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Whats a nice mid bugdet tube amplifier?

Klipsch RF7

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Guest Anonymous

I love all you guys, I still haven't heard ol george say he would even spend more than 500$, Now the guys looking for a 100$ RECORD PLAYER/not TT and you guys want him to by KHORNs? what the heck is up here? Am I that stupid? I guess so, you guys must be geniuses and know something I don't know. Let me see, george asked for a suggestion for a tube amp/integrated for about 500.00, and I suggested Something like a scott because it seemed a lto of people here on the forum use them with klipsch, now george owns a pair of rf3's which would need some wattage, unlike you guys with khorns, and you jumped all over me.

Just 1 question, am I that dense and stupid for this KIND gesture I made earlier today, or should I just keep my opinions to myself?

Smilin out 6.gif

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I got the Cayin at $499 stock and upgraded to have the bias adjustments on the outside plus Paul B. added an external gain control (for lack of a better description). Total cost to the door was about $650. On the Scott, I have with initial cost ($264), plus upgrades ($388), and original walnut cabinet ($81), $733 total invested in it. So roughly, the same amount on both.

Both great amps for the price and well worth it, IMHO.




On 12/20/2003 7:05:48 PM NOSValves wrote:


Now that was a great post ! Sounded fair and reasonable. I take you don't use LP's do you? That is to bad cause your missing the real joy of that Scott amp !

Oh and what was the total delivered price of the Cayin with the options you ordered ?



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Smilin, I hear what you're sayin, but this 7-page thread has gone way beyond the original question.

I may be presuming, but my feeling is that George is the type of guy who might really appreciate and be able to afford a used pair of Khorns. I came to this presumption based on reading all 7 pages of this thread and listening to what he has said.

Don't blame anyone else, it wasn't "us guys", I was the only one suggesting Khorns.

Dean, I've never heard RF-7's, are they comparable to Khorns? This is probably a subject for another flame-thread, right? :)] I've owned KLF-30's, but I don't know how they compare to RF-7's. I didn't think the KLF-30's were in the same league as Khorns.


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The Khorns are definatly nice but too big1.gif The RF-7's will give me the full rich sound i like and they are the perfect size3.gif

This is going to be my setup methinks, Scott 299-C completely worked over by Craig with all new tubes and caps, and a nice Miracord TT to play my Glen Miller, Eddy Duchin, Beethoven, bach, Mozart, Jan Garber and Al Bowlin etc.... 78rpm and 33 records.1.gif

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On 12/21/2003 1:02:07 AM NOSValves wrote:

I was eyeballing that TT that Ryan suggested it sure looks really cool !! I'll refrian from bidding since I already own 5 tables and you don't have one at all. Sure has a nice resto look and german made to boot. Do you have a 78 rpm collection ?


Yes sir i do, I have Eddy Duchin, Jan Garber, Bach, Beethoven Symphonies 9, 5, 4, 6 and Al Bowly and Ray Noble band, i also have 33 rpm bach, pachelbel, beethoven, Wagner, Vivaldi and so forth. I really want that TT to add to my Scott 299-C10.gif

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I understand Georg, but I felt Khorns had to be suggested. I find that my Khorns take up less room than my KLF-30's did, by using corner space that was otherwise not being used in my room (except for knick knack tables and such). In order to get the best soundstaging with the KLF's, I found it best to move them out from the walls a couple of feet and slightly toe in. WAF is actually better with the Khorns.

I don't know about RF-7's, but the difference between my KLF's and my Khorns was like

beethoven (yawn) to B E E T H O V E N (!WOW!).

I sold the KLF's.

I'm getting older now and I'm glad I haven't wasted a lot of time going up the audio ladder. Getting my Khorns 10 years ago really saved me a lot of time. I think anyone who enjoys Klipsch speakers, and has the drive to want to upgrade, along with the budget and space will eventually end up with Khorns. The sooner the better I say.

What say you Dean?


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Oh, also Georg, you cannot go wrong with a rebuilt 299C. It may not be something you keep forever, but it's a great introduction into the tube sound. I personally favor monoblocs, and that is what I'm working towards. I also like solid build quality, and (sorry Craig) I just don't find the Scott to be the best in that department.

You won't regret buying the Scott 299C.


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Greg and others,

When have I ever said they had the absolute best build quality? I have NEVER said these amps are the ultimate end all of anything. I have always said they are a great value for the bucks spent no more no less. They do happen to have higher build quality then just about anything else in there price range of the vintage integrated fare with Fisher being right in there at about the same level. I have also said a Gazillion times that there are great amps from many manufacturers of the day. I hate to rant but I just can't stand the way it keeps being portrayed that I am absolutely stuck on any single brand this is just not the case.

Greg this is not meant to be a rant at you. I'm just venting because these comment that seem to come out left and right by many around here are just getting old. Heck I wish people would start buying a more diverse selection of this vintage gear its not like doing Scott's day in and day out is enjoyable and keeps my interest peaked.


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No Craig, I don't wanna start it all over again.

It still seem a little weired to me, that peope put nearly 1.5 times, the vaule of a product, into rebuilding it.

I've done so myself in the past. when I put $9000 in a $3000 Mini Cooper and eventually sold it for $4K, 10 years later. Since then, I've learned my lesson, and try to buy restored units, myself (and not do the same mistake again).

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On 12/21/2003 11:19:42 AM Guy Landau wrote:

No Craig, I don't wanna start it all over again.

It still seem a little weired to me, that peope put nearly 1.5 times, the vaule of a product, into rebuilding it.

I've done so myself in the past. when I put $9000 in a $3000 Mini Cooper and eventually sold it for $4K, 10 years later. Since then, I've learned my lesson, and try to buy restored units, myself (and not do the same mistake again).


If I get this Scott amp, im going to keep it and use it for a long time to enjoy my music, i just hope after Craig replaces all the caps and the Tubes with nice ones and checks it all out that this unit will work flawlessly

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Do yourself a favor and quit talking about parts of this hobby that you know nothing about ! I can offer $175 rebuilds just like anyone else and what goes into these amps is almost entirely up to the customer parts wise. To meet a $175 dollar price point and still be able to feed my family I to would have to use 25 cent capacitors and not spend a entire day making sure the amp is absolutely to spec. my customers for the most part do not want that they want the amp to be all it can be ! Your statement above is comepletely uncalled for and very POLICALLY INCORRECT !!

My Labor charge for that above amp was $125 for rebuild and $25 for the bias circuit rework I spend at least entire casual day rebulding every single amp and then let it burn in for at least another day everything else is Parts, Tubes and return shipping get some where in the 21st century !!


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You know what is Ironic here you have no problem telling someone to go out and buy a quad of 40 year old tubes for $400 to ??? when they could get tubes to do the job for $80 bucks all so they can eek out every last little bit of sound quality out of there setup. But oh spend $350 for a rebuild to get the same results is absurd !! Give me a break !


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