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Twenty year old fruitcake

sheltie dave

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I am the lucky holder of a treasured family heirloom - one of those harder than a brick fruitcakes made by some indentured Benedictine monks living in some cave down in Kentucky. It was a gift to our Dad from a grateful patient, Dad sent it to me, I gave it to my sister for the following Christmas, and soon it was making annual sojourns cross country and around the world. It has been gifted to over thirty different people! Last year my aunt sent it to China, where my cousin received it two weeks and three days later. Then she brought it carefully home and returned it to me.

It has been donated to charities, taken to numerous Skrew your neighbor parties, raffled off, moved to eleven new houses, and we still can't get rid of it. Who is a brave soul on this site? Speak now or forever be dreaming of a luscious bourbon soaked fruitcake lovingly baked by holy monks working for the greater glory of God...12.gif

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Oh, thank goodness. At first I thought you were talking about someone you are (ahem) dating. That sort of thing is not allowed here.

Is it not true that the practice is to attach a tag to the cake and ask people to (ahem, ahem) log its (ahem, ahem, ahem) current location into a website?


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Jim, like a vestal virgin, it is still intact. The plastic wrap has not been removed. The only ritual we do is to remove the tin top, weigh it, and send it on its merry way.

Fini, in keeping with the family tradition, last night I convinced my lovely wife that we should gift it to my oldest nephew's fiancee as one of her wedding shower presents two days after Christmas. My nephew has really found a prize - she is gorgeous, intelligent, resourceful, and has a great wit. It comes with growing up on a farm near Mason City, Iowa. Wonder what she will use the ten pound circular brick for in their house for the next year2.gif

My audio engineer bud is upset, however. He ran some algorithms and insisted the fruitcake would be better at isolating your feedback/hum situation than the balls on a platter you are trying! Sheesh, engineers!

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Yes, I had secretly done the same acoustic tests. I guess it's better to keep it in the family, though, you big tease! Now I will forever be dreaming of a luscious bourbon soaked fruitcake lovingly baked by holy monks working for the greater glory of God...what a curse!!

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Darn! If it didn't stay in the family, the forum would have been a great place to keep it.

If anyone here gets one this year, I think a forum fruitcake (don't even think about it Fini) would be fun. Sort of like the cornwall vault. Actually, fruitcake would make great packing material.4.gif

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On 12/22/2003 10:43:15 AM garymd wrote:

Darn! If it didn't stay in the family, the forum would have been a great place to keep it.

If anyone here gets one this year, I think a forum fruitcake (don't even think about it Fini) would be fun. Sort of like the cornwall vault. Actually, fruitcake would make great packing material.

That would be fun

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I think so, too. But I can't believe that this vintage fruitcake hasn't been nibbled on yet after all its travels. Good thing it won't end up at my house...I actually don't mind fruitcake from time to time, and it wouldn't remain a virgin anymore!3.gif

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This sorta reminds me of my vintage bottle of Seagram's V.O. Canadian Whiskey...notice the unbroken seal; see the date? That's right, "1969"! It's never been opened! And the whiskey was 6 years old when it was bottled. Wonder how potent that old whiskey is today? I don't dare open it...maybe it's worth a bundle on eBay!14.gif


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Great story, Rick.2.gif But no, I didn't re-up (had 6 years active under my belt, so I should've stuck it out; I would've been retired by now).

The V.O. was actually a gift to my dad from one of his company Christmas parties. My folks aren't even casual drinkers, so it sat undisturbed for almost 35 years. Now it sits on my kitchen counter with many others (all opened and virtually empty), but I just don't have the heart to open it, even though I love a good shot of whiskey.

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People who malign fruitcake clearly never gave my grandmother's a try. She was rumored to include a secret ingredient which doomed those who copied her receipt to an inferior product. She never told anyone what the secret ingredient was, but it was rumored to have come from Kentucky in a small brown flask... 2.gif

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Earlier today there was an article on Yahoo News about an older gentleman (80's) who claimed to have a fruitcake made by his grandma back in the 1800's. It was something like 125 years old. He is supposed to be on Letterman tonight with it. I don't stay up that late, would be curious if anyone catches it.

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