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Guitar Gurus! Acoustic Suggestions, Please...


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On 12/12/2004 9:10:42 AM fini wrote:


Nice shot! It's always helpful to be able to put an ear with a name

Looks like you guys were having some fun! You drink Sierra Nevada in Cincy? Whaddaya know!


Here's a better shot of my ear. We had some good beer here friday that's for sure. Have you tried any Great Lakes Brewery beers? I really like their Edmond Fitzgerald Porter, Dan also brought over some porter called Dog Humping Leg or something, so may legs so little time is the logo on the bottle. Brewed by Dead Dog or something, really good.

The ponykeg up the street has started stocking some good microbrews in their beer cave including some Sierra's. Finally! I take it you like a good beer now and then? Good for you. Did you find a guitar yet?


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On 12/12/2004 9:33:24 AM rtaylor wrote:

I just noticed the date is out of whack on the camera, this was friday not 2 years ago


I was going to ask about that, when I saw the Blueberry in the rack! No, I haven't tried those local brews. They sound tasty! Maybe we should start a forum beer exchange?

Nope, haven't made a decision on the guitar yet. The Samick would certainly be the simplest solution (very local shop), but I always like to look at all the angles first. I've certainly gotten some great advice in this thread! Thanks, all!

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Hate to add even MORE choices but I'm suprised with all the talk of Martin copies and such that Ventura hasn't been mentioned. I thought that THIS was the company that was sued because of all their exact copies of famous guitars i.e. Gibson J-200 was called the V-200, Gibson Les Paul copy, Gibson ES-335 copy, Gibson SG copy, Martin Dreadnaughts are now V-25, V-45 and several others I'm sure, they made a Barney Kessel jazz guitar that is highly regarded & they even copped the double-neck 6/12 string SG like my man Jimmy Page used live on Stairway. I think almost ALL of their guitars are highly rated and are very popular in the underground guitar collector market. Oh yeah...they're dirt cheap. Check out some reviews on harmony-central.com. I know this one guy who has a complete set minus 1 or 2 models.

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On 12/11/2004 6:04:47 PM fini wrote:

She liked the



If the Samick does it for her, then that's a good thing (provided it doesn't fall apart!) I've always said that my guitars pick me rather than the other way around. While this may sound silly to some, I suspect that those of you who really love your instruments will know what I mean... There's an "x-factor" to getting a guitar that can't be quantified or reasoned out.

Not to worry... Whether it be the shiny finish, the cut of the headstock, the look of the rings around the soundhole, whatever -- if this instrument inspires your daughter to play, to practice that extra 10 minutes, to just noodle around -- it will serve her very well indeed.

Once she becomes more proficient, then perhaps the Yamaha / Alvarez / Epi may be a good next step. Or even a Taylor, Martin, Lowden 2.gif could be in her future. What matters is that she enjoy the journey -- and I'm sure she will!

Take care,


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Nothing wrong with Samick guitars.

And the issue I have with everyone recommending Guitar Center is that, quite simply, I've never been anywhere in the country where a locally owned shop not only has the selection available, but is more than happy to match or at least get in the ballpark of Internet pricing to get your business.

These people work their asses off trying to stay afloat when GC comes to town with their lowball price attacks, just like Wal-Mart. They deserve your support, unless they prove otherwise when you walk into the door.

I'm not saying buy from a local shop just to do so, I'm saying the local shops take better care of you and they will happily negotiate prices on just about anything in the store. If you find one that doesn't do both those things, then by all means, take your business elsewhere.

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To be honest Griffinator the exact opposite is true here in Austin. The local shops are a bunch of stuck-up Stevie Ray worshipping snobs who would rather keep playing guitar in front of you than ask if you need help. GC here ALWAYS helps but never hounds and they are genuine. Maybe it's the competetive Austin market. The local shops can't even get close to GC on prices. When I think about it I don't care if they're nice or not. I just want a cheap price. It's not like some clerk at a shop is going to educate me on some piece of equipment and talk me into buying something I don't need. When I go to a shop I'm prepared and know exactly what I need. I don't really agree with that "I'll pay the extra bucks because they take care of me" ethic. How do they take care of you? Do they come and cut your grass? It's all a charade. They act like they're your buddy and really they're just after your bucks like any other business.

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My little Taylor, as you can see in my avatar, has a cutaway. They are for playing higher up the neck. Some like them just for the cool factor. Everyone knows that's why I got one.

Most folks aren't going to be plugging in. You are paying for the pickup and the electronics that may never be used. I personally don't like the electronics in the side, but do have an under saddle pickup in mine. This way it really still looks like an acoustic, but can be plugged in if need be. You just lose the onboard control over the signal. I have never liked the idea of having a hole cut into the side of a guitar and spoiling the esthetic looks.

Having a cutaway doesn't effect the tone or volume, according to luthiers I have been in touch with. At least not enough to say yeah or nay on it.

My two cents.



We have L&M music here in Chattanooga, and the guys who started it were great. Newer sales people have been awful. I stopped in to pick up some sets of strings, and this guy kept annoying me and trying to get me to buy the Elixer strings. He ticked me off a lot. Now my little shop closer to home carries what I want and I'm happy to pay a little more from them.

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I checked out Elderly, good prices and free shipping, too!

If you've got teenagers, maybe particularly girls (I've got two, no boys), you know the father/teen relationship can be pretty, uh, confusing for ol' Dad. She won't stand for too much discussion on this (or any) matter, and I really have to watch what I say (unlike my display on this board, where I just blabber). One wrong word, and I'm in the dog house for days. I will have an uphill battle trying to convince her a cut-out (or a solid top, or particular tuners, or an older mellowed instrument, etc.) are desireable. I'm now thinking I have to have a meeting with her male friends, so they can work on her...2.gif I want to get a guitar she's happy with, as well as one I'm happy with. It'll make the gift more personal (which is what it's all about). You all know this already, though.1.gif

My hope is that we can play together. Now, that would be my Christmas present!

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On 12/12/2004 8:49:18 PM synthfreek wrote:

I don't really agree with that "I'll pay the extra bucks because they take care of me" ethic.


First off, I never said that. I don't have a problem getting any of the local shops I frequent here to match internet pricing from AMS, Musician's Friend, etc.

Secondly, I'm going to give you a nice little economics lesson. Here's how it goes:

The economy on the local scale (your hometown) is completely dependent on the flow of wealth in or out of the town.

Say, for example, you work at a locally owned business. Your paycheck is wealth taken from the local economy. If you purchase locally produced goods from local vendors, all that wealth stays in the local economy. If you purchase goods produced elsewhere from local vendors, some of that money stays local, some of it goes elsewhere. If you purchase goods from a national chain, nearly all the wealth leaves the area, save whatever that chain pays the workers in your local store. Why? Because the profits go to company HQ, the costs go to the company that produced the goods.

What does this mean for you? Simple. As wealth systematically leaves your local economy, it has to be replaced by more, or your local economy will die. So, either local people must work outside of the local area to bring in wealth, or wealthy people need to move into the area, or local businesses need to expand their customer base sufficiently to bring out-of-area wealth in, all just to replace the wealth that exits the local economy via you purchasing goods from companies that are headquartered elsewhere.

A vibrant local economy depends on local consumers spending local dollars on locally produced goods.

This is why I

1) Don't shop at Wal-Mart, and whenever possible any other chain grocer.

2) Purchase all my produce from the local farmer's markets

3) Purchase meat raised, slaughtered, and packed here in Virginia

Obviously, electronics aren't something that you'll see produced locally, but you can certainly take the trouble to purchase from a local retailer, keeping as much of the wealth in the local area as you can.

I'm sorry to hear about your terrible experiences with local music shops. There are a couple here in town that are pretty sorry operations, and I avoid them. However, there are several others that are good business people who deal fairly and friendly, and I happily spend my money there.

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