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Antenna Advice


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The indoor ones are essentially worthless.

What you need is height and possibly directivity. Radio Shack will have two versions ($14 and $19) - get the better one. These are Yagi and they are directional, so go ahead and splurge on a rotator (about $40). This will give you both gain and directionality.

Good Luck,


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You mention attic mounting. If your house has the height and your attic has the room you can mount one of the larger TV or FM antennas (Winegard) up there and it should work equivalently to outdoors at the same height, making a huge difference in reception over other indoor antennas.

Mind you , you need a lot of attic space. I had been looking at these last year when I got one of the old Scott 350B tube tuners rebuilt. I never made the purchase though.


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Well, you would have to evaluate the cost and hassle of attic installation. Is it worth it to you?

In my case, I have plenty of room and easy access for setting up something large in the attic. The issue is fishing the wire to my system which is in the basement (3 floors below). Not a huge deal, but some work for sure. I have no way of getting any reception at all if I don't do it. I just haven't gotten to it, and have been spending on other things. My tuner sits idle.

My house is on a hill and I have plenty of height. So for me it's worth it.

The other guys posting are right. I tried other indoor antennas and they were all worthless. I need the full size Kahuna.

I actually have a link to another brand similar to Winegard that professes to be better and shows some head-to-head test data. The link is on my work PC and I can't find the site right now. If I think of it next week I'll post it. Heading to Florida tomorrow for the Georgia/Florida game on Saturday.[:)] The price was $199.00 + tax and shipping.

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My only interest is in one station, that I can get now but would like to get it better. I would like to install in the attic, anygood? The station comes in about half way up the scope on my tuner. The station next to it comes in all the way at the top.


Let me ask the important question: Is the station "next" to the one you want: 1) interferring with the reception and 2) is their transmitting tower located in the same direction. If it is coming from a different direction, then by all means get a directional antenna (like the radio shack ones that I already mentioned).


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Tom I am not sure where the one next it is coming from, for the most part all of the stations broadcast from the CBD from rooftops of the highrises. All of them are about 10 miles away, the one I want to get only puts out 4000 watts. I do get the station clearly, but according to my scope the channel seperation is terrible; almost like mono.


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