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300B Tubes


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Want to buy a pair of Svetlana 300B Tubes. Just got a price quote of $169.75 USD delivery from EL-Tubes in Russia. They stated this was a unique and limited time offer. Anyone know if this delivery price can be beat and where? Alternate brands w/equal quality in this price range are welcome too.




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Wow, is that US$167 just for shipping alone plus cost of tubes? If so, have you checked around locally for remaining stock of Svetlanas in North America? I bought a pair about a year and a half ago for US$199+few dollars shipping from The Parts Connection who have recently, unfortunately, closed their doors.

I also believe there is a place called Conus Audio that sells Svetlana tubes www.conusaudio.com that is based in Toronto.

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Parts Connex is out of business?? This is new to me. I bought an Assemblage 300B amp from the a couple of years ago, and really like it. (powers my Khorns) I syill need to get a good tube preamp..am using an Adcom GFP565 now..but want tubes all the way.

I had good luck with the guys at the Parts Connex..nice to deal with and fast delivery on tubes. Any idea why they closed their doors?? And where might you get your tubes??

Thanx for any info!




Happiness is coming

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That price is for a matched set and includes the delivery cost as well. They did indicate that their preferred payment method is wire transfer to their bank. Checked Western Union for cost to wire internationally and the cost was approx $20-25. Haven't check my bank to see their costs are, because I'm waiting for more banking info from Russian retailer. conusaudio.com has matched pairs listed at $175.00 USD, need to determine their shipment cost.





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Hey Steve,

Yeah, Parts Connection closed their doors. I'm kinda sad about it too. Last time I bought something there it was during one of their big sales, good service, great prices. On the plus side for me, it was also located in Canada so no duty, low shipping. Apparently their parent company Sonic Frontiers is closing them down to concentrate on their other lines, namely Sonic Frontiers and Anthem. You can go the web site and read it, they have a single page up describing it.

As for where I get my tubes, I haven't bought any since then. The only tubes I require in my system right now are 12AU7s for my preamp. I am still running with the ones it came with. The only tubes I've purchased have been the 300Bs from TPC. I have a bunch of links to various tube purveyors that I've checked out but haven't bought from. If you'd like I could post some of them.

Wes, if you can confirm that the Russian guys are on the up and up, then that's great. That's a good price for Svetlanas and I guess you can't get closer to the source than that. I just figured it'd be less hassle staying on the continent.


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Placed a call to my bank regarding the cost for an International Funds Transfer to Russia. $35 flat fee. Ouch!

So I used your link and emailed Conus Audio Inc for a quote. Got a matched pair delivery on the way for a total of $180.00cwm20.gif

Many Thanks!




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FYI to all;

The Parts Connection in Canada has reorganized. The new website is http://www.partsconnexion.com/

I have not ordered from them since the reorganization. Scope it out.

BTW - I hear the ElectroHarmonix 300B (white ceramic base) is a killer. Very similar in sound to the original the WE 300B!

New Sensor Corp (NYC area - JC Morrison)has them!

Have fun & enjoy,


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Thanks for the update on Parts Connections reemergence. I'm presently using TJ Mesh Plates and do like them very much. Got curious about Svetlana's offering after reading several good comments and Loesch's review in the link on nine 300B's. Wanted a well regarded but low cost option to sample, so Svetlana seems to fit that criteria. http://www.enjoythemusic.com/magazine/equipment/1201/300b/.

Will know after their arrival & sufficient playing time. Hopefully a worthwhile expenditure.




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The sound of each 300B output can vary greatly depending upon amplifier design & topology (SET or PP). Also, different brands of output transformers, power supplies and even driver tubes can "color" the sound to one's liking or not. The perceived sound of the output valves is very subjective. Certain 300B's may sound better or worse depending on your amp's characteristics and your perceived notion of what "real (live) music" sounds like. With horns, it is my opinion that a good tube set-up will harmonically tame the horns a bit to produce a "life like" reproduction.

I'm currently using the KR 300BXLS and preferred it greatly over my old Cetrons, even though the Cetrons midrange was quite nice with my Tango OPT's.

Here's a link to a previous 300B valve tasting, http://www.enjoythemusic.com/channel/ch300b/

Have fun & enjoy (the Svelanta's),


My system;


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I had read Steve Rochlin's review as well. Which did not include Svetlana, as they were having problems with their initial 300B offerings. However, the link in my previous post to Thorsten's reviews which were more recent, Dec 2001. He included the Svetlana's and eight other 300B's. Their findings are not that dissimilar.




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Hi Jim,

I was looking for an additional 300B pair for my Laurel IIX amps. I've been rolling various types and brands of Rectifiers, 6SL7's and 6AC4's. So far, the Rectifiers and 6SL7's have made the biggest imppact on sound characteristics of the amps. Not expecting a drastic changes, some subtle but pleasant mids/highs would be nice though.

So I just wanted to try a different flavor of 300B than what I've got. Western Electric's are well out of my price range. Conus Audio confirmed Svetlana shipment left Toronto this morning. Btw- the Fisher 800B was overhauled early last fall, its tubes tested in very condition, so no plan to change them.

Thanks for the offer.




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Just out of curiosity, which 6SL7's do you prefer? I've rolled a pair of amber base (chrome top) Sylvania JAN 6SL7WGT and just recently black base (side getter) Sylvania JAN VT-231? 6SL7GT in my 2A3 SET's and seem to prefer the older black base.

Also, which rectifier do you prefer? I seem to favor the Mullard 5AR4 GZ34 in my amps.

Your opinion is appreciated. Sorry to get off the 300B topic a bit.



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Pete, Not an off topic for me.

I had been a pair using Mullard GZ37 Rectifiers, they performed well. But a couple of weeks ago I bought a pair of Mullard made 1940's Sylvania-Branded GZ34's. They are now my Rectifier of choice! I really like the sound characteristics these tubes provide.

As far as 6SL7's go, I'm impressed with a pair of Electronic Tube Red Base 5961 Black Plates from the 60's and a pair of 40's Sylvania Chrome Bottom VT-229 Black Plates. The 5961's are definitely thumbs up for bass, but the Sylvania VT-229's have a mid range & sound stage to die for, and their bass is pretty good. I usually end up rotating between them based on my listening mood. As you know, tube rolling is fun and sonically rewarding when good finds are made.




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Received the Svetlana 300B tubes yesterday. Installed them in the Laurels and listened for near 4 hrs last night. My initial impressions are they are very nice sounding tubes, respectable bass with good upper and mid range clarity. Presently, cost to performance they rate as a very good buy for me. If their sound characteristics improve (especially bass) with additional playing time, they will certainly elevate to an excellent buy. They do not have the bass slam and overall sonic impact of my TJ 300B Mesh Plates. But budget wise, a very good buy as an alternate at $180.00 for Match Pair.




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  • 10 years later...

Shapeshifter: that's great you have a pair of Laurels -- like Moondogs, those are really classics. I'm using Sophia Electric 300Bs in a pair of monoblocks I built last year -- maybe the year before, can't remember! After using the 45 and 2a3 triodes for years (particulalrly the 2a3) I have come to really like the 300b. The circuit I'm using is largely direct coupled and these amps sound anything but overly lush, euphonic, etc. I've got Welborne Moondogs, and will never part with them -- thought I confess they are now sporting 5 volt 300bs -- or rather, one of them is. The conversion of the second isn't quite complete. Have fun!

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Okay....I'm an idiot. If he hasn't posted since '05, then maybe someone else might want to investigate Sophia Electric 300Bs! They are not inexpensive, but they are really nicely made and sound, to me (subjective, of course) really great.

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