recorded as good as the other two. Great songs though and worthy of picking up. I scratched the copy I had for years, dropped it, but found an unopened one on Ebay at a good price. They are out there.
  20. I believe only 3. I have all three and most all of Linda's albums as well. Missing some of the Stone Poney ones. There may be some best of Nelson and her but the 3 are the original ones. Worth finding the one you are missing.
  21. Love it no matter how many times I hear it. One of my favorites.
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