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Everything posted by Dave1291

  1. Thanks! Didn't get to see the movie and planned on the disc. Gonna soooo treat the neighbors. lol
  2. My first album was an old Tommy Dorsey album I earned a LONG time ago. Now I have about 50' and I don't see it changing in the near future. I NEED to pull it, slip it out and put it on the table and fire things up. I NEED to hold and look at the jacket, read the jacket and tell myself to take care of it. I bought the hot 45's too back in the day. I saved the album to play when I built my first system. Systems and technology are always changing but I don't think I'll ever change. CD's, files & streaming make me wonder but just another way to spend money. Cheaper? Sure but look at what you get in your jewel case. Yea, ok. 😂 I've thought about selling the lp's and going another direction as I've grown older but I can't. They're part of my family now. I won't even discuss technology and albums. lol Yea, told ya I was OLD!
  3. Rolled out this morning and needed a fix w/my coffee. Live @ the Fillmore West? Saw this and started wondering where my long sleeve #1 purple staff Jersey is. Last time I saw it I just laffed. NO way could I even think about putting it on. Two arms maybe but the rest? Soooo not happening. Wonder how much some skinny guy would pay for it? lol Oh well. Seeing this I started over-thinking again. 😂 Some great groups passed thru both the NY & SFran venues back in the day. The Byrds? Not too shabby if you ask me.
  4. Dave1291

    The Other Discs

    @JohnJWait, better let me look that up before I pass judgement. lol Don't worry about Andre or George. Just don't tell them we can't see theirs at times. Just like it and scroll on down??? 😂 I just had to! 😂 Great old tunes right there brother!
  5. You meet the nicest people on a honda! 😂
  6. Where's @grasshopperwhen ya need him. Waaaay too serious on this thread. I was digesting in depth and realized the pizza in the oven HAD to be done. Yup, concrete. So now I'm on the second high price frozen pizza my daughter picked up for me. The one in the trash is shooting material. 😂
  7. We'll tag team 'em! Good idea! lolol
  8. Ok, @billybob I just read the youtube thread and the civil unrest I thought you solved seems to have come over here now. Guess I'm going to have to end it once and for all. Hmmmm, Southern rock perhaps? 😂😂😂 Now I've gotta nose for sumpin.
  9. Thanks for changing that up @billybob. Thought we were gonna have to call the United Nations so they could settle this European unrest. Tooo oooomh paaaa or not??? 😂 Can't go wrong with those three right there!
  10. Quite the read guys but did you notice this??? Me thinks @Emilecould quite possibly be trying to hide those "other" channels from his wife. Or is it me just thinking outside the box again??? 😂😂😂
  11. The Arena De Verona. A Roman amphitheatre dating back to AD 30, is one of the most beautiful, historic and atmospheric outdoor venues in the world. In the summer of 2011 it played host to Deep Purple accompanied by a full scale symphony orchestra. The band played all their classic hits in new orchestral arrangements, which gave an added depth and range to the familiar songs. Clearly inspired by the occasion and the dramatic surroundings Deep Purple delivered one of their finest performances to thousands of delighted fans. (rear cover) Three discs full of goodness! Cya when I see ya! Disc 1 is cookin and sounds great!
  12. That's exactly what won the game today. Fourth quarter shenanigans from the Offense finally happened & won it for them. Penn State folded like a cheap old lawn chair.
  13. Last pair I had wound up w/me in the pool one night after a show. Still trying figure out how I got in the pool. Ever see wet leather wrinkle after it's dry? lol
  14. Ordered mine Thursday night so it shipped UPS Friday and here today! Those boys in brown had the pedal to the metal I think. BTW, that team won 44-31 today. Somehow! lol O-H-
  15. I think he's got a pair somewhere @JohnJ. Wait for it! 😂
  16. Akron, Ohio's "Black Keys" wrote this back in 2002 and just dropped this one Thursday. Seriously? 20 years ago? Looking forward to seeing them in Cbus @ Joe's Vets Aid concert. Right around the corner and I'll be there if I have to use a knee scooter! hahaha Some good tunes right here!
  17. Emile just punch it using 2-channel. You're over-thinking this again! 😂 😂 😂
  18. @JohnJ I think George gotcha on that monitor. 😂
  19. Gotta have platform capezio's on before you can follow all of that my friend. 😂😂😂
  20. Looks great and I have no doubt you'll nail it w/the match. Pour it to it brother!
  21. New Beatles Revolver Remix showed up this morning. I've got to hand it to the man down under on this call. Amazing is about all I can say after cutting my teeth on the original. Don't even want to listen to the old copies I have. Killer and ya better! Of course I'm pushing it a bit now. E-V-E-R-Y nuance! Ya better cause now you can blame Paul and yours truly. 😂
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