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KaiserSETsay Speaker Torture Hour


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So the Kaiser calls me up and says hey my father in law saw some 3ft high european looking speakers at an estate sale you should go check em out. Well hell I was on the road and half way there 10 minutes later. The house was in one of Little Rocks old money neighborhoods and the house turned out to be a Fay Jones so it was really cool.

The house was really packed with awesome mid century modern furniture. Then I spot a pair of Klipsch Belles need refinishing but Brazillian Rosewood with a depressing sign reading *SOLD*. How much were they you ask? $350.

Thanks for the heads up Kaiser :) Almost!

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Hey now, it's the thought that counts right:-0 LOL

Some days chickens and some days feathersWink

I'll work on him calling from his cell whuile still there next time, his description had me so curious I gave you first rights of refusalSurprise


Next time, if he's unwilling to front the money on the chance that it's a good (great, in this case) deal, perhaps you can persuade him to do something disruptive, like faking a heart attack, or vomiting on the speakers (they had to be refinished anyway, right?). That would give seti enough time to swoop in and snag those puppies.

BTW Tim, I wish all the best to your father-in-law, as I do to you and the whole Kaiser clan. You're the best!![Y]

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Hey now, it's the thought that counts right:-0 LOL

Some days chickens and some days feathersWink

I'll work on him calling from his cell whuile still there next time, his description had me so curious I gave you first rights of refusalSurprise


Next time, if he's unwilling to front the money on the chance that it's a good (great, in this case) deal, perhaps you can persuade him to do something disruptive, like faking a heart attack, or vomiting on the speakers (they had to be refinished anyway, right?). That would give seti enough time to swoop in and snag those puppies.

BTW Tim, I wish all the best to your father-in-law, as I do to you and the whole Kaiser clan. You're the best!!Yes

I have to clean my moniter, I just spit Iced Tea all over it.

Now that is funny! Thanks Fini, I needed a laugh.


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I was visibly drooling and stammering at the same time after I saw them. They they they they they are soooolllllllldddddddd nnnnoooooooo.

Fortunately the call was on a Friday afternoon when I could leave. Two hours is cutting it very close. Almost!!!!!

I'm waiting for them to show up in one of the local thrift stores. That is what they do hit the estate sales and resale in the stores.

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