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Cornwalls VS. Forte II


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I have the opportunity to pick up a nice looking pair of Cornwall CBR. I currently have the Forte II with Mcintosh tube pre and amp. Is this a substatial upgrade? Is it worth making this purchase? What is a fair price for a pair of average looking Cornwalls? Should I wait for a pair of Khorns to come available in my area?

Thanks for your input, Tom

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On 10/27/2004 7:15:28 PM tommy499 wrote:

I have the opportunity to pick up a nice looking pair of Cornwall CBR. I currently have the Forte II with Mcintosh tube pre and amp. Is this a substatial upgrade? Is it worth making this purchase? What is a fair price for a pair of average looking Cornwalls? Should I wait for a pair of Khorns to come available in my area?

Thanks for your input, Tom----------------


Yes, I have both speakers.

On eBay average quality would probably run you in the area of $500-700.

Yes, Khorns are the best, and there's no added shipping costs or high probability of damage during transit.

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On 10/28/2004 8:23:20 PM Bartdude wrote:

Having never heard Cornwalls, I'd like to bump this up to the top to know too...


I have heard the Fortes and I own Cornwall IIs.

Personally I found that the Fortes are more tempermental as to source. The mids are a bit bright leading to listener fatigue.

The Cornwall IIs have a more natural sound.

If you can, buy a pair of Cornwalls or Cornwall IIs. I paid $500.00 for the oiled walnut here (divorce situation) and I believe $700.00 or $800.oo for the lacquered. With the Lacquered, the owner was kind enough to send me an extra tweeter, still wrapped.

If others have input, I am sure it will be offered.


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He has Forte IIs, which have a Tractrix horn and passive radiator in the rear of the cabinet -- neither of which the original Forte used. The two should sound pretty different from each other.

I would pass on the Cornwall IIs, and wait for the Klipschorns, UNLESS they are mint. The Cornwall will give you a bigger sound -- which is kind of cool.

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I have a set of forte II's that i am selling on e-bay if anyone is interested. The sound is excellent, as you probably all know. I am getting rid of them because they are too big for my apartment. Does anyone know of any small speakers that I can replace these with, and still get good sound?? thanks .

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The original Forte's have a 12" passive radiator in the back, the Forte II's have a 15" passive radiator. All three drivers are also different, with the most noticeable change being the afforementioned tractrix mid range. I have listened to my Forte II's at concert levels for extended periods without listener fatigue. I do think the comment regarding source sensitivity is valid, some things just sound better than others on them.

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I have also read on this forum that the Cornwalls need a large enough room to be appreciated. If you have a room in the 12x15 range(even with vaulted ceiling) like mine then keep this in mind. With a 20x20 or more the Cornwall's should shine. I have never had the space to try the Forte II's in a larger room, but they would probably do pretty well up to something less than a small auditorium.

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