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Music to bomb Bagdad by


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On 12/11/2002 12:48:17 PM Jim Cornell wrote:

Didnt mean to stop the thread, this whole war thing has me depressed, and with United airlines bankrupt, it all SUX



Here is something else to think about... Got this joke in my email today. Had to pass it along

The next time you think you are having a bad day, imagine this:

You're a Siamese twin.

Your brother, attached at your shoulder, is gay.

......you're not.

He has a date coming over today.

But you only have one ***.

Feel better about your day?


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Anybody see the HBO special movie last night on CNNs coverage of the first war on Iraq?

The true story shows not only the lengths that networks will go to get a story (risking their lives), but also the moral dilemmas that all correspondents face every time they use information or access provided for them by any government agency or organization. The Iraqis controlled the story, but CNN kept getting more and more news out about what was going on over in Iraq. Iraq continued to use them, yet the world received more on-the-spot, immediate and visual information. This back-scratching arrangement continued until Bush, Saddam, CIA, Iraq commanders and other foreign governments, along with the public all received the same televised itch at the same time - information about the war.

The Bush administration does not like the access the media had during the Gulf War (for one thing, CNN's live and online presence in downtown Baghdad may have prevented the US from targeting that city). They do not currently allow media at any of the forward bases or potential attack ships. If we do attack Iraq, they will not help the media provide a view from the frontlines. This is a mistake. Whether Americans want a war or not, one thing we all want to do is watch the action live on our big screen TV and HT sound systems!

The Bush administration (it is the same one, isnt it?) may have felt hampered by media in the first war on Iraq. They may feel it was a strategic mistake. But one thing it was not. It was not a entertainment mistake. In the Gulf War, prior to 9/11, CNN and other networks had the biggest media event in history. To prevent the media from participating directly in the next war on Iraq is an affront to the fourth estate. I dont want a war with Iraq, but if we have to have one, I certainly want to watch it on TV! More Republican restrictions on public information. No wonder journalists traditionally vote Democratic.


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I dunno Colin... Seems to me that he stated a good point. If there are journalists in Bagdad, then our military has to worry about thier safty. If we have to have a war with them, and if the journalists are there, I say, they stand the chance of being a casualty. Thier choice, but by no means should our militay be forced to hold back just because somone wants to catch it on camera.

Man you wanna play with fire, you stand the chance of becoming a crispy critter.

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The "Live from Baghdad" on HBO last night gave a very intresting perspective on the Gulf War. Interesting movie. Coincidentally Black Hawk Down was playing at the same time.


The Pro Palestinian article by the Onion was pretty funny as are most of their articles.

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HEY! Finster here,

I've been busy since page nine. I had to change my fruit of the looms twice after reading the posts from Ranger and Prodj! I was laughing so hard I spilled my beer on the @#%$ printer! Just to chime in....... Ranger, thanks for your service. I sleep better at night knowing that you are guarding this country. Prodj,......?????.....not meaning to start with you since I haven't played chess in a while but?????????nuff said. Anyway, back to my thoughts. I still think we should wipe 'em out! Let's start on the west bank and go east until people start eating rice. If they give us crap, then we can bloody there nose also. In fact, I'm a bit bummed that I'm to old and slow to enlist or I surely would. I'm not a war monger. However, WAKE UP we are at war. We were attacked REMEMBER???????? Perhaps those 3000 people ment nothing to you since you did not know them. I realize that Iraq did not launch the attack. You people must realize that in any war you don't just take out the soilder you take out the entire support and infrastructure. This is what Iraq is. Ok, I'm done with my "lesson in war 101" for now.

P.S. Ranger, please don't correct my spelling. I realize it sucks. 9.gif

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SJ: "and since you already know my opinions from the previous 13 pages I will just leave it at that."

Your opinions? LOL Why is it that you and the other naive ones happen to have the exact same opinions and excuses of the Liberal press? Sheer coincidence that you and yours parrot the mainstream media which we all know is Liberal to the core?

What strategy should be employed to guarentee that we don't have another catastrophic attack from well equipped terrorists to which there is no deterrent? Like the Liberal media you are full of criticism with no reasonable and sound alternative solutions.

Terrorists such as Al Qaeda have NO detterent. Think about that and please provide a feasible proactive strategy.

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Go Go Cybergeek,

These people are liberal enough to have there own show on CNN. Speaking of which, did you hear the comments that CNN made about Fox news? Typical Liberal thinking. People are starting to realize that CNN is nothing more than a Liberal tool so there ratings are dropping faster than Clinton's pants. Now CNN is attacking Fox because most people with a brain wish to hear both sides of the story and make there own informed choice. Shame on you CNN.

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Finster, Great example. It shows how biased CNN, the mainstream media, and their hardcore followers really are.

They absorb the Liberal muck with no critical thought process, then as programmed oppose any rational solutions. Naturally they see a neutral reporting source such as Fox News as far right. Only because they've been brainwashed so far left. LOL

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A feasible proactive strategy? That being to go into the Middle East and kill everybody? That's your strategy? You think by going in there and taking everyone that it will stop terrorism? Think again, all you will do is invite more terrorism and more bloodshed. It isn't like there is unilateral support for the United States to go into Iraq in the first place. I agree Saddam has to go, but this isn't the way to go about it. Especially when you don't have support of the rest of the region to begin with.

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On 12/14/2002 12:45:33 PM sj993 wrote:

A feasible proactive strategy? That being to go into the Middle East and kill everybody? That's your strategy? You think by going in there and taking everyone that it will stop terrorism? Think again, all you will do is invite more terrorism and more bloodshed. It isn't like there is unilateral support for the United States to go into Iraq in the first place. I agree Saddam has to go, but this isn't the way to go about it. Especially when you don't have support of the rest of the region to begin with.


SJ, so you do think there exists a deterrent to terrorists such as Al Qaeda and Saddam other than force. Then we must agree to disagree because obviously I think you, Prod and the likes are truely blinded by ignorance.

Who said "taking everyone"? Certainly not me. Does not jumping to such extremes make you in fact the extremist?

And again with the "Unilateral". It's a dynamic situation so who knows what will happen and who will be for us or against us. You talk as though the US has already started a major military offensive against Iraq and on its own.

You are wrong on both counts. The US already has the UK with us. Note "unilateral" implies ONE country. And at this point all W Bush and the US has done is allowed for the inspectors to return to Iraq. Something that would not have happened without the threat of force. But you and the liberals were fighting this progress all the way.

Terrorists are smart enough to manipulate politics and utilize the seeds of destruction that exists in all democracies. Has it ever occurred to you that, by way of the Liberal media, you are a tool of terrorists?

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Once again you have proved your liberal clouded thinking. These people are the "bully on the playground" When you give them what they want, they just want more. I'm amazed that this is unseen! Let us take a recent example. Recently, (not sure about dates) But within the past two years for sure. Israel was willing to give back all of the territory that was captured during (I believe) the Six Day War. This was still not good enough for the radical Palestinians. This is only one of hundreds if not thousands of examples. These people know nothing about peace. They do not want it. All that they understand is brute force. I say it is time to make them understand. It is a dog eat dog world and we are the pit bull. Unfortunately, the pit bull has a liberal tapeworm

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Thanks to all of you for making my simple, intended to be fun, post one of the most read posts of all time on the Klipsch forum, thanks especially to the inane and childish bickers which descended below intelligent discussion into juvenile and moronic name calling, it is nice to see how much serious thought is put into some of your more important discussions (prod, prod, dig dig).

From now on I will post only serious posts, which can not devolve into foaming political rants, like which loudspeakers should Bush have in the White House, or should priests use subwoofers (or just have little boys bang the drums for them)?

Seriously, thank you for the few people who responded in kind and provided sample song titles or lyrics.


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it seems you want to start the fire again. by the way, you should have expected this when you made this thread in the first place. It has a strongly political heading. And to cyber geek and finster, I leave you with this quesiton. Think beyond just "because we are a free country", and "we are the big guys". but anyway, here goes: Why are we targets of terrorism, and why do middle eastern countries dislike us?

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With a topic like this you can only expect that political agruments and other such things will develop. Though unfortunately sometimes it to be rather petty but I think we have gotten past that now and it would seem this thread is alive yet again.

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Prod, Have you come across a religious fanatic before? One that tried to convert you into either accepting Jesus into your heart or else you'll go to hell? Combine that with a serial murderer who is more than willing to send you to hell, and you have a religious fanatic terrorist.

It's about idealogy. They think by revelation, not by reason. Everthing happens because of God and God tells them what to do. You might imagine the problems in our real world there. But then again, you think similar. By idealogy. Tends to defy common sense and reason. Or maybe you simply haven't released any facts, logic, or reason on us yet. LOL Talk to Kain. He'll give you some insight, though he's only a moderate muslim i believe.

And, our very existence and freedoms are not only a threat to their society, but a call from god for our extermination. Bases in Saudi and the phlight of the Palestinians are simply cover and excuses. Arafat denounces Al Qaeda and wants nothing to do with them.

And it's not predominately that the radical muslims are jealous of America. They hate small democratic countries just the same. They fear that our very existence and ways of life are a temptation. Democracy is a threat to a totalitarian state and to religious fundamentalism.

How many Islamic democracies can you name? Radical or Fundamentalist Islam is not open to freedom of religion. No state run by religion is open to democracy. How do you force feed religion on the citizens if they have freedom of religion? LOL

So can you imagine how much a threat a democracy, with all its freedoms, is to an islamic fundamentalist totalitarian society? And how much a threat America is with it successes and offerings of freedoms such as freedom of religion?

OBL has, or had, one main objective. The destruction of the U.S., as with what happened to the Soviet Union. He thinks he caused that, but he's wrong. The success of democracy and the failure of totalitarianism is what caused the breakup of the Soviet Union.

So that's why I ask you and yours how it feels to be a tool of terrorists. Because that's exactly what you are whether you are willing or not. Al Qaeda is counting on you to divide the country,

allow it to become weak and vulnerable, and bring about its downfall. Democracy has the seeds of its own destruction and if you look in a mirror you'll see it.

Look at yourself. Without any word against terrorism, which is PREMEDITATED WITH INTENT MURDER of innocent women and children, you instead blame America and justify terrorism. You need to wake up and realize the Liberal politicians that are brainwashing you don't care about the country as much as they do politics and opposing anything proactive this GOP administration tries to do.

Slick Clinton played games for 8 years and let this Al Qaeda threat magnify. This is serious business now. Not time for politics and playing 60s liberal war protestor, no matter how romantic it seems to you.

If we don't cut off these nuclear, biological, chemical means of mass destruction from their sources in a proactive manner, it's only a matter of time until thousands or millions more of us are killed in short order. That's why those that have the information, intelligence and vision are making the decisions, and naive fools like you and yours are practicing being devil's advocate on audio bulletin boards. I don't intend that as an insult, but a clear and present fact.

So how does it feel to be on the side of terrorists? Whether you're conscious of your terrorist collaboration or not, it's still a fact that you support their objectives. But you are too naive to know that these objectives lead to their ultimate mission of the destruction of you, me and our country. And the only thing that will stop them is the destruction of Al Qaeda and any other conspiracy like them.

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