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Waf/gf Factor


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Extraterrestrial Harbor Township, N.J. The strange story of flesh eating sub floor dwelling Flompy Doodles continues. Another genus that seems to crave chocolate cake treats after devouring 2lbs/min. of raw meet has been discovered. The rare Flompulus Yankee Doodlus has emerged again after its last recorded appearance over ten years ago when a group of them disguised as low calorie fried chicken sneaked into picnic baskets of participants in the Weight Watchers 20th annual Barnyard Feed Bag and Whole Hog Roasting Outdoor Buffalo Chip Tossing Contest and viciously attacked anyone who got there hands caught in sweet and low cookie jars that were distributed as advertisements for the event. Immediately after the disaster , latter known as the Freeloader Finger Food Fiasco, sponsors claimed the gathering a success when comparing the total weight of the entrance gates to the exit gates. As the investigation continues rumors abound of the possibility of an Italian version of the animal , Flompulus Brachioles Doodlus, may be at large due to the fact raw flesh stuffed with shredded speaker cloth that had been rolled and bound with 12 gauge Monster cable were found sitting next to several oil and garlic filled iron skillets. Several of the starved animals had been found sealed in boxes covered with Christmas stickers labeled open me first addressed to people in states as far north west as Oregon and as far southwest as Florida. Thus the decision by local authorities to turn over the case to federal agencies .A spokesman for the government, Inspector Gad Jett, speaking from his temporary periwinkle blue mobile command headquarters in N.J. had this to say. We have rounded up pages and pages of Flompy Doodles as suspects but no one can identify them as yet since we have not been able to get them to line up. We need a primer. But its there. We just have to think like a Vegan. Meanwhile the crime scene has taken on a circus atmosphere as Doodle

impersonators and people selling Chinese handcuffs with fake fingers dangling out of them seem to be popping up through every floorboard in the surrounding houses and unmarked white vans within a 5 mile radius. Updates and tape at eleven. Sarah N. Dippity. (See an End News) Reporting from the Finger LickinGood press tent EHT , N.J.


tHe wORLDs werst TYPesT>

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Seattle Area Monster Cable Cleanup Continues.

A Tukwilla resident contacted police yesterday when a he discovered an extra hair dryer in his master suite. After ascertaining that his wife was not indulging in extra-marital activites (See related article on page D-12), the home owner attempted to coil the attached power cord, but abandoned the efforts after the coil became too unwieldy. Tuckwilla Power and Light have now employed an industrial cable winder to gather the excess cordage. An estimated 1750 miles of cord have been thus far reclaimed. Police are cluless regarding the origin of the hair dryer, and how the perpetrator gained acess to the residence. The publishers of the Guinness Book of Records have been contacted, since this will definitely oust the Cawker City, Kansas twine ball from it's long standing position.

Colossal Tectonic Plate Shift Alters Both US Coastlines.

A massive shift in the tectonic plate underlying the eastern seaboard caused Florida to break away from the southeastern United States overnight. Although geologists understand the process by which the break occurred, they are extremely perplexed by the fact that Florida is now located southwest of California. Theories as diverse as the "El Nimrod Effect", "Global Warping", and "Oceanic Wormholes" are being considered as an explanation of the phenomena.

WAF Acronym Deprecated.

The once popular acronym used to denote the Wife Approval Factor, is now being deprecated by the audio world. Weight Watchers International have adopted the Acronym, to denote the"Wide A** Factor" which afflicted all of the attendees of the Weight Watchers 20th annual Barnyard Feed Bag and Whole Hog Roasting Outdoor Buffalo Chip Tossing Contest.

This message has been edited by cluless on 08-28-2002 at 10:07 AM

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EHHHH. What's up Doc ? You realize this means war.

The Wide World War of Words. As we know it all insiders call it WW4 sale or rent. The twine ball is in their court now . So let them fire the first shot across the new San DiCanaveral River.Go ahead take a shot at a bouncing target. These red and green babies can blend together so fast all you'll see is the color yellow in the your rear view mirror. Shoot me!Shoot me again! I enjoy it! I love the smell of burnt feathers, and gunpowder, and cordite! I'm an elk! Shoot me, go on! It's elk season! I'm a fiddler crab! Why don't you shoot me?! It's fiddler crab season!! Oh No!Hoboken! Oooooh I'm dying again!

hoo hooo icon98.gificon97.gif


tHe wORLDs werst TYPesT>

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YO! Bombastic Bluster Bunny!

The last thing we need around here is a word wielding wabbit waging war on the unsuspecting forum folks. If you dont follow what Im alliterating to, then I strongly suggest you just go ask Alice. BTW, I think I just saw her skittering down your rabbit hole, and arent you late for something? Youre getting sleeeeeeeeeppppyyyyy.

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homeless -

I felt those responses required no comment from me, why guild the lily? They don't need kudos from me, they have everything already. I was just suprised that the plus/minus came out so near even in the end. From what I had seen on across the board in the past, I would have guessed more negativity. It was also refreshing to see people speak so appreciatively of their spouses/gfs. All I hear at work is gritching.

TTFN, Back to Flompy Land


Justin -

Those creatures must be the ones that BBB was talking about.

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if you want to get this back on topic...

my ex g/f could care less, or could'nt care less rather, about audio.

my future girl friend will hopefully at least have an appreciation, and my wife, well, lets just say when she moves in, the only baggage she will bring will be carrying Klipsch heritage. Off to detangling my wires, what a nest! gonna be on the lookout for floompies, i hear they have been spreading like west nile after all this rain...




promediatech@Klipsch.com /1-888-554-5665 - RA# 800-554-7724 ext 5s>

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Seeing that I have a strong aversion to off topic posts tee hee ?..Here?s Todays Headlines

Florida Pensioners Up-in-Arms icon98.gif Over Imposition of California State Income Taxes.

Tukwilla Man Incarcerated for Torturing Wife Over Hair Dryer Origin

WW4 Narrowly Avoided, Word Unrest Continues

Rabbit Sedation Deemed Unconstitutional

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I often question the wisdom of marrying outside the 'audiophile' religion.

My wife, bless her soul, can't imagine why anyone would want to (or NEED to) own more than 5 albums or CDs.

"You will never listen to all that music anyway" is her explanation.

She is tolerant of the hardware aspect of my stereo as long as --- and this is important --- I spend absolutely no money on it.

I sometimes look to other mens wives with jealousy in my heart. Much like Jimmy Carter, I have lusted after them for their implicit acceptance of their husbands hobby, and the costs and time investment it requires.

Fortunately for me, this is the only fault that my wife has, and I feel lucky in that regard.

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Originally posted by boa12:

just, you seen vanilla sky yet? your dream girl could be like the character played by penelope cruz? see movie for reference.

still have not seen it... uh ohhhhh Smile.gif

Taxes mixed up is Texas Smile.gif




promediatech@Klipsch.com /1-888-554-5665 - RA# 800-554-7724 ext 5s>

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""My wife, bless her soul, can't imagine why anyone would want to (or NEED to) own more than 5 albums or CDs.

"You will never listen to all that music anyway" is her explanation.""

randy, sounds like she gave you the green light for a like 100-disk cd/dvd player. Wink.gif

just, you have to see it. its a mind-blower. i had to explain it even to clueless in the dvd section. Biggrin.gif nobody go there if they haven't seen. sorry, thought everybody had seen by now. it has spoilers galore in that thread. cwm4.gif


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You should avoid Vanilla Sky and rent 'Abra Las Ojos' with Penelope Cruz as the same person in both movies.

It (Abra) wasn't smutted up by what's-his-face and ends up being a better movie for it.

Not that I object to smut, but I'd rather not have my daughters hear some of the things Cameron Diaz says....

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randy, saw that too in the quest to find what the author was thinking. those subtitles help from seeing anything else. Smile.gif

interesting story to say the least. VS is the hip Americanized version. actually the story is so subjective it risked changing the plot w/ Crowe's embellishments. crowe put a great soundtrack in VS though.

saw that icelandic band that's featured in VS on the other night. Sigur Ros (i think). Interesting band - guitarist uses a bow on the electric guitar.

also, had a jeff buckley tune/riff in there.


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This message has been edited by boa12 on 08-29-2002 at 06:31 PM

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Oh Boy ! Disco Doodle!Move over Travolta and let Flompy take over.Are you ready for the "Royale with Cheese" move?

Oh! We've all gotta dance to this one.

1-2-3-hit it!

Bop Bop Bidda Bop

Bidda Bidda Bidda Bopa

Travelling in a fried-out combie

On a hippie trail, head full of zombie

I met a strange lady, she made me nervous

She took me in and gave me breakfast

And she said:

"Do you come from a land down under?

Where women glow and men plunder?

Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?

You better run, you better take cover"

I met a Flompy Doodle in Jersey

It was six-foot-four and had no mercy

I said, "Do you speak-a my language?"

He just smiled and gave me a herchamice sandwich

And he said:

"I come from a land down under

Where beer does flow and men chunder

Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?

You better run, you better take cover"


Be good be good

Be good be good be good

Be good be good be good

Be good be good be good ?

Nah, Nah, Nah

icon98.gif Left ,right 1,2,3,2,2,3icon97.gif


tHe wORLDs werst TYPesT>

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