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Which Klipsch Center?


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I am upgrading my home theater system and have a question regards which center to buy.

I have a pair of 50 year old EV Aristocrats corner horns. The drivers are Bozak 12" woofers, EV 1823 + horn mid range and EV TW35 tweeter bells with Heresy drivers.

I bought a JBL 3 way center and the results are dismal. Most of the time I run with the center off (phantom mode) and the EV horns easily provide crisp highs. The JBL just has no high end.

I suppose the difference arises out of the JBL using cone type mid and tweeter. I bought the JBLs through the web, I selected them because in days gone by JBL has had a reputation of the best high end sound for cone type speakers and I didn't know that Klipsch was still around.(EV still makes horns but not for home use, they are huge!

I am getting up there in age and am plesantly surprised that I can still enjoy home audio, but I need good strong upper mid range and a sweeter tweeter }:o)

So, am I nuts to think that a Klipsch center will come closer to the performance I seek than the JBL? I am basing my theory on the horn type upper range speaker.

Which Klipsch would you recommend?

Also, would the JBL suffice for a center rear speaker? (I have a JVC AVR which provides rear center output at pre-amp level only.) I will be using a separate amp which will allow more control of the channel.


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There is a fair amount of kinship between Klipsch designs and the EV.

A Heresy is the closest match to what you have.

The tweeter is a TW-35 you say. That is a "Wolverene" version of the T-35.


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Yes, the TW35 is the Wolverine. The bell, however is quite different than the T35. It has "baffles" in the throat which, in my opinion, gives it a better dispersion pattern. While the T35 is a vertical mount, the TW35 is horizontal.

At one time I had a pair of EV Marquis which was the along-the-wall version of the Aristocrat. I built these from kits and used all Wolverine drivers. Later, the Aristocrats came to me for free. They were from two "trade ins" from guys upgrading to stereo.

What I have is not a TW35 but the TW35 bell with a Klipsch Heresy driver/magnet assembly bolted on (the big square driver, much heavier than the Wolverine). Since the holes are an exact match and the results are so good, I suspect that Klipsch made the Heresy tweeter this way. I am hoping to find another speaker like it for the other channel.

I'll check out the Klipsch Heresy for a center. Thanks! }:o)

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E/V and Klipsch had a good working relationship for a number of DECADES. Between PWK using EV tweeters in his now-so-called Heritage line, and E/V's marketing enclosures early-on based upon PWK designs, this relationship naturally led to similarities in performance and voicing of certain models of the E/V line and the Klipsch Heritage line over the years. Your Aristocrats fall into this category. So, I also recommend a Heresy (preferably an older pre-Heresy II one) for a center channel for your Aristocrats. The tweeter will be the same in them and since you have the equivalent of the K77M version of the T-35 in your Aristocrats now, I would even more define the particular Heresy you get as being one made between 1977 and 1984...for the closest match to the tweeter version you are using in the Aristocrats....but any Heresy from around 1970 to before 1985 will suffice for that "more exact" match.

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Thanks guys,

I believe you are correct on using the Hersey as a center for my Aristocrats. There is a problem with size and weight though, it's both too large and too heavy to go into the space where the JBL is. Oh well, there is always the floor.

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You could always go DIY with matching components and settle the size delimma (search the archives and you'll find a bunch of that from the folks here), but all solutions retain the wieght of the original speakers regardless of shape.

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On 5/24/2004 7:57:08 AM hwatkins wrote:

You could always go DIY with matching components and settle the size delimma (search the archives and you'll find a bunch of that from the folks here), but all solutions retain the wieght of the original speakers regardless of shape.


Hi Henry,

I thought of that. I'd have to do away with the 12" and build a box for a 6 or 8" I suppose. But 58lbs my shelf could not take.

Anyone know how difficult a Hersey is to open up?

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Hey Brady,

Henry is right. Lots of us here have been in the same dilema as you with our centers The DYI approach was the best solution for us and may be for you. If you are interested click on my HT website for a look at the one I built. I am always willing to share construction photos so one can see the process.

Good luck!


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