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now heres a real sucker!


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On 2/16/2003 11:02:48 PM minn_male42 wrote:


proper grammer and spelling is a sign of maturity.....interesting, thoughtful, and mature posts get more respect than posts that are hard to read because they look like they were written by a 3rd grader....

if you want respect for your posts, you need to earn it.....just like in any other facet of life....maybe someday you will learn.....

you will probably not respond tonight because it is past your bedtime.....

you could learn alot from the members of this forum..there is a great deal of knowledge and experience here....experience that shows itself by communicating clearly with proper grammer and spelling.....

say it doesn't matter.....just keep it up when you write up your first resume and see how many job offers you get little boy....

as for the wisconsin crack.....you are exhibiting more cheeshead traits than anyone i've ever met!!!



Grammar is hardly the issue here. You are the one that made the comment about this being non-audio related to begin with. Now you are stating all of the "grammatical errors." Surely you have better things to do with your time. As has been said if you don't like the thread then don't read it and don't post in it. There is no point in stating that there is no purpose to his post when all that's in your post has nothing to do with the intended purpose of his thread to begin with.

As for your comment that it's past his bedtime, it seems to me your the one lacking maturity in making that statement. Your assuming it's past his bedtime but you don't actually know do you? Your basis for that alone is on his age. Intellect is not directly related to age of any individual. You have proven that with your most recent post here.

As for myself, I love Shop-Vac's! Not sure why, maybe it's just the name or maybe because they are so light-weight and easy to carry around. Or maybe I'm just werid.


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the issue of age was raised by the 9th grader...not crash or myself....

a 21 yr old telling me that i am immature....will wonders never cease...

i feel so good that these youngsters feel that they know so much...


i have probably forgotten more about audio and related issues than you know....

and yes....i feel that a "vacuum cleaner thread" is out of place on this forum....

i respond to comments directed at me by youngsters less than half my age who can barely spell or construct a sentence....


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Russ, I understand it is not an audio related thread. The thoughts of members are pretty much split on whether it is suitable or not. I, myself, tend to believe they can be entertaining and/or enlightening, particularly when discussed intelligently, and should be permitted.

But, alas, it appears another lesson is in order - which tends to happen in these threads that are off-topic. 11.gif


1. The ability to learn and reason; the capacity for knowledge and understanding.


1. The state or fact of knowing.

2. Familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study.

3. The sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned.


1. The apprehension of an object, thought, or emotion through the senses or mind: a child's first experience of snow.

2. a) Active participation in events or activities, leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill: a lesson taught by experience; a carpenter with experience in roof repair.

B) The knowledge or skill so derived.

3. a) An event or a series of events participated in or lived through.

B) The totality of such events in the past of an individual or group.

Now. Intellect is not directly related to age. Of course, one could possess a great intellect and be as knowledgeable as a vegetable. To demonstrate intellect, one does need to show they can learn. 1000+ posts?

Anyone care to debate whether knowledge/experience is directly related to age? If you do, let me make it short. Knowledge and experience, are by definition, directly related to age. Reading comprehension.

Let me do my old man thing and insult another group at the same time:

"These young whipper-snappers need a good cane whipping like in the old days and they would have a greater appreciation and respect for their elders. Ever since them damn liberals got in power, you can't so much as touch a kid without them damn social services people coming out and charging you with child abuse. Bunch of peckerwoods."

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I see. So because your older and supposedly "wiser" I guess you think it just isn't possible for anyone younger than you to know anymore than you do? Please....

I never said you are immature on the whole. I said your bedtime crack was immature.

The thread was never directed at you in the first place. You decide to post and then you get feedback on that post. My, that's such a suprise. Why did you bother posting in this thread to begin with?

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actually, if you go back in read, you'll see that you were the first to bring up the matter of age minn male. and the fact that you would try to make a comeback by stating that it is probably past my bed time, I can assure you I stay up far later than you do, and many on this forum will say the same. you are one of the snobbier minnesotans I've met, and you should be exciled into the trailer homes of wisconsin. you aren't good enough to remain here.

crash, the fact you call me thick headed is a sign of your brains as well. considering you have never met me, and only know me from an audio forum, I'd say you have abosultley no understanding of me at all. if you actually knew me, you would know that I am smart, perhaps smarter than you 3.gif . I could careless if you've swam across the amazon river, or had your heart broken by countless women. like you said, this is not a determining factor in intelligence. and even if it were, I've experienced many things you haven't, so don't act like you're some knowledge god because you've been around for a few years more than me.

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I tried to love a ShopVac once. OUCH!!! 6.gif That's a mistake I'll never make again. 9.gif


The model we have is the Miele White Star. It has the adjustable speed knob, but not the electronic speed control. We bought it several years ago when expecting our first child (2 cats + a 100-year-old home = need for a good vacuum). It's worked great, absolutely no complaints. Sealed cannister, true HEPA filter, even the dust bags are well engineered and seal as you remove them from the cannister. Here's a link:

White Star

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I can call you thick-headed without knowing you as a result of reading your posts and seeing your responses to a broad-ranging set of topics. Your last post was an excellent example of your intellect and your failure to comprehend the posts you have read:

You are known by your posts here. They are demonstrations of your intellect, vocabulary, and thought process.

You assure Russ you stay up later than he does - a statement you have absolutely no qualification to make.

You make a slur towards people in trailer parks.

You suggest you may be smarter than me - with no basis at all and a 9th grade education that has apparently suffered. Furthermore, monkees have intelligence; this is not something to be proud of - a demonstration of knowledge would be.

I could quote from a litany of posts you have made that demonstrate the random and simple ideas exhibited by those with more hormones than brains. It is not necessary. You are a baby trying to assert yourself in the world and I have been around the world. You are trying to define yourself through external factors and have yet to discover who you are. You should hope you get to do a small percentage of the things I have experienced/accomplished and hope you are smart enough to not repeat some of the things I have. Thick-headed, yes, indeed. Not an insult; merely a statement of fact and one a "smart" kid would learn from, not rebel against.

Another small fact: A 9th grader's bedtime should be prior to 11:00PM.

PS. Shop vacs have incredible suction power but it is annoying that they clog ever so fast in a dusty room. The fact they result in a lot of airborne particles also clarifies why they are Shop-Vacs. Miele's, Sebo, and Dyson suck real well AND concentrate on preventing the release of particles back into the air which are harmful to young and old alike. This is of particularly importance to those with small children and those who find themselves with allergies and congestion quite frequently.

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"You assure Russ you state up later than he does"

sheeesh, you have great writing too 2.gif. you also failed to spell MONKEY wrong. you aren't that bright yourself if you didn't get the point that I was trying to make in my other post. if you'll read it basically what I said is this forum is NOT a formal place, there for I do not take it as such. if you want bad spelling and grammer, read through the thousands of other posts on here, including this last one you just made. if you think we all treat this as we would a job application, and if thats what was expected in this forum, it would be a sucky place because you would have to run all of your posts through spell check before you could ever post!

the fact that you need to make yourself feel big by capitolizing on someones spelling says enough about your character. and by the way, do you even understand the relationship between minnesota and wisconsin? if you did, I'm sure you wouldn take the "slur towards people in trailer parks" differently.

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On 2/16/2003 11:06:47 PM minn_male42 wrote:


"juding by your posts... your knew here."

actually, i believe you meant "new here"

if you had bothered to look at the "member since date" under my profile you would have seen that i have been here over 6 months longer than you...



when i type late at night, i loose some of my grammar prowess...

i dont suppose theres a chance you could SHUT YOU STUCK UP MOUTH?

god that annoys me to no end... these are forums... online.... not english assignments for school!

honestly man, if i was around you in real life i'd give you a jimmismack... you sound like a terribly boring person...

and just for the record i happen to do very well on grammar related assignments etc.

oh, and i'm TERRIBLY sorry i didnt look at the member since date, have i offended you? oh silly lazy little teenaged me... what do i know.

i think i'll go blast some limpbizkit, do drugs, engage in promiscous sex, and swear at some random people!

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Wow! Another well thought out post. Ok. 9th grader. Let's see - you jump on a typo which was corrected, prior to your even completing your post, without the aid of spell-check - as a vindication of your generally bad grammar and spelling? Another sensible approach.

Let's forget you for a moment. Let's talk about why older people are generally smarter than younger people. We don't rely on gadgets to do our math for us. We don't rely on gadgets to do our spelling for us. We don't rely on MTV to do our thinking for us. We recognize the importance of presentation and we recognize laziness is not an excuse for stupidity.

Regarding your bedtime - fact is, medical research has identified the number of hours of sleep a growing genius needs to optimize his potential. You being so smart knew that and your child-like responses are merely the result of puberty and the need to exert your independence, right?

I do have children. In fact, my ten year old is reading your posts and states she is smarter than you. My three year old has already decided your posts bore her. I, myself, recognizing my children are smarter than me, am attempting to justify my continued response as a public service in the hopes some teen will comprehend: I have explained to them you are a squirrel trying to get a nut who defines himself and derives his sense of self-worth by whether his speakers are sold at Best Buy. Told them it was like the Big Brother program and I am trying to lift you out of the cesspool of mediocrity you are thrashing about.

Oh yeah. Your second spelling find. The "Monkees" were a band. Inside joke. I generally spell the plural of monkey this way in reference to my team, but I should have used "monkeys" instead in my post to you. Glad to see ninth grade has had some benefit. BTW, I will frequently spell tire as tyre, color as colour, humor as humour, and a few other twists on certain words. You being a genius and having so much experience will certainly know where I derive these variations from and why they are not spelled erroneously.

I am not capitalizing on your spelling. Go back and read for comprehension. Your spelling is bad. Your grammar is bad. You logic is bad. The list goes on and on. Just some constructive criticism. You have time to correct it before you apply to a University and if not - there is always junior college and/or vocational schools for someone of your caliber and intellect.

The initial focus of this thread was on your vacuum choice. Research and critical thinking would have led to another, better choice without buying into the hype. If comprehension is not your strong suit just remember the names Sebo, Miele, and Dyson.

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if that was directed at me... the only thing i took offense from was that MTV comment... i dont watch mtv... never have... ok i'm tired of being insulted and stereotyped... its annoying

oh.. and hand your kids a copy of War and Peace... or the Bible, The Odyssey... The Iliad... see how interesting they'll find it. I bet it'll be awful boring to them! Well then i guess that means its mostly proof read by "gadgets," is bad literature, and written by stupid 9th graders eh? yea someones gonna wanna inform Homer in the afterlife that this snobs kids are smarter than him...

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