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Everything posted by Dave1291

  1. Dave1291

    What I Got Today!

    @yamahaSHO Congrats on the move and I think you might be onto something from the looks of that pic. @Weni I bought a new laptop too about 3 years ago. Haven't even touched it "yet." hahaha
  2. Of course I was here just a tad early. This seat is sooooo gonna suck. Of course I only need one but on the upside??? This almost 40 year old gorgeous blonde came in with her bf and sat down in the empty seat next to the empty one beside me. Yup, she even smelled fantistic. Gotta love a hoochie coochie girlie. Sure beat the two lil chicks leaning on the retaining wall playing their blow up guitars in time w/EC. lol Ni ni ๐Ÿ˜‚
  3. Watch it @henry4841 ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  4. Love it when a plan comes together. Congrats to all involved.
  5. Lil scrollin moosic today... T-3 days and counting..
  6. I'll give him a pass this time! hahaha Maybe I should get on HIS sleep schedule since I'm all over the place with mine now. lol
  7. First of all, Happy Father's Day Paul! O-H! Great Phil Collins album. Mike you havin fun w/all those albums? Great looking at piles and piles and piles and piles. Oh yea a-ha sung in my best Daltry voice. (insert drums here) ๐Ÿ˜‚ Gary, how bout a loan? I'm workin on a pitcher of semi-sweet water from a lil Kroger packet in a 2 quart pitcher. A lil vino would work much better right now. So where were you today @MicroMaraI didn't roll out til 11:15???
  8. @MicroMara 2PM here now and I didn't wake up til 12:30? Crashed @ 1AM? Seriously? I need at least 2 liters of coffee before I even THINK about some tunes. The brother's are gonna have to wait. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  9. Prayers and all the best Bruce. Day at a time. Stay safe and relax.
  10. Soooo very gracious in her loss. That lil Aussie chickie was a tough opponent! They're sneaky I tell ya! ๐Ÿ˜‚
  11. @GWSmithNot a darn thing atm Gary. Watching Serena Williams try to win her Open match. Then something after if fit's not too late. How you doing brother
  12. @Tarheelthat Swankster have his A game on for the weekend? He's lookin pretty darn good! How's things your way?
  13. Snagged some corn and some maters yesterday at a local farm market. Thinking it's time to have a throw down w/o Bobby Flay! Break out the grill and have at it at some point. Supposed to be a nice weekend here in the O-H. Lil footie game coming up Saturday evening. Should be an interesting game..
  14. Only 6 times? Where do I sign up? ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  15. O-H! Which tough guys are Clemson and Bama playing this week? hahahaha GO BUCKS!
  16. Almost 30 years since he's done this show and it's going to be amazing. Factor in Jimmie Vaughan? Shall we say max stoked? The start of my US tour begins Thursday in Columbus, O-H, next month it's Jeff Beck in Cincy, O-H, and November is Joe & the Gang with the Black Keys Vets Aid tour also in Cbus. Yup,gonna be a great time with a ton of laffs.
  17. Ha! Might get kinda nutso in here later!
  18. Youtube huh? Well maybe... ๐Ÿ˜‚
  19. Tanglewood? 1972? Man are they OLD or what??? ๐Ÿ˜‚
  20. Some good stuff right here!
  21. Gotta step things up just a bit.
  22. Labor Day weekend? This old standard always shines! It's goin down! Let's just pi$$ off the neighbors one more time!
  23. Picked this up recently and not too shabby at all. RAW is the sixteenth album of the ZZ Top. It was recorded in connection with the bandโ€™s wildly popular and critically lauded 2019 Netflix documentary That Little Olโ€™ Band From Texas, wich includes an interlude that finds the groupโ€™s classic line up, Billy Gibbons, Frank Beard and the late Dusty Hill to whose memory the album is dedicated, gathering for a very intimate session at Gruene Hall, โ€œthe oldest continually run dance hall in Texasโ€. That performance provided the basis for the album release. Billy and Frank say โ€œ..it was, in a very real way, a return to our roots. Just us and the music. We knew right then it was a very special circumstance, all of us in the same place at the same time and what a time it most certainly was! โ€˜The Dustโ€™ may have left the building but heโ€™s still very much with us.โ€
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