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Everything posted by doudou

  1. D-rex don t forget the quality is the most important. a sub that goes deeper and make louder sound is not always better. the ksw10 is a good sub but only if you have not a too large room.(55W is not enought if you own a stadium:bigsmile:])
  2. ---------------- On 7/6/2004 12:11:18 AM Scp53 wrote: question for doudou: do you like your synergy setup? I have a pair of sb3's and my parents have sb1's-I really like synergy. good quality for the money. beats 99% of stuff out there when it comes to price/performance ratio. how do you like your ksw10?? do you have an amp problem like some people have had?? ---------------- ooohhh yeah!!! it s a real love story between the sf1 and me: it began in 1999 when a computer magazin said the promedia v2-400 will be avaible soon in france for a good price. i waited 2 years before the official retailer in france said the v2-400 will never be avaible.so i bougth 2 pair of promedia 2.1 as soon as they were avaible.but before buying the promedia i went to the only store wich sell klipsch product in my town.i wanted to listen to the klipsch sound because all people who knows this brand told me it was unique.so the firts klipsch i heard was...the brand new sf1, the only klipsch speaker of the store.i said " one day i will have speaker like this".and since 2 month it s done. nothing compare to the promedia: very powerfull sound,good bass without a sub,... in france the klipsch speakers are very expensive, the Reference serie is definitivly too expansive for me. the synergy speakers have the best ratio for klipsch speakers in france, i think for the price we cannot find anything better in klipsch serie( for the price of course). the ksw 10 is a very good sub for HT with the SF1: the sf1 have good bass so i have place the KSW10 at the rear and i use it only for movies.it solve the weak bass of the SS1 at the rears. no problems with my amp, it s a yamaha RX V 440 RDS. it s a very good amp for the money it cost, but i d like to upgrade to separate elements. i tests my SF1 with an home made tube amp of a friend and it sound so good! so here is my project:i d like to find a pre amp with 5 channel and dolby/DTS/ 192/24 decoders.than i will make 5 identical tube amp like my friend have already made. what do you think about this?
  3. the 225 W of the KSW10 are dynamic power. it only have 55W rms.check if the yamaha have 250 dynamic or rms watts. anyway i have a KSW10 and even with few watts it works very well if your room is not too large. i have a full synergy system and the ksw10 is perfect with it.
  4. ---------------- On 7/2/2004 8:29:27 AM Ray Garrison wrote: A speaker measuring 96dB inside a room reproducing your bike's sounds would not sound anywere near as loud as your bike outside registering the same level on the meter. ---------------- it would not sound as loud as my bike at the same place but it would sound as loud as my bike making a 96db noise outdoor. i often used spl meters in mu studies of physics mesurement. in fact the mesure can be affected by the way you direc the spl meter(depends on the kind of spl meter you use), and the distance. if the spl meter says 96 db it means that the level is 96db (if the mesure is well done).if you have this level inside, the level is the level of the speakers(93 db for exemple) + the level of the echo...the room reinforcement3 db for exemple)=96db. so the speaker reproducing the sound of my bike in a room at 96 db should be as loud as the real bike.the difference is that if you place the speaker outdoor it would be less loud as the real bike. it s hard to explain what i know with my poor english, i hope it s clear. in a nutshell, a 96 db level is a 96 db level, outdoor or indoor.but to reach a 96 db outdoor you have to produce a 96db sound, indoor you may have to produce only 90dB with a speaker, the dB remaining will be "produce" by the room echo.
  5. my aim is not to catch attention. in fact i bought my bike with the termignoni exaust. once on the bike the sound is not very loud because i m in front of the exaust that fire in my back and i ve an helmet. when the cops test the soud of my exaust system, i realised that my bike make too much noise because i was next to the cop using the spl meter, and without helmet. i hope the policeman using the spl meter is not always the same, else he must be deaf
  6. i ve a ducati with termignoni exaust system and i ve arrested by cops some month ago.they wanted to test the level of my bike because it seemed to them it make too much noise. the "sonometre" (wich is a spl metre) said 96dB at top level, and it make all your body shake, your heart seems to stop.i had to replace the exaust system with the genuine one. so bclarke421 when you said 90 dB is the level of a conversation, even if you scream, i m sure a single voice cannot reach a such volume.
  7. ---------------- On 6/28/2004 11:22:54 PM edwinr wrote: Same here. I just bought the Radio Shack spl meter. I was really surprised that 90db in my very large room was loud! I am trying to imagine what the Klipschorns will sound like at 120db! ---------------- don t try too hard, 120db is the treshold of pain.a such volume would blow your hear.
  8. tube amps can be powerfull, they are not a lot but it can be up to 200Wpc. unfortunately an amp tube as powerfull as this is very expansive. if you have korn and lascala i think you don t need a very powerfull amp, even with a big room 100Wpc should be enough
  9. taking the grill off could give more high frequencies. not a lot but it can be ear.but as you said then your speakers are nude against all agressions.
  10. sorry artto, i didn t know your room hasn t a simple square shape(i must say i hadn t totaly read the topic).and i m not very old on the forum so i havn t see all your post. by talking about the mode, i just wanted to put a stress on the fact that before wasting money in room treatment, placing his gear in a good place could be more simple. i agree with you, if your room include a sloped ceiling or stuff like that, it s more complicated to calulate the mode. by the way you talk, i see you have tested many way to improve your room and eventually it seems that room treatment is your last chance. the mirror technic you talk about is in my opinion the simpliest to improve your room because it s the quickest way to find the place where absorber should be placed. don t forget to let us know about the improvement you make.and good luck
  11. you should take a look there: http://www.harman.com/wp/index.jsp?articleId=131 you may not need room treatment, may be it could sound better with replacing your speakers. with this exel sheat you ll be able to find where gaps are.so you should avid to place a speaker or a sub there.
  12. if you use your system for both music and home theater, i think you fisrt need a pair of full range speakers for music. then i agree with griffinator: the best home theater is one with identical speakers. so why not going for 5 floorstanding speakers (the center will be layed horizontaly) or 5 good bookshelves speakers. going for 5 center channel and a sub is a good think if you only use your system for ht.but i don t think it s a good thing for listening to music. if i were you i ll go for 5 RBx speakers and a sub.
  13. doudou


    i think pisky give you the best solution if you can. else sivadselim is right.
  14. i don t think the sc1 will match with reference speakers. if you want to save money you could go for a full synergy system.even if it s not as good as the reference speakers they worth the money they cost.
  15. i agree with juba310. in france klipsch are quite expansive but they still worth the money, even my SF1 system sounds good for the money.
  16. cleeve: the old fashion french is a cliché, if you want to see one of them i think you have to go back to the 30's. what s an old fashion french for you? frank speaker: one sexy french girl?very easy:my girl friend some you may know: noemie lenoir sophie marceau isabelle adjanie laetitia casta alizée amy unger oups she s not french... and even more if you want...just watch a french film and i bet you ll find some french sexy girl. i don t want to send pics of these girls (especaly those of my girlfriend) it s not the aim of this forum...
  17. i don t think american culture is contaminating France more than before. don t forget that some french thing have contaminated american culture too (some words and sentences for exemple) and it seems that french things are in fashion now in usa. britney s style is not the same as alizee. and a sexy girl don t belong to american fashion... anyway french culture and american culture are different even if they seem to be the same.there will always be some little differences.
  18. it s a quiet good idea. but think about this, in france when you re married you pay lower taxes at the end of the year...if it s the same thing where you live it could be a good thing to marry your girl friend quickly
  19. i me quiet sure she is not... she was on tv some days ago here in france and she said she has a boyfriend.but nothing more. don t forget she is only about 22 years old, in france very few people are married before at least 25. young people are more "free" here than in the usa and even if two young are in love a wedding is expansive so they must save money before getting married (you can trust me i know what i say because i m 23) of course there must be some exeption but i bet she is not one
  20. if she s 16 you go to jail, if she is 20...you can go to jail too but there are few chances...i agree that the difference is small
  21. she is more than 20. i don t remember if it s 21 or 23 years old.
  22. it seems you like alizee i hope you don t like the music.it s for teenagers. if you want to enjoy some french music on klipsck speakers try something like laurent voulzy or alain souchon... but they are less sexy amy may love them
  23. ---------------- The best I can tell is that this is two seperate speakers in one, isn't it? The traditional binding post input is not used by the subwoofer portion, or is it? i don t know very well the sp serie.you re right it s like two speakers in one. any way, if there is nothing going out from the sub part of the sp1 there should be a problem... try to hook a walkman or another source to the sub part, if there is still no bass...the sp1 sub has a problem.
  24. don t trust your test tone on your amp, i ve a KSW 10 and i get nothing from this test on my sub, but i get plenty of bass when listening to music or dvd. if the sp1 are bi-wired if i remember well. try to connect the 2 input of the speaker and simply connect them to your receiver.set your sp1 as large.it should work. else try to hook a walkman or an other source to the sub input of your SP1.it could be your sub out on the receiver wich is damaged. any way check one thing: -if you use the rca sub input, be sure the 2 speakers input are not connected. -if you use only the speaker input, be sure the 2 speaker input are connected and your speakers set to large. i hope it s clear my english is not very good.if the sp1 are not bi-wired my post won t help you. good luck!!
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