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THANK YOU mOOn - sig


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As an asthmatic, I had to take Prednisone for control. Inhaled steroids were not available.

I love my Parents, They were also my friends.

The Prednisone is what has led to the 5 surgeries on each knee.

I don't think I would have had to take as much if any Prednisone if They and my older Sister did not smoke. I did have allergies and the asthma when young.

This is a purely personal Post of thanks for a sig that says so much.

I don't want to emabarass mOOn, if anyone does not like that sig, take it out on me.

No replies are needed.


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Ugh.... Prednisone is the worst. I have had my share.... believe me. And I also noticed mOOns post a while back when he changed it & I totally agree with it. Just kills me to see a parent with a child all buckled up in the back seat & have the parent with a cigarette in one hand and a cell phone in the other, while trying to drive. These people in my opinion really need to be smacked upside the head.

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My favourite regarding what one is doing while driving took place on Monday.

Patrol Car slows loks at a couple of homes, turns left 2 houses away.

A 2nd time seeing this. Cell in one hand (by law we are to be hands free), putting on eye makeup.

Mis-judged speed of cruiser, nails his back fender and door. Officer waited a minute, exited vehicle, Summons Book in hand, then asks me if I witnessed incident.

As I answered, I ALMOST felt sorry for her.


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My dad used to smoke, from the start of his marriage through when my older brother was born. But he quit cold turkey once I was born 2 years later. He cannot stand the smell of smoke anymore.

I chain-smoked in high school (you know how that goes) but quit one morning, the summer before I was to attend college, when I started hacking up bright red phlem with black specks. I haven't touched a cigarette since, but I'm able to stand smoke no problem. Most of my friends smoke, and it doesn't bother me in casinos either. Weird.

I DO think smokers should be considerate of people around them, as second-hand smoke is killer, and highly inconsiderate if they just blow smoke out wherever. I'm not sure if it's a law in every state, but smoking anywhere indoors is illegal here in California. However, I do feel that smokers are people too, and that we can't just look at them like scum. Because they're not. Mutual consideration and respect is what we need.

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True and I think California has taken it to a WAY extreme. I think there should be exception establishments such as bars. Think about how many people are closet smokers, who only smoke when they drink. Bars, clubs and places of the like should be exempt IMO...

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I hate people that chew gum. I can't understand what they are saying as they smack their big lips while chewing away. They never save the wrappers to wrap the gum in when they're finished, they just toss it to the ground and it sticks to my bare feet.

Gum is full-o-sugar which is bad for your teeth. And then there is the danger of biting your tongue or your lips. I quit watching baseball years ago because of all that chewing. And what about that chewing tobacco! Those double-dipping folks really make me sick.14.gif

I used to chew gum and tobacco, but ever since I quit I'm totally intolerant of others that do it.


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On 1/13/2005 6:41:22 PM m00n wrote:

True and I think California has taken it to a WAY extreme. I think there should be exception establishments such as bars. Think about how many people are closet smokers, who only smoke when they drink. Bars, clubs and places of the like should be exempt IMO...


Oh, I don't know. Can't imagine a universal ban on smoking in bars and restaurants causing people to stop drinking or eating out.

Moon, BTW, I have appreciated your signature. As a youngster growing up in the late 50's and early 60's I can remember my brother and I begging our parents not to smoke in the car, where we were relegated to the back seat and without permission to roll down a window because it would blow Mom's hair. That made for some foul 5-6 hour weekend trips to visit grandparents.

One thing it did do was to make a vow never to smoke or subject my kids to it. That promise has been no trouble to keep, either.

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As a smoker I try to practice what Nicholtl referenced, common courtesy. At home I only smoke on the back patio, even when it's inclimate, never in the car when my children are in it, and actually my wife and I never smoke in our Tahoe, which is the main vehicle we use to get the kids around and drive as a family. I do smoke in my F-150 when I'm alone, and will in a bar or casino if it's allowed, but even then out of habit I often go outside.

I realize it's a bad habit, but hey that's my choice not other people's. So I also don't try ot make a choice for them by exposing them to it, we all know that second hand smoke is dangerous to others and unwanted by them. It doesn't take much effort to be respectful of other people, I wish more smokers were, we might have a better rep.1.gif

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On 1/13/2005 6:41:22 PM m00n wrote:

True and I think California has taken it to a WAY extreme. I think there should be exception establishments such as bars. Think about how many people are closet smokers, who only smoke when they drink. Bars, clubs and places of the like should be exempt IMO...



All you have to do is spend a little time here in Ca to realize how nice it is to go anywhere in public and not have to breathe in that garbage. When we travel outside of Ca. and go into a place that allows smoking, we gag! Once you get used to clean air, you never want to go back! And yes, both my wife and I used to smoke. I might light up a cigar about once in two years and have about a thousand dollars wrapped up in pipes that I haven't used in 15 years.

There has been no ill effect on restaruants or bars. There is no choice, if you want to go there, those are the rules and though some may grumble a little now and then (much less now that it has been in effect for a while) it is no big deal.

When I go to my best buddys house (his wife is a smoker) it takes a while for me to be able to get over the smell. My clothes and hair stink and I can't wait to take a shower and change clothes. I love them dearly but it would be nicer if she did not smoke.

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I may be taking this to an extreme here, but, I can't help but wonder why there are no laws in place for this. There are lots of other laws to protect children, there are lots of health hazard laws, but there are no laws that protect children from this killer.

People will come back and say, but what I do in the privacy of my own home is non of the governments business. If I want to smoke in my home or my car then the government should stay out of my business, they are my children not yours, not the governments....

Ok fine... By that token I should be able to feed my children rat poison. What's the difference? Both are harmfull to their health.

People may also say, I'm a great parent, I don't abuse my children, I don't raise my voice towards them, yet they smoke in front of them in the home and car... WAKE UP! I'm sorry but smoking in front of them in a closed space IS abusing them. If you don't think so, you're either very selfish or very much in denial.

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What about laws that prohibit:

Dust mites



Paint/varish fumes

Hundreds of household cleaning products

Pet excrement

Baby gates at the top and bottom of stairs

Length of time between diaper changes

The list goes on an on. People need to use common sense with childcare without having hundreds of laws to uphold. Unfortunately, many don't.

For me, it was a no brainer. My smoking friends have to smoke outside or right next to the window fan that takes the smoke directly outside, or deal with me.


By the way, after Steven was born, we had all of our air ducts cleaned in our house. For anyone who hasn't had this done within the past 5 years, I HIGHLY recommend it. We're all 100% healthier because of it, and it's something we rarely think about. It's important especially in the cold weather months when the house is all closed up, and the same filthy air is being breathed in over and over...

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This also from the website you cited m00n:

"Many parents avoid doing things in front of their children which they dont want the children to imitate like swearing or jay-walking. If you smoke, it may be a good idea not to smoke in front of your children: children whose parents smoke are twice as likely to become regular smokers."

This is also harmful in possibly a very long term way. Child learns to smoke, they grow up, have kids, and then smoke in front of their kids. Grampa (long since quit smoking), then suffers seeing his grandkid(s) go thru health issues.

OTOH, my Dad was a regular smoker. Never smoked inside the house or the car, but did so outside or whenever we were out in the boat fishing. I never took up the habit even though I tried a few times. I get a wild hair every once in a while when I'm grilling and/or sipping a nice single barrel, triple distilled Anjeo Tequilla or single malt scotch and will light up a see-gar. But the same thing happens afterwards that happened after I tried a cig - I feel the need to drag my tongue on the concrete!


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Amy - you can add peanuts and peanut butter to that list too!

As for your A/C ducts, here's something that was recommended to me by the industrial hygenist here at work that will help tremendously.

Once a year, like in the spring, open up the A/C intake return, pull out the filter, and then turn on your system's blower (A/C or heat set to off). Then take your favorite can of Lysol (I was told it's best to use the original) and spray just about the whole can directly into the A/C intake return. The system will distribute the Lysol throughout the duct work and also within the air handling unit. It's not as good as a thorough system cleaning, but will abate the growth of molds considerably.


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Arthur gave an excellent reply.

My point in starting this thread was not to pit smokers vs non-smokers.

I did not ask for more regulation. I stated mu OPINION, and I gave accolades.

I emailed Moon when I first noticed the sig.

Perhaps my asthma would have been exactly the same had they not smoked. It seemed funny to me to watch my Father hack and cough, for minutes, then light up.

He died at 55, heart Failure partially caused by over use of asthma medications. Medical Examiner ruling.

I will state that the side effects of Prednisone should be fully stated - read the Physicain's guide. No listing about detrimental effects on Cartilege.

I take Glucosamine with Chondroitin and also Glucosamine with MSM. for me that combination works, after the stated 5 surgeries on each knee, I don't limp.

But after seeing my Father in the morning (no asking for any payment as he chose) and seeing him dead on the bed, eyes open, then reading the Medical Examiner's Ruling.

I have to ask what caused him to take asthma meds, then I have to ask myself what the possible reasons for my asthma are - a non-smoker who never even tried.

Could there be other causes, yes.

But at age 52, having a total of 10 surgies and taking homeopathic remedies that seem to work, but cost quite a bit, but still having to be on Medical Retirement. Not in the mood for a knee replacement, original parts only thanks.

I ask about my knees and not being able to see my Friend and Father grow older. I was lucky that I knew who my was, he was with me longer than a lot of people's. But I'm with me 24/7, 365 or 366.

So I thanked mOOn, made my comments and live my life.

I have been lucky. I've made some great Cyber-Friends. I stated my feelings.


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On 1/14/2005 1:28:24 PM Amy Unger wrote:

What about laws that prohibit:

Dust mites



Paint/varish fumes

Hundreds of household cleaning products

Pet excrement

Baby gates at the top and bottom of stairs

Length of time between diaper changes

The list goes on an on. People need to use common sense with childcare without having hundreds of laws to uphold. Unfortunately, many don't.

For me, it was a no brainer. My smoking friends have to smoke outside or right next to the window fan that takes the smoke directly outside, or deal with me.


By the way, after Steven was born, we had all of our air ducts cleaned in our house. For anyone who hasn't had this done within the past 5 years, I HIGHLY recommend it. We're all 100% healthier because of it, and it's something we rarely think about. It's important especially in the cold weather months when the house is all closed up, and the same filthy air is being breathed in over and over...


Ok CMon... You're splitting hairs and you know it. There is a big difference between some of those and smoking... A parent DIRECTLY can control smoking in front of their children. It is a VERY WELL known health hazard and anyone who does it should be ashamed of themsleves.

As far as the vent ducting.... Very interesting, I'd never thought about it. Very good idea and I'll be looking into having this done. Also like the lysol idea.

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