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Economy- about to really hit the fan?


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MD, you're nothing but a smug Liberal that doesn't know anything about business or economics. What you do know is grossly outweighed by your Liberal roots and the piss poor environment you live in. And you think you can get away with the BS because you're a master spinner. Bet i just paid you a compliment because that's your motivation - salesmanship of stupid ideas. LOL

You follow the same tired logic that because the GOV already has done a bad job of regulating and interfering with the economy, it should do more.

You make my point. If the Gov is a lousy fiscal manager and are not chartered to interfere with business management, then they sure as hell shouldn't be given expanded powers to do so.

Forrest quoted Clinton well. And this is the exact view you have of our founding document. Twist it to suit your ideals of Bigger Government. Your warped view of the constitution will die along with communism. You are a lost cause that can only succeed with a revolution by the proletariot. You do need to move to France.


live long & prosper

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"And, I submit, that the above statement perfectly represents the amount, type and quality

of knowledge possessed by all too many of the voting public. It's a business, is it? You just

failed civics class. Go back to the 7th grade and begin all over!"

He didn't say GOV is a business. Business or Business manager? You must see the difference there being the Rat Bastard Liberal Spinmeister you are. LOL


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I find the dogma of either extreme to be pointless. Democrats want to control your money, Republicans want to control your morality. Both have one real interest in mind and that is retaining their seat.

Lennon said it best and here is a fuller more accurate excerpt:


Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV

And you think you're so clever and classless and free

But you're still f*cking peasants as far as I can see

A working class hero is something to be

A working class hero is something to be

There's room at the top they are telling you still

But first you must learn how to smile as you kill

If you want to be like the folks on the hill

A working class hero is something to be

A working class hero is something to be

Finally, we are not a democracy. We are a republic. The people have no power once their 'chosen one' is elected. They need not vote how we wish nor do they care what the majority want. During the Elian affair, how many times did some elected official state, "it doesn't matter what my constituents want, I vote my own will".

Clinton was not the anti-Christ and neither is Bush. Both are just professional politicians who are able to dupe the public into believing whatever hogwash they spit out or spin a situation until the public becomes apathetic. Anyone thinking either of these two clowns had anything to do with the growth or decline of the economy is fooling themselves. If anything, the media in this country drives the economy by setting expectations the public then subscribes to. Self-fulfilling prophecies - not too difficult to understand, I hope.


HT - Klipsch Synergy Premiere

Audio - Heresy, KG4

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I do believe Clinton was the Anti-Christ. And Hilly is the Devil Bride. But I can't hate Slick all the way being in my business. Nothing wrong with using the power to get some.

I just didn't like the perjury and conspiracy. I would have just taken the 5th and said its not your business.

Not get convicted for perjury and conspiring to get others to do so. Wink.gif


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"I am not a manager type. Never have enjoyed it. When it comes to grinding out some highly

detailed solution, I'm willing to let those who are better at it, do it."

Interpretation: MD is a politician. He blows smoke up everyone's *** then disappers or shifts blame when everything goes wrong. LOL


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Tbrennan/Mdeneen/Bean Burrito- Give me a break. I respect everyone who is willing to work hard each day and work towards this "mysterious" phenomenon of self-improvement or even worse personal responsibility---YIKES, not that!!!. Doesn't matter if you work at McDonalds or Microsoft...I respect those that try to do better every day and not be content at just being average. If you work at McDonalds....strive to be the store manager to improve your SOL, if you pick up garbage, bust your but and ask for more responsibility and move up to driver!.

I borrowed over $26,000 to pay for my bachelor's degree and I paid every dime back over quite a long period of time but it taught me Personal Responsibility and a work ethic that I can't seem to get anyone to acknowledge here. All you guys want to do is cry about this and whine about that and never talk about what YOU or OTHERS can do to make/improve your own SOL!!!!!!!!!

What the heck???? Am I that far wacked out because I believe each person out there should be willing to challenge themselves and exercise their brain to try and improve their SOL....Go ahead and say I am. But I choose to work hard every day and make my future, not sit back and wait for the wining lotto ticket or Ed McMahon to show up at my front door. Payday is a choice between the corner liquor store, 40 ouncer and couple rocks and a hooker or socking a few bucks away for that home or the kids college or hold on again your own damn retirement. You rely on social security, get ready to be disappointed. The government I guess should take more from us, because we sure as hell can't manage our own money!

No one here wants to talk about personal responsibility for one's success or lack thereof.


I say because it is much easier to look to others for responsibility/blame for our misfortunes. It is much easier to blame those that "have" than it is to look in the mirror and question oneself.

I don't actually carry a card btw. just a fig of speech. But do you know where I can get one?

I am intolerant of government handouts with no accountability and don't understand why you folks don't give people the confidence/motivation to better themselves. And I am really intolerant of lazy people, women/men on crack with 7 kids selling their food stamps for more drugs, sleeping hi-lo drivers making $28.50/hour on the clock.....

I think I have to stop opening this thread for fear it is hopeless.

Two quotes to share....

"You either believe you can or you can't.....In either case your right".

The more you do, the more you can do"

The less you do, the less you can do"

Think athletes or marathon runners for the first one. The second one applies to not only your physical state of being but your mental state of mind. Think of the fat lady eating a tub of ice cream. Muscles can do more, the more you exercise them and guess what, SO CAN THE MIND...Put it to use to improve your own SOL, quit knocking on my car window.

Think first-----This will be very difficult for those that are work-averse or afraid to do more, for fear they will just get screwed by "the man".

Forget the party lines and 'isms for a minute or two and give me your thoughts here.

Go ahead and tell me what a bad guy I am. And BTW, I work hard to pay for my kids private school because the public school ostracizes christians and christianity....They can't even celebrate Christmas and Easter any more.....But damn if all the kids don't know about Chanukkah, Kwanza, the Kuran', the chinese new year and every other obscure ethnic/religous holiday. But don't say Jesus or Under God.

Nothing wrong with teaching religion/ethnic differences to kids but leave that to me thank you. It's confusing enough as an adult, try explaining Judaeism/Hinduism/Buddishm to a 5 year old christian child.

We have become a country overrun by tolerance and reverse discrimination. For god sakes can't we all just get along.


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Think of all the time spent on this #@*&!ing thread. What a complete waste!

Why don't some of you long winded types help with some of the Klipsch and related equipment questions and let this IRRITATION die!

All this does is spread hate and discontent. Is this really fun??????????????

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Fascism: a system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of the opposition (unions, other, especially leftists, parties, minority groups, etc.), the retention of private ownership of the means of production under centralized governmental control, belligerent nationalism and racism, glorification of war, etc.

With the corporation's hands and fists firmly up the asses of our political leaders and sometimes being one and the same, and their radio talk-show ventriliquists giving sound-bite slogans to even more dittoehead parrot puppets everywhere in our midsts, backed up by the socalled religious right, I think you see what is upon us, albeit wrapped in candy covered all-American illusory "democratic" camouflage. World domination seems always to be their game.

Over and above just a politically related phenomenon, Fascism is also a state of mind, a psychological syndrome, a particular pathology. This thread has shed light on its mechanism and commonality. Hopefully a number of non-participating lurkers have been able to study this thread which is essentially published here and for a time remains readable, reviewable, and copyable. Thanks to all the participants we can read the writing on the wall.

Liberal: tolerant of views differing from one's own; broad minded. favoring reform or progress, as in religion, education, etc.: specifically, favoring political reforms tending toward democracy and personal freedom for the individual; of democratic or republican forms of government as distinguished from monarchies, aristocrarcies, etc.




currently upgrading

to all tube components

This message has been edited by Clipped and Shorn on 08-08-2002 at 11:20 AM

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To all concerned,

Is it really necessary to resort to name calling in order to get your point across - that is if you do have a point; some of these posts are nothing more than an excuse to insult. Sad.

I do appreciate some of the jabs and pokes - particularly when they are witty and funny. We can all get a laugh out of them but posting with just a crude insult. Rather elementary don't you think?

mdeenan, I understand your position and am similarly a visionary in my occupation. I, unfortunately, have found when the details are left out of the picture or you hand the responsibility to someone else, things can go to shite pretty quickly. The implementation strays far from the vision and good intentions just paved the path to hell.

Working for the common good is noble and I concur with it, just as I concur dead weight need not be carried around longer than necessary. There are certain realities which can not be ignored - not all people are motivated by success, not all people have initiative, many people are content to simply pass their time on this earth, and many people are content to receive handouts. Someone wants to wallow in shite - great. Just don't expect me to bathe you when you get out.


HT - Klipsch Synergy Premiere

Audio - Heresy, KG4

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Crash stated:

"not all people are motivated by success, not all people have initiative, many people are content to simply pass their time on this earth, and many people are content to receive handouts. Someone wants to wallow in shite - great. "

Who are these hoardes of filthy folks you are talking about? The poor, the schizophrenics living on the street? Or just some vague group or "minority" you love to hate?

What about individuals whose cultural pursuits are initially outside the predictable profit motive but in the end benefit society and culture in general. No wonder money is scarce for publlic education unless you can sell Coca Cola in the schools.

All you right wingers are ultimately against art and culture and are all too anxious to be censors to any kind of creative ideas which might fall outside of the business model or might challenge your rigid religious bigotry. Veiled behind all this imagery of dirty unmotivated people is the usual typical racist, and anti-artist, anti-intellectual, anti-visionary, in my opinion and experience. Implicit in this whole thread is an intolerance toward free thinking ideas and individuals. This is why I brought up the term Fascism, since they are and were so intent on suppressing ideas which differ from their ugly agenda. Fascism and censorship go hand in hand and sometimes cultural pursuits must exist in a non-business, non-capitalist spawning ground. Your view of the unwashed masses is uninformed, imo, concerning the origins of much rich and worthwhile culture. And music!... and also reminds me of the typical tiresome 1950s irrational and paranoid anit-commie McCarthyism which is apparently alive and well these days.




currently upgrading

to all tube components

This message has been edited by Clipped and Shorn on 08-08-2002 at 01:53 PM

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Who said the thread was about "civic responsibility" as Hitler MD dictates? If anything its about the Economy as the thread is titled.

Anyway MD's plan to control the Economy has already gone down like the Hindenburg, as it has out in the real world except for a few pinkos like MD, STB and Cortex Clipped. MD's now been outed and cant argue the economics or common sense or facts as he confessed. hee-hee

You guys cans philosophize forever if you want. I'll Email my Congresspeople and tell them to cut the spending on Pork and wasteful social programs. I have work to do too if you know what I mean. Wink.gif

Cortex Clipped, just remeber as GM, GE, GD, etc go so goes the country. You're a 2-face that slams your own employers behind their back. But you dont have the cahones to start your own company. Nor the brains, know-how or motivation or anything else. Later chumps.



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Veiled behind all this imagery of dirty unmotivated people is the usual typical racist, and anti-artist, anti-intellectual, anti-visionary, in my opinion and experience. Implicit in this whole thread is an intolerance toward free thinking ideas and individuals.

What an interesting crock of shite. Is this the best you have to offer? Was your post an example of free-thinking and tolerance?

I could take the time to confute your baseless allegations but it is not worth the effort. I will simply state I have met with many people who when offered the chance to get off the streets or obtain employment, have chosen to remain there or commit some petty crime so they could get three hots and a cot without having to resort to work. I also have known many others eager to get off the streets, who were involuntarily homeless, and simply needed a helping hand to get back on their feet.

Leave your nonsensical, venom-strewn rhetoric at home with your other misguided assumptions if you will.

Prior to accusing me of being intolerant or moaning about 'unwashed masses', try looking up the word 'metaphor.'


HT - Klipsch Synergy Premiere

Audio - Heresy, KG4

This message has been edited by crash827 on 08-08-2002 at 04:44 PM

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The 'fun' part is watching how many times someone so upset that the discussion is occurring will jump in to proclaim that the discussion should not occur. My god man, if it bothers you so, why do you keep jumping in? If politics, religion, the economy, or whatever the hell C&S keeps yapping about irritates you, do not participate. Don't open the thread. It's like bitching about prostitution and then being their number 1 customer. Think.


HT - Klipsch Synergy Premiere

Audio - Heresy, KG4

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" "The purpose of government is to rein in the rights of the people" -President Bill Clinton, MTV interview, 1993"

"You know the one thing that's wrong with this country? Everyone gets a chance to have

their fair say." -President Bill Clinton, May 28, 1993

Al Sore's mentor. hee-hee


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