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Cornwall III or Belle


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I've had my Cornwall IIIs for almost 2 years and am unhappy with the midrange horn. I have Forte 1s which I find to be a much better speaker because I love its midrange horn. I've never heard a full sized midrange horn before and I have a chance to purchase a pair of belles for 1800$ I wonder if they'd be worth it over my Cornwall s

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no comparison between the both as these are 2 diffferent speakers  - more bass - highs on the C3- titanium drivers - belles are 450htz mid horn - k77 tweeter -so a better midrange - cornwalls 3 700htz -


belles are awesome and gorgeous cabs - as well as cornwals -


you can change the midrange horn on the C3 but there is very little room left to that -

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If they're in good shape and $1800, buy 'em and try 'em, If you hesitate they'll be gone and you'll be left wondering. If you end up preferring the CW, you shouldn't have trouble getting your money back reselling the Belles. Go for it.

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So it is possible to modify my Cornwall iiis to cornscalas?

Yes, but I would not do it!

Why, because your Cornwall IIIs are still to valuable in stock form!

Either sell your Cornwall IIIs and buy better speakers or sell your cornwalls and buy someone elses modifications already done.

I would opt for the first!


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Just buy the Belles if its not too late and try them out. If they're in good shape you should have no problem selling them at that price or more if you decide that you don't like them so really no risk to try them out. As mentioned above I would not modify the CW III's as they still sell used for $2k+ and any permanent mods would only subtract from that.

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I've had my Cornwall IIIs for almost 2 years and am unhappy with the midrange horn. I have Forte 1s which I find to be a much better speaker because I love its midrange horn. I've never heard a full sized midrange horn before and I have a chance to purchase a pair of belles for 1800$ I wonder if they'd be worth it over my Cornwall s

The mid horn in a Cornwall 3 is a K701 the mid horn in a Heresy 2/3 is a K701 the same horn. The only difference between the mid horn in a Heresy 2 and a Cornwall 3 is that the Cornwall 3 uses titanium diaphragms and the Heresy 2 uses phenolic. So maybe you should swap out the diaphragms in your Cornwall first the mid to phenolic (you can purchase superb new phenolic mid diaphragms from Bob Crites) and then swap out the tweeter diaphragms to phenolic also. That may solve your problem. You are signing up to loose a lot of bass switching to a Belle from a Cornwall. Hop[e this helps. Best regards Moray James.

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thanks guys...I'm not going to modify my Cornwalls or sell them. I was just curious if you could modify them. I wouldn't have a clue how to do it anyway lol. I guess I really love the midrange of my fortes and I was just curious what else was out there. I love the passive radiator bass....I hear more detail from the fortes....I love everything about my cornwalls but the midrange...I have them in my ht setup with heresy iiis for the center and surrounds, so the Cornwall s are staying

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Hey moray,I love the bass of my Cornwalls and certainly don't want to lose that...how would changing to phenolic diaphragms change the sound for the better? Are they higher quality than the titanium or just different sounding?

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Here are 2 pictures showing a CW2 with a k601 and a CW3 with a K701 - as you see - there is ample room to fit the K601 in the CW3 and resolve your problem - the factory did a great job at leaving enough room for this modification -


un-screw the k701 - screw in the k601 - no modifications needed - same midrange driver - 4 screws on that one - 1/2 an hour for a definitely better midrange that you will love -


-just  to be precise on that one - you hit on the weakness of the CW3 - the k601 resolves the issue once and for all -it was a cost-cutting measure to standardize all horns and drivers for the CW3 and  HERESY 3



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Wouldn't you have to cut the hole bigger for the 601 to fit? I would imagine the crossover would need to be changed as well to fully utilize the lower frequencies of the new horn as well? I think it would be a great mod and actually was a bit surprised that Klipsch cheaped out on this.

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Hey moray,I love the bass of my Cornwalls and certainly don't want to lose that...how would changing to phenolic diaphragms change the sound for the better? Are they higher quality than the titanium or just different sounding?

higher quality is the titanium - dont forget that your tweeter k792 is also titanium - meaning you would have the change the tweeter diaphragm as well fora blanced sound or else - your highs will sound bad with the phenolic midrange -


-the k601 horn on the other hand would be the solution to raise your midrange  to 600htz rather than 700htz - no diaphragms changes needed -



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Wouldn't you have to cut the hole bigger for the 601 to fit? I would imagine the crossover would need to be changed as well to fully utilize the lower frequencies of the new horn as well? I think it would be a great mod and actually was a bit surprised that Klipsch cheaped out on this.

I dont have a k601 to verify but I do have a  K600 and a k700  metal horns and a k701 that I compare with - just off the top of my head - I think it would fit riight on with the exception of the holes for the horns - the crossover ,. I wouldnt touch it , at all - but maybe some of the crossover guys here would be more precise on that -

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Wouldn't you have to cut the hole bigger for the 601 to fit? I would imagine the crossover would need to be changed as well to fully utilize the lower frequencies of the new horn as well? I think it would be a great mod and actually was a bit surprised that Klipsch cheaped out on this.

a CW3 is a H3 with a bigger box and a 15 inch woofer - otherwise the specs are pretty close -

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thanks guys...I'm not going to modify my Cornwalls or sell them. I was just curious if you could modify them. I wouldn't have a clue how to do it anyway lol. I guess I really love the midrange of my fortes and I was just curious what else was out there. I love the passive radiator bass....I hear more detail from the fortes....I love everything about my cornwalls but the midrange...I have them in my ht setup with heresy iiis for the center and surrounds, so the Cornwall s are staying

Some folks just do not like the sound of titanium diaphragms. You can change them out yourself Bob has tutorials takes about ten minutes once the driver is removed for a first time job. Any time you want to return them to factory stock simply re install the ti diaphragms. This might just take you exactly where you want to go. Bob's phenolic mid diaphragm is better sounding than the original Klipsch diaphragms were. It would make more sence to sell theCW3 and buy a set of CW2. You could save some cash and have the sound that you want. The CW2 has a K601 horn that lets it play lower in frequency and which is a larger mouth version of the K701 horn you love. Hope this helps Best regards Moray James.

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Well, if I'm able to just screw the 601 right in, I would definitely try it....If it involves making a bigger hole or tweaking the crossovers, that would be over my head :) I also wonder if that would affect the timbre match between my heresy iiis if I switched to the 601s in my cornwalls

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