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Lord of the Rings reviews? Anyone?


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...the breath out of me. 9.gif

An amazing film that cements this movie trilogy as one of the finest, if not THE finest trilogy ever made.

It's every bit as good as the critics are saying.

Btw, the rights to the Hobbit are rather complicated and at the moment it can't be made. I believe I read that New Line is trying to resolve this issue and I know that Jackson has said he'd like to make it someday. I'd like to see it, even if it's not as epic as LotR.

What I'd really love to see is sections of the Silmarillion made into movies but there's no chance of that happening. Christopher Tolkien is on record as hating these films and has stated the Silmarillion will not be made (he owns the rights). Too bad, it has some amazing Middle Earth tales.

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On 12/18/2003 9:00:27 PM KiNNi C P wrote:

yeah, i totally agree........no offense to anyone, but i hate those dungeon and dragon games that kids play during lunch. However, i dont make fun of them though, its a hobbie. During lunch, if i see those kids, i give them a head up. I respect them for not worrying about what other people thinks of them. On the other hand, if my friend see those kids, well, its another story.

i never got what was so phenomenal about LotR either, it was like WTF??!?!? to me. But there was enough action on the 2nd and 3rd one to keep me occupy, great movie and story!

btw........why does it have to be THAT hobbit to take the ring, why are they at war besides taking over land, what is up with the big eyeball, why cant taht ring be destroy else where, how the hell does that ring give people pwoer, since the ring will effect the whole world, wheres china!!!, china could help them with some of their mystical pwoers lol.........so many questoin, but i dont care, the movie locked my attention from start to end, cept of the first one, i thought iwas the most boring movie ever, lol.

anywyas ENJOY!


One word, my friend:


(It does a mind good, and you might pick up some good spelling and syntax while you're at it...)

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Didn't care for this one. FoTR was fine, TTT was almost as good, but this one just dragged for me. Maybe it was the almost 4 hours in the theater, sitting motionless except to redistribute my shorts every half hour.

Too many face shots, too much fighting. These guys have more lives than cats! Felt fatigued and shell-shocked after this one.

I'll give it another shot once my wife gets the video, maybe it'll make some sense to me next time.

NP - Best of The Motors

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Chuckears has got it right!

But that is the thing that has screwed up the movies for me!, I know the books very well and am saddened by their screwed up portrail in these flicks.

Jackson ought to be drawn and quartered for his bastardization of the Trilogy!

The way he *ucked everything up is appalling! I spent half of the movie shaking my head in disbelief of the way he screwed things up!

The movies are so loosely based on the books that its not funny!

Heck, Aragorn's sword was reforged in the first book, Jackson has it comming in around the middle of the last movie! The whole Aragorn/Arwen relationship was so far out of wack its not funny.

For those folk who haven't read the books and are hooked on special effects I'm sure it was a treat for them but it was an abortion if you were hoping for the third movie to be better that the first two and for it to hopefully tie things together for the masses who thought that this was a close adaptation of J.R.R.Tolkien's masterpiece!

I'm sure that the Old Hobbit (JRRT) would not be happy with this so called adaptation....

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>>But that is the thing that has screwed up the movies for me!, I know the books very well and am saddened by their screwed up portrail in these flicks.

Jackson ought to be drawn and quartered for his bastardization of the Trilogy!

The way he *ucked everything up is appalling! I spent half of the movie shaking my head in disbelief of the way he screwed things up!

The movies are so loosely based on the books that its not funny!

Heck, Aragorn's sword was reforged in the first book, Jackson has it comming in around the middle of the last movie! The whole Aragorn/Arwen relationship was so far out of wack its not funny.

For those folk who haven't read the books and are hooked on special effects I'm sure it was a treat for them but it was an abortion if you were hoping for the third movie to be better that the first two and for it to hopefully tie things together for the masses who thought that this was a close adaptation of J.R.R.Tolkien's masterpiece!<<

I feel sorry for you. Your response to these movies is pathetic, IMO. You're not the only one who has read and loved these books and I pointed that out in this thread...


...where you didn't bother to defend your comments after I posted. You're entitled to your opinion but to say Jackson has bastardarized LOTR is just stupid, plain and simple. And don't you DARE tell me that I don't love, know, or care about the books, otherwise I would agree. That's a typical response from you book purists. Hey Hobbit, why don't you go back to your hole...

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Actually Moon,

It's probally OK that you didn't read the books.

Besides the main story of The Ring there are many sub plots and I'm sure that many of the words over five characters you probally could pronounce. It would of made that bald head of yours hurt. I'm sure that something longer that the instructions on how to play a computer game would be way over your shining pate....

Don't feel sorry for me, Frodo Lives!


Goes for you too!!!

You must of grew up on video..

Your response is a piece of crap...

I've already flushed it down the drain along with jackson... 11.gif

It's funny most of the posts above are glowing and honoring jackson for his pathetic depection of LOTR. I get on and state my feelings and get shot down. Its no accident that the son of JRRT is pissed too! I'm sure that he hated to see his fathers work turned into a movie to highlight special effects instead of telling the real story.

Its easy to see that the generation of kids who's parents gave them a game boy to play with instead of a book to read will easily love this special effects bonanza, why read and imagine (of course this is using your brain), when you can plug in and let a game do it for you. Pathetic!!!

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Don't be a jerk. You totally misinterpreted my post. In no way was I slamming you or insulting you. I was giving you a for real heart-felt post there. I do feel it's too bad that you can't just sit and enjoy the movies because you have such a deep background with the books.

Perhaps you should seek a posts true meaning before you blast someone if you are not sure what the author of the post had truly intended.

One more thing, don't EVER insult my intelligence because I shave my head. You have no idea how intelligent I am.

You know what, forget it... "F" you with your insults. Basturd.

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I grew up devouring fantasy, science fiction, and a lot of general literature and non-fiction... I don't read as much as I used to; working one's *** off for a living 11 or 12 hours a day does not exactly make for an open and attentive mind.

I hold The Trilogy to be the greatest work of literature of the 20th century.

I am also able to recognize that the book(s) are unfilmable as written, at least for theatrical consumption.

It is only with the full-release form that these films could afford to be made properly; there would not be enough revenue to allow the attention to detail in costumes, miniatures, and effects, if this had been released as a mini-series on TV, even if it was on HBO. NOBODY would have financed it if it could not reap the benefits of a full-blown theatrical release, with all of the subsequent video\dvd sales and cross-merchandising.

I think the film-makers did an excellent job in juggling the multiple challenges of:

1. Making films true to the spirit of the books,

2. Making films that the public would embrace and enjoy,

and (I think I would have found this most difficult)

3. Getting enough of Tolkien's ideas, dialogue, and characterizations in the film to still be able to still call it The Lord of the Rings.

I had complaints, to be sure, mostly in some of the character choices in the second film (bastard Faramir), and in the heavily edited scenes in the third film. But I would not have removed any of the scenes from the third movie, and it was long enough for today's movie-going public (which is apparently going to help it set some records).

...Fortunately, I have the extended cut of ROTK to look forward to, so I will be able to see the Voice of Saruman scene, Frodo and Sam being marched over half of Mordor with the Orcs, and the Mouth of Sauron.

These films stand as the best adaptation I could have hoped for of my favorite literary work, and I love them both.

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On 12/20/2003 6:56:48 PM The Hobbit wrote:


Thanks for showing your true self in the end...


Thank you for showing me your true self in the beginning. As immature as this may sound, don't even act like a victim, you showed your *** first.

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mOOn, chill son, calm down. Its all good man. lol Good job though.

This lil' hobbit here just needs some rest.

To whoever told me to read (not to sound offensive, to lazy to press back)

I do read. I read almost everyday. For school that is! 9.gif College, even though I am in community college, there is too much reading for one to go start a 1000 page trilogy series. Maybe during winter break i would hit that book up, but even until then, I need to finish some of the Steven King's books.

btw, i also have decent grammar. Well, at least i think i do. 9.gif However, the Subject/Verb agreements are KILLING ME!!! lol

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On 12/20/2003 8:09:11 PM KiNNi C P wrote:

mOOn, chill son, calm down. Its all good man. lol Good job though.


I am chill. Son? Cmon now. I bet I am old enough to be your father. 2.gif I said what I wanted to say. No hard feelings on my part towards hobbit. I would have said the same thing to my best friends.9.gif

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Goes for you too!!!

You must of grew up on video..

Your response is a piece of crap...

I've already flushed it down the drain along with jackson...<<

Wow, what an incredibly intelligent retort. You showed me! I can't believe I've wasted so much time on you.

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In my opinion, this is simply the best movie/trilogy ever made. The story, cinematography, cast, sound, and incredible extended DVDs separate it from anything else! The Return of the King was excellent. Rarely do highly anticipated movies stand up to expectations. THIS ONE DELIVERS!!!

DISCLAIMER: If you dislike nerds who are, or have participated in any of the following activities, please feel free to discount my opinion.

1. Play computer games.

2. Have played D&D.

3. Build their own computers

4. Enjoy motocross riding/racing (KX 500)

5. Building 1981 big block Corvette with 6-speed manual

6. Bow Hunting

7. Fantasy Football

8. Environmental Professional

9. Movie/HT Lover

10. Michigan/Detroit sports fan: Red Wings, Lions, Pistons, UofM!

P.S. I never read the books. Because of the move, I just might read the books. What if I don't like the books, beause they don't follow the movie?


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I just saw the movie last night. I thought it was much too long. I guess if your more into special effects as opposed to story flow then it would be alright. I'm not saying it wasn't a good movie because it was but way too long, especially the climbing to the top of the volcano scene. I don't think it was as good as the first and maybe a bit better than the second.

The real travesty of the movie was the fifteen minutes of commercials followed by twenty minutes of movies coming out in summer 2004, looks like a bad summer for movies.

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