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So long guys, no more Klipsch for me.


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Next move from Klispch: Promedia 5.1 DIGITAL?

So now Klipsch's people, you gonna wait till a lot of people buys the 5.1 and then u gonna take out a new improved 5.1 with a digital decoder??? U starting to look like those big compagnies who only concern is too make more profit now!!!

When u started to make the v2-400 we had the feeling that u listened to the customer and it's exactly what u did but now, i'm starting to loose faith in u.

I still remember, when the 5.1 sound cards came out and the 5.1 speakers starting to show up in the market, that people asked about having a center channel and your tech support answered that we don't NEED a center channel because the 2 front satellites were stronght enough to emulate some kind of a ghost center channel. Guess what? I took your word for that and i went to buy the 4.1!!!!!!

Now u telling people "oh yeah!! it's better to have a center channel now".

I don't care about that center channel. Get real people; don't tell me you're always watching dvd's on a 19" screen or even on a 21" screen and what is good a center channel for games and mp3's??

What really piss me off it's the improvements u made on the remaining part of the promedias such as the sub and especially the wiring/connections... lot of people were complaining about the wiring/connections on the v2-400 and u made no change on the 4.1... I fell like i'm being cheated big time.

That was from amy:

Yes on the spring clips--plus 18 gauge wire!!

The control pod is completely different from the control pods of the previous versions, and I'm quite certain it will be completely clean (top priority!).

I was willing to pay the extra 100$ just to get those improvements with the 5.1. U never shoulded make the 4.1 if u knew that they still had some imperfections.

What's making me laugh is people who are thinking of selling their new 4.1 to buy the 5.1.

Well boys, be ready to go on a trip that we'll never end for now on. The only winner will be klipsch

So long guys, no more Klipsch for me.

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Is that what Klipsch gets for actually giving people what they want? Boy, you are definitely what they call a "tough customer!!!"

Klipsch was right--they didn't need to make a center channel for COMPUTER SPEAKERS (which is what these things were designed for), but now that more and more people are wanting to hook these babies up to their TVs and DVDs, they found a new market (and reason) for making the center channel... I say, more power to 'em!!!

And I also take part in the sentiment....BUH BYE!

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I still believe the 4.1 is the best system for computers because of the phantom center channel. It just does not make sense to have a center channel on top of the monitor when you're sitting just a couple feet in front of it.

Griswold is right...the 5.1s were designed with the people using TVs, DVD players, PS2s in mind...or people using their computers to watch DVD's at a distance. That's when the center channel becomes more important.

Klipsch's intent is not to make products obsolete; quite the contrary. We fully back the 4.1 ProMedia product, and will continue to make improvements upon it over time.

Thank you,



ProMedia Tech Support


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Yes ARGYLE!! Beautifuly put. ive been trying to say that for some time now! I am the owner of a promedia 4.1's, ive had them for a few weeks and came to the same conclusion you did about 3 weeks ago. Klipsch probably made a lot of angry customers from this descision and i know im one of them, well maybe not a customer anymore we will have to see.

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great, then you can go and pack your bags too!

the last thing this forum needs is more people to whine and complain about klipsch delivering new technology that the "consumers" want. If you dont like klipsch products or the company then dont buy them. Its pretty annoying to see people complain about silly things like that. When Intel releases their new cpu, do you go to intel and ***** to them and ask for some sort of a trade in special or even a refund?? Just live with it. I'm still very happy with my v2.400s. Whenever i have enough money saved up , i'll probably get the new 5.1s (which too me sound like an Excellent value!) comeone people, dual 8 inch in a multimedia speaker system. maybe this one will go really low( (20 Hz)! who knows :D I can't wait. It also means half a kilowatt RMS of bragging rights.


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It's a difficult job to satisfy the intelligent, demanding customer...

but it's an impossible job to satisfy the ignorant customer.

- - - -

Keep up the good work Amy. Believe it or not there are a whole lot of us "demanding customers" that appreciate Klipsch and their quality products.

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ya chabab , hibo baud hibo baud

OK if you don't know arabic it means, come on guys love each other ,love each other!!

And no not like the way you are thinking you FREAKSs> out there




This message has been edited by fawwaz on 05-30-2001 at 08:23 PM

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klipsch should just keep out with their good work.. if not because of klipsch, i will never have a set of wonderful speakers siting underneath my pc table.Bravo!!

people should just realise that technology is forever advancing, in order to keep up with the market, and the trend and the advancement in technology, klipsch move to come up with 5.1 should not be critised but instead should be praised. as basically a speaking manufacturing company... klipsch cannot just sit there and stick to 4.1 for pc.. there will always be revolution where new ideas and design will pop up in the mind of the engineers.

i strongly believe that klipsch has a lot of experience behind them... 50 years of experience..... to cater for the needs of the customers and supporters. and we are not in the position to critise them.

i noticed that klipsch is good in backing up the ver2-400 and 4.1specially with Amy unanswering my mail almost daily.... keep it up.

and so.. a lot of people out there will be appreciating klipsch 's move to launch the 5.1.

if possible, i don't mind keeping my 4.1 and buying the 5.1.. and boy.. i shall rock the house. heheheehee

i myself just owned the 4.1 for nearly a month.. keep teling myself i should have waited.. but come to think of it.. might as well buy both.. hahahahahahahaaa.

keep it up klipsch.. no regrets.. just enjoyment.....!!!

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I wasn't sure if i wanted to reply to all to you be it seems that some people didn't really understand my message.

Please read all this post before doing some false conclusions!!!!!!

First of all i want to thank Amy for the reply, they do take care of some issues but like i said in my first post: I don't care about the center channel this is not my main concern.

For the people who are saying that its pretty annoying to see people complain about silly things like that. I have to tell them that it's our duty as a consumer to give our full opinion about a product. I'm not a spoiled child who every time he want something he goes and cry to his daddy for him to buy it. My money doesn't fall from trees and I do work to get money like almost everybody.

Anyway let's go back to my main concern and it's the fact that Klipsch did some correction to the wiring/connections and even the control pod in the 5.1 that coulded be made on the 4.1 before they put out on the market. And this is why i fell like i'm being cheated.

I'll requote what amy said about the pod:

The control pod is completely different from the control pods of the previous versions, and I'm quite certain it will be completely clean (top priority!).

What??? Wasnt that a top priority when you went from the v2-400 to the 4.1??? now you are telling me that all the complaining of the owners of the v2-400 did about the control prod were not all respected... please don't say that your engineers came out suddenly with a solution a month ago. I know that it take more than a month to came out with an idea, to put on paper, to design it, to do a prototype, to test it and when it's approved, to redesign the assembly lines. And 4.1 are not more than one year old... It was a bad move to let people buy the 4.1 knowing that the control pod wasn't good enough. And that, get people angry.

What about the wiring and the connections? You knew that some customers didn't like the 1/8" (3.5mm) mono minijack and the 22 gauge and some people went and changed by themselves the wiring. You did no changes in the 4.1 and i thought that was the best you could do but what i'm seeing now on the 5.1??? spring clips--plus 18 gauge wire!! Heh! funny heh!

So what's give the assurance now that the same history wont be made on the 5.1??

By the way, people who are thinking that the improvements made on the 5.1 are a new technology i have to tell you that spring clips and 18 gauges were invented long before i was born. Going from a PIII processor to a PIV processor is an advanced in technology. Please don't mix up things!!!!

This is not a hate letter, this is only a fan of Klipsch who has a feeling of disappointment every time he looks at his promedia 4.1 from now on.

If Klipsch had released the 4.1 with the corrections they've made on the 5.1 even though that the 5.1 has a bigger sub and a center i won't be writing all the stuff above and i'm quite sure that some of the 4.1 owners (not the v2-400 owners) will agree with all i said.

I already know that Klipsch is making the best that they can do to make a high-end personal computer audio system at low price and I, somehow, love them for that. But they have to admit that theyve made a mistake on the 4.1 and that we, owners of that audio system, are paying the price.

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Having a clean control pod was a top priority for the 4.1, which is why we developed the CP-1. We designed it so it would work for the v2-400, as well, so our existing customers wouldn't feel like their concerns were being ignored.



ProMedia Tech Support


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I'm from Taiwan,and i'm a fan of klipsch's promedia too.I bought my v2.400 about one and half year ago.It took me to work very hard to find if any friend live in U.S. who can help me get v2.400. Finially i got my v2.400 which cost me almost $350 include shipment.I'm not living in U.S.,so that's impossible for me to get any new preamp,even that i still very satisify my v2.400 now.

After seem many improvement on klipsch new product to

come out,i will not to complain that why klipsch not implement these feature at once,i know i already got a very nice computer speaker.No mention you already have 4.1 which have much less hiss problem,better mid-range

than v2.400.

That's good new for me to see klipsch moving to 5.1,although it's hard to get 5.1 even i have enough money.At least i have chance to get 5.1 someday if i really want them.For now,i will keep listen my favorite music and play game through my v2.400.

And sorry for my poor english.After read your post,just want to say some feeling about promedia.

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I don't believe I did...we had some e-mail server trouble through most of Tuesday and part of Wednesday, so try resending it now...



ProMedia Tech Support


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i can see where argyle is coming from with his points and its kind of true. spring clips would be great for the speakers and it should of been done for the 4.1s and 2.1s. it would be great if klipsch can let us upgrade just the speakers. that would be nice.

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