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what's all this I keep hearing about SET amplifiers? If i SET on my amplifier my bottom gets burned!

seriously, just trying to get more up to speed. Can someone provide a primer course on the various types of tube amps (I gather that is what a SET is) and preamps and how the listening expeience varies from our SS receivers and separates.

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S.E.T. stands for Single Ended Triode. It is one type of the many circuit designs used to create an audio tube amplifier.

Here are a few articles to get you started that I have browsed before. Do a Google search on S.E.T. and other tube amps and you will get tons. Also do a forum search, there are TONS of past writeups on S.E.T. questions and such. Be prepared for a lot of reading 9.gif




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On 9/11/2004 9:50:13 AM HeritageBob wrote:

S.E.T. stands for Single Ended Triode. It is one type of the many circuit designs used to create an audio tube amplifier.


Actually, I think the technical term is for single-ended topology; since, you can use pentodes, tetrodes as well as triodes, but since most single-ended designs use triodes its been accepted as single ended triode.  All SETs are class A designs, although not all class A designs are SETs.

Theres a ton of info on web about this subject; but in short its a question of distortion.  What kinds and what amounts of distortion you find pleasing or acceptable.  A poorly designed  amp will have unpleasant distortion; a properly designed amp will have less distortion and any distortion present will be acceptable to our ears. 

I've owned commercial amps (both SS and SET) which have sounded utterly wretched; I've heard some which are actually quite good, despite the topology.  (BTW, a lot of it has to do with the power supply; a cheap-*** power supply will limit the performance of any amp.)

Which is why I've chosen to build my own amplifiers...better quality control  10.gif

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"SET" has to do with the amplifier topology. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with "tube" type amps. Solid state amps can be Single-Ended designs too. It's an old, simple, very basic amplifier design topology typically yielding much higher harmonic distortion and noise with lower power output capability. IMO very "colored" & "pretty" sounding, but as they say, different strokes for different folks. 2.gif

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No amount of reading, and the descriptions used in an attempt to pin down the sound of something is a very good substitute for hearing it yourself. It stinks, but that's just the way it is. Many of us have started buying used gear off of www.audiogon.com, and simply giving different things a try. If you don't like what you hear, good gear is easily sold off again without incurring loss. It's fun, but not without some hassle.

Based on what I know about you to date, I believe you would find these amps severely lacking in those areas important to you.

Artto, you never responded to my PM/email. Am I on your ****list or something?

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Thanks gang, sure appreciate the input, although I would like to know what Dean 'knows about me' to date. If we all really stop and think about it, what do we really know about each others likes and dislikes from reading each other's posts? That would really be a thread topic.

For me, I think(?) I like or am looking to design a system with simplicity for solid rock and easy jazz distributed through the house and gallery, plenty of clean low end bass, and one large theatre system somewhere in these 4000 ft2 and perhaps a smaller system. There's enough equipment here, I've just got to get it all sorted out. I also try to help out other newbies on the FOrum, although I admit to not being completely well versed in all topics here.

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I have always considered that SET topology is best when All-TUBE, ZERO NEGATIVE FEEDBACK (class A) which typically means LOW WATTAGE... any other requirements means that perhaps SET (at least class A) is not the way to go...

From your list, seems to me that SET may not be what would be best for you, although if you throw enough money at it, you could do the SET thing and get some large wattage...

I think that you would be better off with an AB-class rig, as the topology lends itself to:

a) increased wattage output (relative to cost)

B) relatively low distortion

c) wide® frequency range

d) moderate cost

You can go tube or SS, and pretty much handle the wattage requirements of 4000 sq. ft. and get the clarity that you desire, again, dependent on cost.


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On 9/14/2004 9:00:06 AM colterphoto1 wrote:

Thanks gang, sure appreciate the input, although I would like to know what Dean 'knows about me' to date. If we all really stop and think about it, what do we really know about each others likes and dislikes from reading each other's posts? That would really be a thread topic.

For me, I think(?) I like or am looking to design a system with simplicity for solid rock and easy jazz distributed through the house and gallery, plenty of clean low end bass, and one large theatre system somewhere in these 4000 ft2 and perhaps a smaller system. There's enough equipment here, I've just got to get it all sorted out. I also try to help out other newbies on the FOrum, although I admit to not being completely well versed in all topics here. ----------------


I won't try to answer the particular content of Dean's perception (not to speak for Dean, he is perfectly capable of that)about you when he said "knows about you"... but I have an idea about in general and some personal observations about folks preference or lack of preference for the SET topology. I'm one of those folks who bought several used amps to "taste" the different type tube amps. If careful shopping is done, one can listen for a while and recoup most of your investment by selling it again. I'm also one of those folks who really likes the SET sound. It has been curious to read and follow threads with personal attacks and forum members calling each other everything except the Son of God as if by having a preference different from another one makes one a loathesome and offensive brute. While that is still a wonder to me, I have accepted as a fact of life that some people like SET and some people REALLY don't like SET and don't want anyone else to say they like it. In all fairness, it should also be said that among the SET fans, some of them have showed off their butts, too.

Anyway, I found that SET is my cup of tea and am perfectly happy with that as well as unperturbed that others have different subjective preferences. It has nothing to do with any existential qualities one's mother may or may not have.

One of my curiosities has been wondering if it could be generally true that one's preference for amp topology, say PP or SET would correspond to their musical preferences. I think it probably does and I'm pretty sure Dean had thought the same thing long before it occured to me.

My preferences for music are instrumental and live jazz, the likes of Dianna Krall and Liz Story. Also enjoy R and B and all manner of blues. While I on occasion listen to Zeppelin and Nazareth, I'm not wearing out those CD's and never listen to anything really loud really long. Perhaps it's just because the particular distortion produced by SET amps sounds pleasant and musical to me... but I like it.

I think Dean is right about not being able to judge one's preferences for amp topologies from another's descriptions. There is no real substitute for hearing a particular amp in your particular space and your particular system. If someone on the forum has got an SET setup near you or could bring some amps by for a listen at your place, that would really be cool. It sure beats the hassle of buying and reselling just to find out what it sounds like.

If I'm remembering the description of your room, it is pretty spacious. That could be a limiting factor with SET since they are low powered. Wish you were around here to listen to my Khorns. I just love the way they sound with those flea powered amplifiers.


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I am of a very similar viewpoint as Daddy Dee. I am very much of an SET amplifier fan, and have used several different examples in my system -- which revolves, in part, around a pair of extreme efficiency Klipschorns. I have used SE amps with a maximum output power of little more than a single watt, and have been simply astonished by its realism and naturalness.

I also couldn't agree more with what Dean has mentioned about the importance of trying a component in one's own home and situation.

Low-power SET is one way to go, which happens to be my preference, but I have also heard examples of higher powered amplifiers that sound different and also very good in their own way.

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