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Everything posted by richieb

  1. Trey, is it ok to bring a piece of equipment to hear on Klipschorns? I'd like to bring my little Redgum MOSFET integrated and surprise (I hope) some folks. I've had tubes and I think some tube guys may be liken it a little. Thought I better clear it first. Thanks Rich
  2. Any attendees planning on arriving the weekend prior and taking in the Formula One race? There is no way to describe it, you must see it (and hear it) to believe it. I won't miss it for the fifth time. After the race then to the Windy City for a little sight seeing, then back to Indy Friday morning. A nice weeks vacation and getting anxious.
  3. ---------------- On 4/7/2005 9:17:22 AM Woodog wrote: ---------------- On 4/7/2005 8:36:57 AM maxg wrote: You bought an amplifier for less than $30 and it is not digital. I am going to be sick. Does it actually work? ---------------- Not only do they work, but they work incredibly well. I got a 430 for my son's Heresys and it sounds FANTASTIC. I haven't hooked it up to my Khorns yet (just to see) but it was much better on the Heresys than the TEAC 700P, that's for sure. Forrest ---------------- Only wanted it for a second system for when I alternate the Cornwalls and Belles. Did not wnat the expense of separates and wanted FM capabilities. For $48 shipped, seemed a no brainer. We'll see.
  4. ---------------- On 4/6/2005 8:44:02 PM jt1stcav wrote: Then I assume you no longer own the Celius. I like the latest Triangle models (with their horn tweeters), but they're out of my reach cash-wise... ---------------- Correct, sold them for Forte 1 when getting back on the Klipsch bandwagon. You would be surprised how well the Forte compared to the Celius and for way less than half the price at the time. I sold them when they were a hot item and nearly got all my money back, timing is everything. A comparison of Celius and RF-7 would be very interesting.
  5. Hey Guys, whada think, just won an HK 430 on ebay for $28.50. Cosmetics look to be in great condition, seller says has scratchy volume control. Appears to need a good contact cleaning. Looks like a deal for a second system.
  6. ---------------- On 4/5/2005 3:57:58 PM jt1stcav wrote: My brother loves his '98 Triangle Zephyr II towers...their sensitivity is only 91dB at 4 ohms, but they're smooth as silk and extremely dynamic. Imaging is impeccable, and without his SVS PB12-ISD/2 sub, the Zephyrs can play damn low for a 6" paper-cone woofer! Viva la Triangles! http://forums.klipsch.com/idealbb/files/triangle_PB12-ISD2.jpg"> ---------------- Mine were the Celius model, 2x-6.5" woofers, 1x-6.5" midrange and an upgraded titanium tweeter from the one in the Zephyr. They did all you say and more. Particulary the Celius with that 6.5" mid range driver. They are indeed nice and I would give serious thought to the new Stratos line from Triangle. A pair of the mid level Stratos vs. the RF-7 would be very interesting.
  7. Bob recently re-built my Belle AB networks for AA/A convertibles. Just sent my B type Cornwalls for a freshening. Quality and service is super, sounds pretty damn good too! You will not regret the minimal investment for maximum sound.
  8. One local high-end shop carries Klipsch and has recently added JM Lab. Heard them being auditioned but didn't pay that much attention, very expensive. Did own some French made Triangles before returning to Klipsch. Damn nice speakers and efficient too. For $2000-2500 you can own their newest offerings at their mid-level price point. Sound good, yes, but they will not fill a room like the Heritage line.
  9. I know the feeling, a long trip full of anticipation for Heritage. And that is what makes all the miles worthwhile. Congrats
  10. ---------------- On 4/3/2005 6:39:27 PM Piranha wrote: ---------------- On 4/1/2005 10:25:59 PM richieb wrote: As for Piranha he must be lacking in oral hygiene as I am not as familier with the sound of the dentist drill as he. I highly recommend Crest or Colgate and a good gargle. ---------------- Well, I can certainly offer my analysis and opinions of both the La Scala and the Cornwall since I currently own both. I happen to prefer the overall sound of the Cornwall. You're certainly entitled to your opinion. But please respect mine as I do yours. ---------------- Just poking a little fun, nothing meant to be taken seriously. I also own both but have not owned the Belles long. Getting ready to put the Corns back into the system for further evaluation. I love my Cornwalls also, a mighty fine sounding speaker! Regards Rich
  11. Picked up Belles two weeks ago, been listening to Corns for the past 18 months. There is no doubt to the "family" Heritage sound of both speakers. Belles do not go or sound as deep as the Cornwalls but I have found much of this depends on the type of music and how it was recorded.I get very good and solid bass with my MOSFET amplifier. Belles come off as much cleaner, more precise. Mine are crystal clean with new AA/A networks from BEC. I do look forward to bringing back the Cornwalls for further comparisons. After all they too sound very, very good. And if you want to own a speaker of timeless design and beauty, buy the Belles. As for Piranha he must be lacking in oral hygiene as I am not as familier with the sound of the dentist drill as he. I highly recommend Crest or Colgate and a good gargle.
  12. I first used Liquid Gold to feed the dry finish on my Oak Belles. The next day followed up with 0000 wool and Howards Restore a Finish. You can get this in various shades of finish. Went over the entire cabinet two times and was left with a nice smooth finish and just a bit of sheen. I used caution and used blue painters masking tape to protect the grill cloth along all edges as the Howards contains a light solvent along with its coloration. I completely covered the top grill with paper for added protection. Good luck. They are worth the extra effort.
  13. Is this a twin powered receiver? Are all x30 series twin powered?
  14. Agreed. Having to re-build HF drivers in my new Belles, I figured since the Belles were down anyway and had never read any positives on the AB networks, sent it all out at once. Brand new AA/A convertibles look and sound awesome but had nothing for comparison. I just now know that they sound good as the day they were made, maybe better with the AA in place of AB.
  15. Reminds me of several years ago while I was travelling and stopped in a hi-end shop in San Diego, B+W, Martin Logan, Thiele and the like. We talked for a while about some of the gear I had owned in my younger days and I mentioned speakers I really regretted selling (La Scallas) but I had loved the sound and longed to return to the brand. Never mentioning it was Klipsch he said, "oh, you mean Klipsch". I about crapped that he had guessed what speaker brand sounded so damn good. After guessing this great sounding speaker, he then proceeded to tell me what junk it was, based on various audio tricks to make it sound so good and that they are all now built in Mexico. That was that and I left. A real sales pro he was.
  16. Lets play nice fellas, it is Easter afterall. Selling outright and then finding your Klipsch is probably your best option. I doubt you will find much interest on the Forum in a trade.
  17. ---------------- On 3/25/2005 11:39:04 PM silversport wrote: Richard, I am so glad for you...I hope my KHorn rebuild turns out as nice...I gotta forward these to my brother to rub his nose in it a bit...'aint lil brothers stinkers??? Very happy for you! Bill ---------------- Thanks Bill, Glad your brother is so particular. Some Howards Restore Finish with 0000 steel wool, a little Liquid Gold, a bit of elboe grease, they're beautiful. I am sure the KHorn project will reward you as well. Good luck.
  18. ---------------- On 3/25/2005 10:34:01 PM Gramas701 wrote: Richard- Your new speakers look great! Is your dog a golden retreiver? George ---------------- Yes indeed a spoiled Golden. I didn't pose her either. She knows the sweet spot when the Belles are in place. She lays more forward and to the right for Cornwalls.
  19. After a two week wait to pick them up, then another five day wait for repair/mods, my new Oak/Cane are in place, fired up and blowing me away. After finding the HF diaphrams were fried I figured what the hell, sent them and the AB networks out for repair and to be returned to that factory fresh sound. Shipped and returned in four days, repaired drivers and new convertible A/AA networks. Thanks go out to Bob Crites. You should see these networks, heavy duty to say the least and what a difference from the original. And what a sound. Have been listening for about 6 hours and comparing to my '76 Cornwalls. Who says Belles/La Scalla have no bass. I am most content with what I am hearing. Absolutely solid, driving, tight bass with zero overrun. Jazz combos, blues, female vocal all sound great. Crystal clear, surgical mids and highs with no fatigue. The blending throughout the spectrum is so seamless it gives the impression of a horn loaded single driver system. These things are so clean with no doubling or muddy bass notes gives the impression of a leaner, cleaner sounding Cornwall. No question they are more precise than my Corns, but in defense, the networks in the Corns are original and nearing 30 years old. A network re-build is in order. Live jazz combos and blues sound truer through the Belles. And who says they are too smooth for rock or electric blues. No way. Maybe the front end components are the limiting factor. My Redgum MOSFET amp drives these things with great control and a smooth, uncolored sound. It has been a long three weeks but now, well worth it. The Belle cabinetry is in fantastic shape, A- to B++ and the oak/cane combo is georgous. These have to be one of the most beautiful speakers ever built. And they are mine. Have a look. Thanks PWK
  20. Just received an e-mail from a friend who has just purchased a new Tripath amplifier - check out Redwine Audio.com. This guy has been through every amp, pre-amp,TT, speaker combo you can think of, from SS to SET. Says this Redwine is THE BEST he has ever heard. At $500 delievered it is certainly in a differant league than Sonic Impact. Looks like serious piece.
  21. ---------------- On 3/19/2005 10:44:05 PM BEC wrote: ---------------- On 3/19/2005 10:31:54 PM richieb wrote: Bob You have an e-mail. Thanks I fried a diaphram on some Heresys years ago and was able to do the cardboard test but the tweeter/squaker is placed further apart on the Heresy. Any other way for an all thumbs electrical wizard to test before buying new parts. How much are diaphrans these days? ---------------- Richard, It should be pretty easy to hear if the tweeters are working but if you can't tell for sure, just unhook one of the wires that go to the midrange. Any sound you hear from up top then would be the tweeters. You can send me an email or PM if you need some diaphragms. Bob Crites ----------------
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