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On 1/14/2005 1:54:05 PM m00n wrote:

Ok CMon... You're splitting hairs and you know it. There is a big difference between some of those and smoking... A parent DIRECTLY can control smoking in front of their children. It is a VERY WELL known health hazard and anyone who does it should be ashamed of themsleves.

As far as the vent ducting.... Very interesting, I'd never thought about it. Very good idea and I'll be looking into having this done. Also like the lysol idea.


I know I'm splitting hairs, but that's the point. Where do you draw the line on common sense? They are already making us wear seat belts, but it's turning into more of an excuse to pull people over for other reasons.

Women who drink, smoke, paint, get their hair colored, nails done, eat too much sugar....etc, are harming their children, too. Sometimes way more than second hand smoke. There's a lot of stupid harmful behavoir that there should be a law against, but it's just not practical. How do you enforce it?

Be sure you ask the people what they do for the price. They cleaned and dissinfected every register vent, then they blow all the ducts out from the farthest point in the home out a hole they make right by the furnace, then wash out the ducts with strong dissinfectent. You'll walk into your house when they're done, breathe in deep and go "AAHHHHH." 1.gif It cost us $379 for a 2,000 sq ft home.

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Sorry to hear about your Dad dodger. I love my Dad too. The older I get I think more often of the sacrifices he and my Mother made for my brothers and myself. They were not perfect I guess, but who cares.

Between you and me Amy, I enjoy removing those tags from pillows and mattresses that say 'under penalty of law'. I love livin' on the edge.


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There are laws and there is reaction.

In NY State, if you use a handgun in the commission of a Crime, 1 year - no plea bargaining. Have never heard of one even attempted prosecution.

We have VTS (Vehicle and Traffic Safety Laws) that prohibit following too closely. We have had some "Road Rage deaths." Is Traffic Enforcement enforcing, or being told to enforce those Laws?

No, we add Road Rage Laws. The same fines, applications and points on a license could be done by enforcing Following too Closely, Speeding, Reckless Driving, Menacing Laws. In fact more fines could be collected.

Dust mites feed mostly on shed skin. Amy, you are hereby cited for shedding skin.

There are shampoos for split ends. Hairspray can also control that.

Stupidity in certain behaviour can be an offense. Vandalism is stupid.

I have owned my house 26 years as of January 10, 2005. My living room is Off-White. As a lark, I obtained a color chart and compared - the same color is available.

A non-smoking house, the color of the wall and chip are the same. There are no exceptions to my rule.

There are those who say no more laws. Yet sit idly as taxes go up, jobs go overseas, etc..

NY is a no smoking state. Step outside. Keeps the air ducts cleaner - but boy your suggestion Amy is on track. Every November.

Just a note of caution regarding Lysol or any other alcohol or solvent disinfectants. About 40 % drops, near flame, one could make for a heat cleaned duct work.

Careful use (no cracks in the heat exchanger) and also a quick spurt down or through each register is also good. Use of the dust mite spray is good.

But, the cost of meds for asthma - ADVAIR: $235.00 for a month supply here, Serevent, Nebulizers, inhalers, E.R. visits, Hospital admissions. The death rate for asthma is increasing, yet we have more meds.

There are points for new laws, or the enforcement of existing laws is an argument every time.

New Law, i used to pay $10.00 for an annual inspection, double even though my truck has none of the points to attach to. It beat the Clean Air Bill.

But if one wants to REALLY get technical, as one cannot trespass or throw garbage on another's property without permission, they can be cited. As we have clean air, and second hand smoke may offend, cause allergy or asthma attacks (how much is YOUR health care premium), dropped cigarettes start smoldering fires (how much is your tax bill) - the right to smoke ends at the point in which I begin to inhale.

Now before everyone starts posting, Amy Chides us and shuts it down, I don't believe in a lot of additional laws.

I believe in thinking, courtesy - read Arthur's post, and teaching. Take the 3 Stooges off because children are imitating. My Father explained al of their stunts to me. But what about wrestling?

I'm dead now.

Sorry to offend, but sometimes I think of being in a small room with a smoker, me having asthma - I think about the gas chamber.

People need to take resposibilty for their actions. Not who can I sue. But respect, courtesy, respect for someone's future health are not too much to ask for.

Think of this: all the news shows complaining about obesity and we have the Hungry Man Commercials, we have speed limits, a new young driver tries to follow them and has 20 cars on their bumper - what are we saying?

With no offense to anyone,


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Never could stand cigarette smoke. Can't even inhale the direct cigarestte smoke, makes my lungs close up like tpg said. Cigars aren't far behind. Some pipe smoking smells good and even tastes good (once you get your tongue 'broken-in'). I like the smell of burning leaves in autumn although we can't do that anymore either. I prefer smoke that makes everyone happy.


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You know,

It wouldn't be so bad if air filtration systems were improve to include a singular spot.

Until then, noting what I've said about laws, if we could be a little more courteous.

This is O/T from what I started, but as I was eating a piece of rye bread last night, I started wondering how and why people try the foods or inhalants we have.

Dumb thought.


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