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Bybee Filters


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I'm with you on that Doug. We have a mandatory retirement and it is like pouring water into the sand. I would be losing more but my employer matches what I put in. I have to put in a minimum of 5%, so they put in 5%. That is the max they'll put in although I can increase mine. I would rather buy gold.


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Anybody thinking these things do more for you than the Nigerian businessmen need only read the FAQ.


"A wire runs through this device, extending an inch or so out from either end of the device."

"the materials used in the Purifiers "speed up" electrons"

"They add no capacitance, inductance , and only a small amount of resistance from the from the length of copper wire that runs through them."

"In an amplifier-to-speaker connection, the absence of reactance creates an optimal signal transfer... "

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Based on all the lack of information and plain misinformation on their website (and using my knowledge obtained while getting my EE degree), I really think the only people that will notice a difference using this product are ones that really want to notice one -- in the end only to justify the money they spent. I honestly believe if someone removed their "purifier(s)" without their knowledge they would never know the difference and continue to hear the supposed benefits. Again I caution people from wasting money on this sham.

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one last post about this bullsh*t thing. calling john curl names is ridiculous as his past contributions to audio are obvious and need no defense, calling him names makes the name caller look like an idiot to ME. seocnd mr. bybee is a highly credentialed physicist who devleoped technology for quieting nuclear subs...his bullsh*t seems to please a pretty tough audience there as well...easy to call something bullsh*t, tough to really debunk...tony

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Just because Mr. Bybee is a highly credentialed physicist does not mean his purifier cannot be a sham. Also, be aware he would not be allowed to use any secret/classified technology he developed for quieting nuclear subs on a commercial application. The government just doesn't allow that at all, and I know this because I work for a defense contractor. The fact his website has so much mis-information (which they average joe won't see) doesn't bode well for his creditibility. If he really did have some new device that would truly make audio sound better he could simply patent his process to protect his intellectual right, but I see no mention of a patent on his website. The lack of a patent (which would give concrete techincal details -- something he seems to want to hide with buzz word and misleading statements) only furthers the idea that his purifiers are nothing but a sham. Like I said, don't waste you money.

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On 12/22/2003 1:02:47 PM sunnysal wrote:

one last post about this bullsh*t thing. calling john curl names is ridiculous as his past contributions to audio are obvious and need no defense, calling him names makes the name caller look like an idiot to ME. seocnd mr. bybee is a highly credentialed physicist who devleoped technology for quieting nuclear subs...his bullsh*t seems to please a pretty tough audience there as well...easy to call something bullsh*t, tough to really debunk...tony


I guess I missed some of the bashing you are talking about, however, the Bybee filter was bashed pretty hard in this thread.

As to John Curl. While I believe he is brilliant in many aspects, he is also a difficult person to disagree with (I had that experience) over the long haul. He does tend to become aggressively defensive with issues he has spent considerable time working on. Nothing really wrong with that, several folks here get that way, but still get my respect. John is highly attuned to his measurements and can 'hear' differences that I don't. That simply means that his 'hearing' a difference in using Bybee products may not make the product as stimulating for me - especially if it is subtle.

Interestingly John curl would most likely agree with my last bit and say that if you can't hear the difference don't buy it.

Some very good engineers have, quite rightly, bashed some of my homebrew stuff. My answer is that I well know the compromises I make and find them quite pleasing to my ear. To each his own...

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Sunnysal----So Curl has designed some good amps, that makes him a good engineer not a scientist. And he's in business to make money and is no different than any other fella that wants your money, a car salesman say. I don't put any of these fellas on pedestals. And being a cynical Chicagoan who grew up in an Irish and Jewish neighborhood I try not a be a chump, a sap, a mark for some con-man.

My friend the with the physics PHD has explained to me how Bybee and Curl are full of ****, my friend has argued with Curl and is unimpressed with his knowledge of physics which my friend says is by no means profound. Now since physics is way over my head I will trust my friend, whose knowledge and honesty I know, as compared to Curl and Bybee whose knowledge and honesty I don't know.

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Yep Tom - been where your friend is - while I am not a PHD (no one is surprised by that revelation), I had quite a good run with Quantum Mechanics and had to deal with it in some of my work over the years. Isolated particle interaction and reaction tendencies gets real messy - to claim independent results based on modification of a single aspect is a red flag for me and gets me into the theoretical discussions that can't be won with out significant time and money committment to research. When the counterpoint to my discussion resorts to Rush Limbaugh tactics and spends more time blasting me for blasting him I get suspicious and eventually weary.

Also, when a 'noted' scientist has on their website a mention of Phonons and leaves the impression that it is a particle that can be acted on electronically I immediately quit reading. Phonons are an effect not a reactive agent. They are subtle and can give you an indication of the presence of interactions (such as the existance of superconductivity). They may have some sort of electronic purity meaning, but it eludes me...

Geesh - sorry about this - I wanted to stay nicer in this thread..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Electronic grease, of course! Yeah, that's the ticket!

I am all for tweaks, but it seems to me that the only thing that can "speed up electrons" is a super-cold super-conductor, and they will still only go so fast, the lazy little buggers!

If I was going to sell cables, mine would be nitrogen-charged to approach super-conductivity... I figure that I could continually sell gas bottles to recharge them after the initial sale. Of course, nitrous would work, too, and be bonus fun as it leaked out, which could only improve the sound, too...

Hey, a built-in sales point! They'll sell themselves!


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Forget the nitrous, unless you can get dental/medical grade. They put some awful-smelling sulfur compound in "car" N2O to prevent the young punks from breathing it to get high-or whatever.

Anyone got one of these Bybees I can examine in a lab.? I'll find out what's inside and what isn't!

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