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Do I need psychological intervention?

st. patrick

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Denial is such a wonderful thing.......I know I don't have a problem (yet) but others (swmbo?) might disagree. I started trolling here approx year or so ago.......and have learned alot, spent a fair amount, and seem to have developed either good taste or else a compulsive disorder when it comes to klipsch speakers..........thus the querry! Started with JBL L-100's and 4311's, now out in the garage/workshop/home office/junkroom with an old and venerable marantz 2330b on the L-100's and a McIntosh MX-110 tube pre and McIntosh 2105 SS amp on the 4311's.

Have purchased what I believe to be very sweet CW's but have not yet made the roadtrip to Jorjen's to pick them up........yet......but in the meantime i have also acquired 2 different pairs of KG 4's (gave one to one of my college age daughters along with a pioneer sx 780), a very nice set of heresys with cane grills for here at work (again with a marantz 2045),........yet as I read all the good things said here on the forum regarding Forte 1's, khorns (no room, but enticing),academy,etc., I keep saying to myself "hmmm, maybe i should try those too.." especially when i see a mint pair come along........so, can one ever have too much klipsch? is there a Betty Ford center for people like me, would a 12 step program help?...........or am i just worrying too much about nothing????????12.gif

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The Steps As I Found Them:

1. leave checkbook out of reach

2. inform your insurance company with regards to the value of your equipment. Most only insure all of your contents for 1/2 of what your home is insured for. If you live in an area such as mine, that will not cover it.

3. tell your spouse ahead of time about upcoming purchases. That may be a big help.

4. look at either your vinyl or CD collection, or both. pick out your favorite that is also recorded well.

5. listen to your selection several times swapping speakers each time.

6. take 5 minutes to mentally recall a concert similar to, or by, the performer or composer.

7. relisten to your selection on your choice of speakers - Klipsch of course - and evaluate.

8. look at your components - are they what YOU feel is the best? If not think about a change - one time - to upgrade.

9. as you see a pair of speakers that you would consider buying, note the price. Take that amount and put it into a bank account.

10. relisten each time you consider buying a set of speakers. Be proud of the fact that to you you have a system that YOU find to be better than what you would hear in your Audio Store - not the $20,000.00 per piece "salons" around today.

11. keep track of the amount in the bank account.

12. when you have enough, take a vacation, relax and come home to YOUR system that you are happy with.

Also, if you find a pair of RB-25s for a good price, please contact me. I am putting a system together for my Niece. She will be in debt to you.

Enjoy the music.



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i keep telling myself that my mantra should be "source, source, source" (like the BB, the scout or scoutmaster, the arcam cd player, etc) .......but as i squirrel a few dollars away under the mattress, i inevitably "stumble" across a listing here, on ebay, or audiogon.......and this always happens about the same time the money starts burning the proverbial hole in the pocket, thus helping me to rationalize the "re-ordering" of my priorities.....

Dodger, good program but that would require some self discipline on my part............surely there must be an easier way!!!!!!!!! isn't there some old saying where i can get my cake and eat it too???

is "hobby" synonymous with "addiction"???9.gif9.gif

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On 11/10/2004 8:21:58 PM st. patrick wrote:

i keep telling myself that my mantra should be "source, source, source" (like the BB, the scout or scoutmaster, the arcam cd player, etc) .......but as i squirrel a few dollars away under the mattress, i inevitably "stumble" across a listing here, on ebay, or audiogon.......and this always happens about the same time the money starts burning the proverbial hole in the pocket, thus helping me to rationalize the "re-ordering" of my priorities.....

Dodger, good program but that would require some self discipline on my part............surely there must be an easier way!!!!!!!!! isn't there some old saying where i can get my cake and eat it too???

is "hobby" synonymous with "addiction"???


Yes, it is an addiction. For the most part all it truly takes is finding the one pair of Speakers (2 channel for me) and the confidence that you have made the correct decision. Then, sitting and listening to the music rather than the system.

We can all be influenced by recommendations, pretty ads, the latest bells and whistles - do we really NEED a remote for volume, burn some calories, unless you physically have a disability - but unless we ARE in the market for some component, recommendations are like the wind. They blow past humans and are gone.

Truly, think of a place where you have dreamed of going, then save the money and go. Some will say buy speakers you will have them. You may have them, but you will also have your memories unless stricken by disease or disater. Which a disaster such as a fire or flood can happen.

We are blessed with two ears. Taking different types of music into account, you can set up systems for classical, rock, vocal and new age. That will give 4 pair of speakers if one is that dedicated, PLUS 4 sets of components and someplace to set them up properly.

That will give the feeling of change - you can also have 1 or 2 pair of Klipsch speakers (I'm biased) and different components, within reason, to move in and out.

That way you will have that "new" feeling, save money and relax and enjoy not only your system, but the reason you have it - to play back your music.

When you run out of room, you will truly know what I mean.

We are all kids, no matter our physical age, we want ALL the toys. Well we can't always have them or we may not be able to have any. That's when your imagination can set in.

But if we can have some of the toys, we can take pride that our system sounds good to US. Note my sig.

The main thing is balance. Toys and vacation or another hobby to add. We are only human. We want, we get until one day we say I'm pleased.


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You are still in the "very sane" category compared to most of us here. When you have purchased your 5th or 6th pair of Klipsch within 6 months or so and brought home a thousand or 2 LPs to be cleaned on your recently purchased VPI 16.5 or the like and have sampled 6 or 7 amp/preamp combos, 4 or 5 CD/SACD/DVD-A players and 4 or 5 TTs in that same time period, then it's time to start asking yourself if you still have your wits about you. Also, if you do all this without the wife asking too many questions because you've done 90% of it behind her back, it may be time to seek help.11.gif

It's not like I'm speaking from experience or anything.12.gif

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Well Gary, it wasn't necessarily "behind" her back......see, she was.....ah, well, um..... otherwise occupied in the shower or else asleep when i.... ah, um, well.... each time i remembered that i had more stuff in the car.....and, well, you know, i just couldn't leave it out there all alone all night long......yea, that's my story.

my lp acquisition count is still short of 1,000............guessing in range of 750-800.........but haven't yet gotten a RCM.........but hope to trip across a loricraft some day.

......and if i can get my living room remodeling project off the ground and finished i'll even have room for those cherry CW's

it sure would be a lot easier to play if i didn't have to work all the time!!!9.gif9.gif9.gif

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On 11/11/2004 12:18:27 PM D-MAN wrote:

What you need is an intervention with some "tough love".

- where's my baseball bat?!

Seek immediate financial counseling. The gear is always better if it belongs to someone else.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.




That is one I have not heard before. Love it.

Actually, when you have 2 CD Players, 1 set of Cornwall IIs hooked to one receiver, a set of Heresys connected to another receiver awaiting a Pre-Amp, 1 amp waiting to go in, the TV hooked in, the VCR hooked in, a dvd player on its way a cassette deck and a CD burner/player all in your living room - question yourself.

But we could be alcoholics, drug users, wife beaters, child beaters, child molesters, thieves, rapists, murderers to name a few.

So maybe we are helping the world.


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If I may? Which I shall. I ushered at the Hollywood Bowl from 68 to 70. Since I've pursued the audio quest to best mirror that experience. It ended in 1976 whence I first heard the Klipschorn. Couldn't afford them but I heard them.

Got the 4311's and still have them. Play them loud: play them with Zepplin and they've always been fun. Got K-horns in "86" and fulminated with pleasure. Dropped K-horns in 2002 and weeped (sometimes profusely). Got K-horns back in 2004 and will most likely be buried with them.

Stop futzing about and do the big one. New or vintage the Klipschorn is THE ticket to END the search for fidelity. Period, thank you!


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