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Everything posted by Schu

  1. They're just different... Both are wonderful, yet the Klipschorn can't do what the Jubilee can do and the Jubilee can not do what the Klipschorn can do. Surely the both can play the same frequencies to a point (Klipschorn can't dig nearly as low) and the Jubilee has trouble sparkling on top. The Jubilee is much more effortless and has a tremendous sense of scale in terms of imaging that a Klipschorn can not match, but the Klipschorn is much more effortless in terms of ease of operation... when it comes to the Professional Jubilee. Is the Jubilee better, yes... is it more trouble, yes. (A lot of this is due to the steep learning curve necessary when using the Pro/xilica set up). I never liked the sound of a 'Cheeky' horn... but that's a person preference.
  2. two last night... Because of Ryan O'Neil...
  3. Blade Runner screen print by Laurent Durieux...
  4. Eyes Wide Shut screen print by Laurent Durieux...
  5. Interstellar screen print by zero studios... despite it have an appearance of a duo-tone, there are about 8 colors in the print, including some very subtle pinks that are gorgeous.
  6. I've always had a HUGE soft pot for Thurl Ravenscroft... to me, he is the pinnacle of the narrated voice over...
  7. it's a beautiful Diminished composition, specially given the era in which it was written. that video includes the very rare 3rd floor verse that was deleted because it was considered to controversial at the time. First floor dungeon: Assorted simple tortures - Molten lead, chopping blocks and hot boiling oil Second floor dungeon: Jewelry department - Leg chains, ankle chains, wrist chains, neck chains, thumbscrews and nooses of the very finest rope. Third floor dungeon: Household appliances - Spike beds, electric chairs, gas chambers, roasting pots and scalping devices Basement dungeon: Everybody out! I do believe that the gentleman in the black hat is none other than the great Woodie Strode
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