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Waf/gf Factor


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This week really sucked...and so I am gonna take it out on you guys...

WAF/GF...what the flock is this?..99.999999 percent of you pray that the "WAF/GF factor" has only to do with decor and placement...and nothing to do with content..

Any of you guys have any idea what kind of music that your female counterparts actually like?..

and so your wives/gfs...wander off...and start to loose interest...and demand small satellite systems..

On the other hand, some of you wish that your "significant other" took an active role in selection of media selections...LOL..be careful of what you wish for..

Remember...only ONE person can have the remote..

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well i can for sure say what she doesn't like. about anything that's not on the "mellow & tender" side.

but i listen. hey that's the main reason i have the james taylor dvd. Smile.gif she also like the santana & eagoes hfo (pronounced w/o the l as she's from the south), but to my suprise doesn't care for the frampton.

don't get me wrong. i've dated some rock n' roll girls. i think the solution is just find someone with like tastes, though sabbath paranoid may be pushing it.

either that or they more adapt to your tastes. after all, women are much more adaptable than men. i mean they're the ones that expect men to do so. Wink.gif

also by her choice she will never touch the remote. its not feasible & its danderous. bring on the voice activated remotes. Biggrin.gif


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Ive learned the hard way that if there is no way to work around a factor to achieve a satisfactory result

for a problem then the factor must be eliminated for the good of the rest of the surface population. Of course Im not part of this planets surface population so it looks like its a problem native to the people of earth.

On the other hand when ever Im here I'm worried about Gort. There's no limit to what he could do. He could destroy the earth! Gort! Klaatu barada nikto you idiot ! Its just Cluless ! Klaatu barada nikto! Hes not responding. .GORT! Oops . Too late. Oh. Oh . Now I know what happened. The EX stole the batteries from my remote. See what happens when those factors arent handled properly.




tHe wORLDs werst TYPesT>

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I know FEW women who actually even understand the idea of what and why a big speaker is. After I explain (and demo Smile.gif ) it starts to fall into place.


Receiver: Sony STR-DE675

CD player: Sony CDP-CX300

Turntable: Technics SL-J3 with Audio-Technica TR485U

Speakers: JBL HLS-610

Subwoofer: JBL 4648A-8

Sub amp: Parts Express 180 watt

Center/surrounds: Teac 3-way bookshelfs

Yes, it sucks, but better to come. KLIPSCH soon! My computer is better than my stereo!

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Only one person can have the remote?...No problem...there ain't a remote for MY system...you gotta get yer arse up and do it MANUALLY!!!

Remote controls are just something to create discord, but MANUAL rules...whoever is the LEAST lazy wins!!! Smile.gif


I can now receive private messages

This message has been edited by HDBRbuilder on 08-02-2002 at 06:55 AM

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Nothing like doing it the old fashoned way!!!


Receiver: Sony STR-DE675

CD player: Sony CDP-CX300

Turntable: Technics SL-J3 with Audio-Technica TR485U

Speakers: JBL HLS-610

Subwoofer: JBL 4648A-8

Sub amp: Parts Express 180 watt

Center/surrounds: Teac 3-way bookshelfs

Yes, it sucks, but better to come. KLIPSCH soon! My computer is better than my stereo!

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Good one...


Receiver: Sony STR-DE675

CD player: Sony CDP-CX300

Turntable: Technics SL-J3 with Audio-Technica TR485U

Speakers: JBL HLS-610

Subwoofer: JBL 4648A-8

Sub amp: Parts Express 180 watt

Center/surrounds: Teac 3-way bookshelfs

Yes, it sucks, but better to come. KLIPSCH soon! My computer is better than my stereo!

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There is a real WAF issue in everything I buy - after all we have been together for 18 years!!

I find my wife remarkably tolerant of my habit (especially bearing in mind that my system now takes up most of the living room) but I do not buy any item of equipment before we discuss it.

Recently I announced that I wanted to upgrade my TT from the modest $600 unit I have now to one about ten times more. Her reaction was simple - if my new business venture takes off - get it.

This was exactly my thinking anyway (now not being a good time to invest in non-esentials as I do not have a salary coming in as yet).

As for the remote issue - like HDBR my system is entirely manual - only the TV and video stuff has remotes and they are switched off most of the time.

Muscially our tastes are fairly in line with one or two exceptions (ABBA for her, PF for me for example) but it only means I buy a dozen or so records I wouldnt were I on my own.


My System: http://aca.gr/pop_maxg.htm

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but do any of you guys have wive's/gfs that actually take an active interest in HT/Music?

As to Boa's remark, of women volunteering to take the back seat in regards to these areas, I've seen that with some of my friends. They get married, and ooops any interest in music is out the door. Instead they are sitting there watching Monday night football. They come to work the next day and ***** about "HE" the guy that walked in and changed the station in the middle of the movie. I don't get it.

HDR - I like your approach to remote control handling. Maybe with the next guy, I'll pretend that they don't exist (when he is around anyway...tee hee)

BBB - your factor elimination, well that's the 70% rule. If something doesn't make you atleast 70% happy, at least 70% of the time - then GET RID OF IT.

I found that there is roughly a happiness slide of about 10% a year..or is that 10% a month? I cant remember. Oh and, Keep your Gort on a lease for chrissakes.

Barry White....Blech.


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"but do any of you guys have wive's/gfs that actually take an active interest in HT/Music? "

Yes, I do. My wife enjoys the same concerts as I do, and much of the same music that I do. She is less of a movie watcher, but she's picking up on that, too. She does like old classic flicks, but they don't have the soundtracks like the new offerings have.

I realized that she was catching on to my hobby since I found my Rega Planet CD player. We A/B'd this against the DVD machine, and the Rega stomped the DVD with CD playback. The Rega is not in it's ideal position (it is a top loader), so it's difficult to load. I said to her "the Rega needs to be moved, so until then, lets use the DVD until I redo the rack".

The look she gave me said it all.

She also likes the "antique and grand" look of Heritage Klipsch.

She's a keeperSmile.gif

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yeah,but do any of you guys have wive's/gfs that actually take an active interest in HT/Music?

Not me, my wife (who is wonderful) tolerates my interest in this stuff, but doesn't quite get it. I brought home a SPL meter the other day and explained what it was for. Her reply "I thought people just bought speakers and put them where they belonged?". She wasn't annoyed or disapproving, just uninterested. She likes music, but only as background, not as the focal point.

PS. As far as music choices go, I almost always turn on the stereo and pick the CD. Every now and then she will ask me to change it and I do, without comment, every time. Compromise goes a LONG way.

This message has been edited by tripod on 08-02-2002 at 08:29 AM

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My wife is an interesting character--she's got a BS in EE and an MS in ME from UC Berkeley and a spent what she calls "15 lost years" designing anti-skid braking systems and landing gear systems for McDonnell-Douglas in the 80's and 90's. She also plays piano and various reed instruments and has the most eclectic taste in music of anyone I know. Eveything from Eminem and Snoop Dogg to Mozart to Son Volt to the Clash to Wagner to Elvis Costello to Charlie Parker. She can rebuild a Carter WCFB in about an hour or drop the tranny in her '55 Studebaker truck and replace the clutch in an afternoon. And she appreciates tubes and horns--but prefers the sound of the Tannoys over Klipsch for rap and rock. She thinks I'm a stick-in-the-mud with my devotion to 50's and 60's jazz. Just to show her I'm open-minded I'm going with her to an Eminem concert later this month. Pray for me.

All this from a 44 year old woman who stands 5'3" and weighs 115 lbs and who hates all things "frilly and mellow." Am I lucky or what?

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Originally posted by cluless:

WAF/GF...what the flock is this?..99.999999 percent of you pray that the "WAF/GF factor" has only to do with decor and placement...and nothing to do with content..

clu- I can show, mathematically, how that's really 100%...cwm38.gif


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I've got a great mate on this stuff, as well, but still wanting to move her more into the active involvement role than just the supportive observer. But, that cuts both ways. I've got to become involved in HER interests, too (or first), for that to work.

Mary drove straight through as far as Dallas (where she stopped to see a friend) with Ross Taylor and I to Hope for the Fan Klub tour 2001. It was terrific having her along, at least that far. (As an aside, we often laugh about how Ross told his wife about the upcoming trip to Hope - "Honey, I'm taking a 22 hour roadtrip to Arkansas with a guy I met on the Internet and his wife. You OK with that?")

She bought me my first pair of Fortes and my Acurus amp. And, she's never expressed a negative reaction when I bring home other stray equipment.

She is insightful, as well. Out of the mouths of ...

She and I were looking over an older Yamaha DSP-A1000 Dolby Pro integrated amp I picked up at a nearby garage sale (for a pittance), and she asked what all those buttons on the remote labeled Jazz/Church/etc... were for. I explained it had something like 40 programs in it to alter the sound to recreate the environment in those venues. Her stunningly insightful response was "That's just silly." (No offense intended to those who like their DSP modes -- I'm just not down with that.)



My System

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fini - oh no you cant (not to my satisfication at least), and dagnabit I need a snack - Must be some kind of subliminal thing. Every time I see one of your posts I get the munchies. I don't understand.


I went through the DSP stuff on my receiver, and since I could not find one that said "normal room-4 walls" - I just blew it off.

Playing devil's advocate here...What'll you do, if your wife takes a serious interest in this (music/HT) stuff and decides that she likes a different brand of speakers better than your Klipsch? Food for thought. (err there I go again with the food thing)

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"Playing devil's advocate here...What'll you do, if your wife takes a serious interest in this (music/HT) stuff and decides that she likes a different brand of speakers better than your Klipsch? Food for thought. (err there I go again with the food thing)"

She's free to buy them and put them anywhere she wants, as long as its not on top of any Klipsch speakers! I just won't listen to them, so there -- neener, neener.

As a matter of fact, we have 2 pairs of B&W Solids pulling remote duty - kitchen and master bathroom. She likes the sound of them, but I'm not sure if she likes them more than my beloved Klipsch's. See, I CAN be tolerant.



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My wife likes the horns. She is a Mechanical Engineer specializing in acoustisc and vibration, so she knows the value of horn loading.

In a previous job as a NASA contractor, she tested space hardware in an acoustic chanmber. The chamber had 2-3 ft. thick concrete walls and doors. Inside were all horn drivers covering from about 10 to 1000 Hz. The LF driver was about 8ft across and used liquid nitrogen to power it. The change in the nitrogen from liquid to gas was the amplifier stage. I forget what the max SPL was, but it was way past the threshold of pain.

I always wanted to put the guy who drove past my house with the bass thumping in the chamber and thump the mic one time. I think it would have flattened him and his car.

Sorry to digress, but the horns are here to stay. She also know how to run the remote and rebuild rotary engines.



Family Room:

1979 La Scala's (mains)

SF-2 Center (pair)

RS-3 Surrounds

RC-3 Rear Center

KSW-10 Subs (pair)

Yamaha RX-V1 Reciever

Yamaha CDC-655 CD Player

Toshiba SD-1200 DVD

Toshiba TN50X81 50" HDTV


Yamaha RX-V590

SF-1 Mains

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