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Klipsch, Ale & Cluless Tip...


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Ahhh, yes, remember Forum friends of yesteryear when our own cluless stepped up to the post and ventured "Ale's good for what ails you!"? Well Harvard and the New England Journal of Medicine seems to agree with the extensive research that cluless has been doing on the subject of increasing resistance to heart problems. She knows when a Forum fellow is trapped in the rapture of favorite tunes played through your favorite Klipsch speakers that the exercise bike is more likely to be peddled at the next yard sale.

Now, there is no dobt that exercise is good... but did you catch the elbow exercise that is suggested at http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/press/releases/press01082003.html ...I mean that cluless gal hit it spot on... a method to cut down our cardiac risks even more by the daily consumption of unknown quantities of exotic ale, plain ol' beer, any color wine, and/or an infusion of the hard stuff.

Now, while it's true that this Horn doesn't like to have so much bubbly trickle down that his already questionable critical thinking skills be clouded... I do believe that cluless is on a health crusade for us all.

I didn't fully understand mdeneen's post toasted "Cheers" until we met in a bistro to hear Clipped & Shorn put the beat on his Latin Jazz wailers... while fini showed his carpentry skills were not lost on a corkscrew. Now there's a group of Klipschers who are now certified less likely to be faint of heart.

Any body out there got a favorite libation that is particularly appropriate to your Klipsch listening environment. "Libation", now there's a word... formally it connotes old rituals where drinks (usually alcoholic) where poured out on the ground as a sacrifice. Fortunately, the informal meaning is to make the sacrifice personal... oral intake with aural intake... now there's a plan!

Hmmm, I wonder if tastes in Klipsch reflects tastes in liquid heart helpers?

Like... do new Klipschorn owners drink a nifty champagne while used Heresy addicts prefer a thrifty Scotch?

Or, perhaps, Canadian Club fills the glass of Klipschers with PW2200 bass instincts...

Hmmm, seems fini does a full bodied merlot when his 400's a thumpin'...

and ale seems to be the clue to cluless RF-7 bliss...

Enough, it's time to put one's feat upon the post, turn up the horns, and wash down a toot! =HornEd

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I always knew the bottle of wine I drank at dinner was doing we good, and now there is proof!

My favorite lubrication, I mean, libation is a 3-8 year old Cabernet,

preferably Napa or Sonoma.

Pop the cork, cue up an LP,

Pour the nectar into a fine Reidel glass,

sit back in the recliner, nose the nose

and savor the flavors from both the ears and palate.

And now it is officially healthy. (but we all knew that anyway!)


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Well, put, Jobman! You've got that "right on the 'nose' left out the Bose" attitude that brightens up this Forum... and keeps the Napa/Sonoma economy booming. Now you know they send you their heartfelt thanks in every bottle! 14.gif

By the way, I just got a flash update on the cluless nose... seems its been put to the grindstone of late and she's been missing more sleep, Klipsch, and "heart tonic" than any Form Spin-Up should be denied. But, the word is she should soon be back in Afghan-land hooking up a warmer winter for another Forum fave. Good golly Miss Molly never did so much for any one Forum. Take a break, clu, go pull up a keg to your recliner and Klipschify yourself... while we all think (fill in the blank) thoughts of you... and toss less a chunk of the Super-P-nutiest Brittle that ever slid down this horn. =HornEd

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Depends upon whether the libation is partaken with friends present, with wife present in with only self present.

When with freinds, Peter Vella Merlot (YES YES YES I KNOW BUT I LIKE IT WHAT CAN I SAY...)

When with just wife, BV Cabernet

When just self, Johnny Walker Red in a brandy snifter straight up no ice, uh, and a piece of Schwanns cheesecake...

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Ah, yes, Josh, I've done Miles across the miles, hes a singular talent that stands alone... but I try to pull off the road before I honor him with some serious single malt Scots whiskey... ah, yes, Josh, Peace!

And, Ray, whether your system features the finest Klipsch or even a pair of headphones... the ears that process the sound belong to an outstanding human being masquerading as an engineer. Your timely technical comments have made the difference that allowed many of us to get our acts together. But when you add your suave eloquence to your engineering objectivity... we find out what you drink with whom! Enjoy yourself... that's where the Scotch is! =HornEd

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Hmmm...I'm now in the mood for a Glenlivet nightcap...and a hearty har har! I think I saw a cheesecake in the freezer, too!

By the way, I'll be at Slim's on Saturday night, seeing the Dixie Dregs (w/Steve Morse) if you're interested and have the time. This goes for any o' ya!


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fini, if I am any where near San Franciso I will see you there... but, health issues are likely to prevail. I especially would like to see Steve Morse since Chris made me a believer a year or so ago. But, really, fini, I thought you would come up with some family made grappa to match your 400's and your mother-in-law's heritage. But, if you can't find a really great grappa... I guess Glenlevit is a smooth alternative.

Now if cluless would just check in so we can find out what the up-to-date cat and Ref7 fancier juices her tune time with... we can bring a little balance to this all-guy drinkathon. =HornEd

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Well...it appears that our beloved wordsmith extraordinaire, HornEd, and Ms. Cluless have been corresponding and that an "obsessive hobby-craft" distribution list has seen some light...LOL!

So...For myself, in my current impoverished condition, thanks to trusting in a former boss's well-intentioned, but nevertheless broken promises...and my inability to (so far) get something locally to replenish my empty pot o' gold...my choice for my Heritage listening would be a bit of snuggling under a nice handicraft, with the tiny remainder of my seldom sipped-upon Glenfiddich bottle (which has dwelled upon nigh empty for some time now)dancing around an ice cube as it slips past my lips while I sit listening to my Heresys. Or possibly a nice Bavarian wheat bier, in its stead, would be the my chosen tonsil-tickler for such an endeavor, should a Florin magically appear in that too-long empty pot!. 2.gif

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Andy, you probably know that the old tradition with wheat beer is to invert a large glass over the uncapped bottle and then turn it over... the trick is to keep the lip of the bottle beneath the level of the beer (that's liquid beer not the foam beer)... and the glass will fill with a perfect head. When you order wheat beer in a local watering hole and that's the way it's served, you know the bar maid knows her business.

So, is your vote wheat beer with LaScalas and a pot of gold from the little people? Happy St. Pat's Day! =HornED

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Yes, Ed...I realize that....those years I spent in Europe dancing the "game of death" with other NATO Paratroops allowed me to see many things and try many things that I would have otherwise probably never gotten the chance to experience. I very much got "hooked" on the German Wheat biers while there...as they had the robust flavor without the "weight" of the other biers.

Scotland's finest would often take me to their local pub to introduce me to their favorite libations...and that is where I became a Glenfiddich afficianado. Although when in Scotland, these men had the opportunity to enjoy the local fare from the distillery in the neighborhood, when out of Scotland they chose Glenfiddich as their "mascot" brand...providing they could afford it...and when pockets were a bit emptier, they settled for a blend instead...and that blend was Teacher's. They all considered MOST blends a British abomination mixture of good and bad whiskeys in order to appease a pallet NOT of Scot origin! LOL! At the top of their abomination list was Chevis Regal...LOL! They also could not understand the favor towards Glenlivet, when, in their opinions, Glenfiddich was a much better sip, and lower in price, too! LOL! So, in honor of their cameraderie...and the likings of my taste buds...I adopted their favorites as MY own, also! As we used to say in Bonnie Scotland..."We Para mates must hang together! And not let those London "Legs" dictate our taste buds' preferences"...LOL!

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In Scotland, the natives pay considerably MORE for a Scotch whiskey than we do ANYWHERE here, strange as that may seem! The reason they pay more is because the whiskey industry of Scotland is government-subsidized, causing the exports of it to be partially paid-for through taxes on domestic consumption...believe it or not! PWK found that out "the hard way" when he purchased two cases of Glenfiddich in Scotland to bring back to the states to give as Christmas presents. Upon arriving stateside, he found that he had paid almost 20% MORE for it in Scotland than he could get it for here in the States...and to add insult to injury, what he brought back with him exceeded the allowable "personal use" duty-free limits (by a pretty LARGE margin)and he was also stuck with paying an additional import levy to get it through customs. Nevertheless, in typical PWK fashion, he was able to say with one raised eyebrow and a twinkle in his eye, "This Glenfiddich is not only PRODUCED in Scotland, but lovingly bottled and cased up there, too! And their packaging is PRETTY damned expensive!" 2.gif

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Well, boyz..the order of the evening is inebriation, screw sophistication! Belly up to the bar and take a shot to show that you are alive. I was supposed to take a puddle jumper from Charlotte NC to Greenville SC..last week. They deemed the aircraft un-airworthy and I took ground transport...

Ed, remember discretion is the better part of valor.

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Valor...now THERE is one CONFUSING term!! For instance...

A bunch of soldiers are standing around in a combat area, when a live enemy hand grenade lands amidst them, whereupon ONE of them jumps upon it...NOW is where the confusion steps in...consider the two likely outcomes:

1. The hand grenade explodes, killing the soldier who has jumped on it...thereby making him a dead hero whose family is given his posthumously-awarded Congressional Medal of Honor.

2. The hand grenade does NOT explode, and the soldier is evicted from the military with a medical discharge as a "section 8" lunatic because only a nutcase would jump on a live hand grenade.

Which lends much creedance to the saying: "There is a thin line between valor and insanity."2.gif

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Since we have somehow gotten into the relative merits of Scotch Whiskeys.....

I happen to rather like Chivas Regal because of its woody flavour. It is not suprising therefore that my absolute favourite is Laphroig - pronounced La Froyg - which has a very strong peaty/oaky flavour. I really enjoy it but suggest those who prefer a light flavoured whiskey would be well advised to give it a very wide berth.

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Hey, builder, I found the grenade... and now I am discretely trying to find the pin... hmmm, looks like the bass could get a little BOOMy... and leave me threadbare. Just desserts are tough to swallow... =HornEd

PS: It's time for a little Scots reflection for peat's sake... peat... natures burnable sod that predates man's burnable rivers... peat puts a smokey finish that blends smooth scots whiskey with smooth old jazz... and foolish men light a match to see... and then drop it in the fiery finish of an uncharted river of wasted resources.

Klipschorns for One... ought to be a Blues title. =HornEd

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