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Milwaukee rip off; final chapter

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If you guys remember, I bought a set of Klipsch speakers (R series) and an HK receiver on Ebay from a guy and girl in Milwaukee back in Jan. of this year. I sent a money order and never got my goods. I got a $950 money order yesterday from the guy that ripped me off. Thanks to the Milwaukee police and the DA and my persistence. After 6 and a half months of run around, one email to the police oversite commitee and it was taken care of. Yes, I saw red flags but chose to ignore them out of greed because it was a good deal. I should have listened to my gut. Learn from my mistake. I have.

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That "gut" thing works good for all kinds of stuff. Use it.

Did you get all of your money back? I think that's pretty outstanding work on your part and a hats off to the Police.

So watcha gonna do with all that money?3.gif

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Niece to hear good ending stories like this every once in a while. 6 1/2 months--I thought for sure a low life like that would have spent the money already and not have anything to pay you back. I guess they made him come up with it. I hope they lock him up for a long time.

Do they have the death penalty in Milwaukee LOL???

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Congrats to you for your persistence and getting justice. Also have to say, Wow, am I ever impressed with the Milwaukee PD and DA. That is absolutely amazing that that they would ever have the time to get this done. Have they earned some good will or what?

Probably better for all of us that you and your forum buddies did not have to go up to Milwaukee for some old fashioned Klipschilante justice. That is never pretty. 9.gif

Come to think of it, has Dirty Harry ever posted here?

Go ahead, make my day!11.gif I know he is definitely a two channel kind of guy.

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I sent a money order for a $ 850 dollar french horn for my son about 2 years back.

The seller was an antiue dealer in the Dallas area.

All the e mail about the transaction was friendly and concise. I try to get them interacting via e mail with significant questions many times before i buy something over $ 200.

If they have the following I back off.

-less than 30-50 tansactions

-testy e mail

-incomplete e mail responses or avoid the questions asked

-I get suspicious if they do not take PAYPAL (I would send USPSMO instead of regular money order.

I have only had a 3 lp set of bad Zepplin LPs in 45 plus e bay trnasaction that I was not happy with.

If you get bad vibes wait a week or 2 and a new seller with put the same item up.

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I still have the 299. I changed the transformer and I still have the buzz. I changed rooms and its new home is less buzzy (about 75% better) than its old one. The speakers are still in the same place, I just remote located all my electronics. I have another problem with it though. When I turn it on, the left channel light comes on really bright and then dims when the tubes warm up. I am going to send it off to have it looked at. I have really enjoyed it. Thanks.

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You're a very lucky man, Steve. Sure, it took over 6 months to clear up, but you at least got your money back (all of it?).

I've been very fortunant so far on eBay; everything I've ever sold was paid for promptly, and everything I've bought I've received as described. Only 2 buyers never gave me any return feedback, but I can live with that! Thanks for your warning tips, though...they'll definately come in handy anytime any of us use any auction site.

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Yes, I was lucky but helped my luck along. I paid $800 for 5 speakers and an HK receiver and shipping was $140. I sent the POSTAL money order next day for$13.95 so it would get there in time for his next shipping run. I was told that I would have to wait until next week to get it shipped if I didn't next day the money. So in all, I had $954 in the deal, I got $950 back. I am a happy camper. I got copies of the endorsed money order from the post office, I printed copies of all the emails passed between the seller and I, and I printed copies of the auction posting and the "winning bid" pages plus copies of the emails of excuses as to why it hadn't shipped when they said it would. I had over 70 pages of documentation. I went to my local police and filed a report so the Milwaukee police knew that I was a real person with a real complaint. That was all faxed to the detective. Square Trade and Ebay were a joke when it came to helping me get my money back. About the only thing they did was to generate about 20 pages of excuses and lies from the crooks. I still had to go through it to show the detective that I was trying and serious. Like I said, I was lucky but making copies of everything and interacting with the crooks and documenting it made the case simple for the cops at the other end. If you don't look out for yourself, no one else will.

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No he wasn't a square trade member. I used Square Trade as an intermediary. It cost me $20. They talked to the both of us but only shared with the crook what I told him he could.

The seller said they would ship but didn't. By the time it was over, they had told about 4 different versions. The DA called today to let me know that since the guy sent me my money, he was being charged with "municipal theft" instead of "Criminal theft". It will be on his record. The fact that he sent me the money is admission of guilt.

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