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Lets talk plywood and mdf

The Dude

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I might add guys, PLEASE use a good respirator when woodworking if you don't have a good dust collection system.

iTs jusT wOOd DuSt not rEaLLy a problem bEEn dOiNg iT for yEaRs ! :wacko:


Just remembered what happened to me a couple of years ago.

I woke up one day and had hundreds of tiny bumps on my chest and stomach, thinking it may be contagious I went to the ER. The doctor asked me many questions and said, let me go look this up It doesn't seem to match anything I have seen or heard of. After a few hours of him trying to figure it out he said something I had never heard from a doctor" I have no idea what this is" I was told if it got worse or didn't go away come back.

Well a couple of days later it disappeared, a few days later I realized what it may have been. The day before I was ripping some Mahogany for trim, it was about 95 degrees and I didn't have a shirt on like an idiot. I think the dust and tiny pieces hit me and left oil or something to cause the rash. Just a guess really but I don't know what else it could have been, you never really know what effect it can have.

Edited by dtel
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Good to know... I had purchased some plans for a Horn loaded sub that was built with OSB. I will most likely be building some SPUD subs instead.

Build them with a better wood, you won't be sorry, also OSB is not very smooth depending on what kind of finish your thinking of.

I like the spud, I only have one and would like to build another for the other corner, it's amazing what it can do with small drivers, it's a cheap build for a good sub. There is also the bigger brother of the Spud using bigger drivers if that fit your space better ?

I was thinking of maybe 4 SPUDs in my theater... 1 SPUD (or maybe 2 behind my back row) would work, and maybe 2 of the larger versions for the front screen (if I could find the plans for them). I wish that i would have had the cash when they had they Super SPUD kits. I would have bought 2 of them!

Nothing's ever on sale when you have money. Happens every time.

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