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Fiber Optic Question


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AT&T will decide where and how best to extend the fiber. Without the incentive of a neigborhood's worth of customers, you're probably looking at 10's of thousands of dollars for them to do so, and a multi-year commitment. You could negotiate with your neighbor to setup a shack and a tower, have AT&T light it up at the existing point, and then a second tower at your place, with WISP radio gear in between.


I piggy back on my brother-in-law's WISP network in exchange for hosting a tower and some gear, and I easily get 350Mbps or more. The only issue is heavy rain, or weather events knocking the radios out of alignment. You still looking at a hefty expense, but it might only be a fraction of what pulling fiber straight to your house would be.

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20 hours ago, OO1 said:

 my impression is that AT&T does not own the Fiber optic in the development , the owner of the land does , 


he sub-contracted AT&T to lay down the fiber  at his own cost  ,   the fiber optic is Private  , and AT&T cant provide you internet service  


I'll have to ask.  As of now, I'm under the impression that ATT came in and installed it (as part of us paying a small fee on our bills for remote location service).  Not 100% on this as they DID pay all construction costs to have the roads built/paved to the States specifications.  (that's another long story)


The quick story on the road....they installed all roads, "gave them" to the State (county I think) and they had a gate installed.  Were told they could NOT have a gate on a public road so somehow or another, the ownership of the roads were transferred back to them and now, on two cul-de-sacs, there are gates.  The county takes no responsiblity in maintaining the roads.


So they certainly have funds to install this but I think I'd known if they fronted the costs.  In fact, was visiting with her just yesterday and part of her comment was "one day all this equipment showed up" (to install the fiber) and she had no idea her lobbying (nagging) had become successful.


So I'm inclined to think ATT did it on their dime.  Frankly, I would think if SHE paid for it, she could widen the circle of installation at HER whim.



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19 hours ago, Khornukopia said:

It appears that your chances for an easy add on connection are slim.

Our neighbor moved out of their 12K sq/ft house and built a smaller one across the street.   She kept three lots for it so they'd have some space.  EACH of these lots has a fiber drop for it so she has two drops on her property that she'll never use.


Her property butts up to the back side of the farm and this is where the wonderment of digging a trench and laying some fiber from her remote box over to us (she's open to the idea in fact, she's the one telling me the best path for it!)


I don't know if she knows all their details (I certainly know nothing about fiber speeds)  I think she was saying she gets around 1,000 GB upload/download speeds.


I just told her I didn't want to hear about it as I dramatically stuck my fingers in my ear and went "NA NA NA NA NA NAAAAAAAAAAAAA"


My work provided hot spot is supposed to be 2-3 mb's upload/download.  I get .11


So having fiber or ANYTHING would vastly ease my issues working from home.  Consequently, I am now in my second week of specifically NOT working from home.  I go to a lot of locations to help them and have asked (and they've agreed) to see if I could come THERE on my 'work from home' days.....to essentially mooch on their internet.  What's in it for them?  They have their retirement advisor on hand all day so I might be able to see someone in the meantime, they might squeeze some questions in....  I don't know.


What I HAVE found interesting (flattering a bit if I may use that word) is virtually all that I have asked, which is only four so far, have immediately said yes, they'd love to have me on premise like that.  So now I need to figure out how to deal with going to these locations when I have my 7:00 A.M. meetings.  Are these locations open?  Can I get in?  One of them, the Operations Center for the adjacent county, told me they'll give me an ID card and enter me into their database so I can move freely about.


It just blows my my mind that some of these locations essentially give me free reign of the place.  

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19 hours ago, Thaddeus Smith said:

You could negotiate with your neighbor to setup a shack and a tower, have AT&T light it up at the existing point, and then a second tower at your place, with WISP radio gear in between


Never heard of the WISP thing but I get the logic.  Ditch the cable between and send it wireless (between their location and ours)


Interesting.....  I'll have to dig into this a bit and see if I can figure that out.  I'm guessing line of site is a requisite....  if so, then a lane of trees would need to be mowed down.



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I have T-Mobile Wifi internet service and I'm quite happy with it. Unfortunately, it is not available everywhere, but it might be worth checking. I think their normal rate is $50-60 a month and I've gotten as high as 420 GB download speed. I've had their newest 5G service for about five months and it has been very reliable.

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My wife had T-mobile.....  dead as a doornail out here.  Then again, to be fair, most everything is pathetically poor here.  you might think living in "Knoxville" would mean it's on the map for service....except, I don't live in Knoxville.  I'm 30/40 miles away from Knoxville and as you get farther away from town, the adjacent towns get smaller with less and less options.


Which is why I was THRILLED when I saw the equipment to put fiber in out here so it was a "Lucy pull the football away from Charlie" moment when they turned up the hill into the development, ignoring the rest of the road.  At that time, there were TWO houses in the development, there are three here (they now have three) and there's another  house between there & here.


I'll probably have to adhere & develop my game plan of just driving to some work locations and literally, mooching off their service.  They have the space and empty offices, I have the need.....  they seem to really like the idea of having me on location so it appears to be a win/win, until.....I get to that pesky 7:00 A.M. meeting, now my options narrow down to only one location I can think of (highway dept).

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