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Capturing the beauty of tubes


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I guess somebody else wanted it more.

I thought I overbid at Eighty bucks as it was.

Oh well....

I kinda looked around for vintage audio today, nothing of course. A couple vintage tube TV's, yay.

Though the Packard Bell (or Bell Packard?) TV did have a Stereo AM/FM tube receiver with a turntable.

It was only 19 bucks, and the place won't put the stuff on the floor unless it works, or kinda works I guess.

Though I can check it at the store.

I could get cute and gut the TV for the AM/FM stereo receiver, it looked pretty decent.

Then I don't know if the receiver has the power amp built in to it, or is external, or built in with the television circuit, or if some components are SS.

It appears to be a tube unit, the receiver does have a tuning eye and the TV looks to be around the right era.

I may have to go back and check further.

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That mother weighs close to 200 pounds, if it is the one I eyeballed. I spent the day at the other end of the audio universe. Flips had a $28K seperates system from Mark Levinson I listened to for half an hour.

I moseyed over to the upscale HT place and listened to some Krell equipment, and loved the aesthetics of these huge thick speaker cables with some old Hoover doodle sweeper silver things, bout a foot.5 long, in line. It was too esoteric for me, so I wandered home and listened to my cheap cheap browbeaten Klipsch using the $20 Nakamichi CD player I got UPS from Spokane.

It was quite distracting, listening in the 40K, 60K, and 100K sound rooms and not hearing better systems. The furniture was far better than our basement; the sound was far short. And nary a beautiful tube heading for the stars!

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when stalking that elusive beast, approach from downwind(ie, the backside.) When the tubes are the brightest objects in your shoot field, you exposure balance will be better. A good macro shot is generally easier, also. If all else fails, just yank a tube out and firmly ground your finger in the socket. After you complete the 60 cycle shuffle, you might not ever get a good photo, but your cares will melt away14.gif11.gif

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