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Everything posted by Deang

  1. That one is not as bad as it looks. Some of KG stuff looks like that too. It might be scary looking, but it’s true point-to-point. Kinda cool.
  2. Sounds more like a receiver/amp problem.
  3. Just do them both and listen to the music. Your memory of what your system sounds like is better than you think. A little crisper and a bit more open. Not a jaw dropping difference but you’ll notice it.
  4. “You’re just one guy in one room.” - Al Klappenberger Impressions are still interesting to read though.
  5. Yes. Both speakers have passive networks. The one speaker has the power amplifier. Power is transferred to the other speaker via the umbilical.
  6. Unscrew the autoformer from the terminal cup. Flip the autoformer and the PCB together. Does that make sense?
  7. What’s taking so damn long? 🙃
  8. Only if you don’t care about balanced output or summing error.
  9. You know nothing about the condition of the capacitors unless you measure them. You need a meter that is not only capable of measuring capacitance, but also ESR and dissipation factor. If you cannot measure them properly, then replace them. They are after all, 60 years old. If you can find newer paper and oil capacitors, use them. If not, use Mylar.
  10. I’m over at AK, and if asked there, I would have given the same answer as Heinz (KT88).
  11. I’m sorry to hear that Gary. Good memories from the past. Dean
  12. That looks hopeful. They really need to sort out the problems with the powered products. I like the reference to the extreme levels of testing. It inspires some confidence. I wanted the Nines so bad, I just couldn’t make myself do it
  13. I suggest you simply enjoy it while it lasts, and if it fails, contact Klipsch. If they don’t do anything for you - just move on. Most of us have learned to avoid the powered products.
  14. AL-3 has a polyswitch for tweeter protection. Other than that, the midrange and tweeter filter sections of the AL-3 and AK-3 are identical. You might consider sending the tweeter too.
  15. Considering the alternative, yeah. So what’s the plan, drag them out to the curb?
  16. I get it, everyone wants to be helpful. It’s admirable. I hadn’t noticed the value on the electrolytic. Yeah, it look like he’s running AK-3’s in his AL-3 La Scalas. Very little difference of course - just that low pass shunt cap. Now, if you want details - You will have to check with my technical lead (who actually understands math). @mboxler
  17. https://www.ebay.com/itm/266640005569?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=9onz_VZUSIm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=1fiukgbcsqo&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Seems like a no brainer to me.
  18. If I build something and it stops working, I expect the end user to send it back to me. I will stand behind my work, and there will be no charge, regardless of what I find. However, If they start poking around, etc. - all bets are off and they are going to get billed for the work. I can’t really figure out this insistence on digging into this network when I’m pretty sure Michael would take care of it at no charge.
  19. Contact the vendor who built the networks. There is probably a label underneath with the contact information.
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