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Travis In Austin

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Everything posted by Travis In Austin

  1. 1 inch rise for each foot of ramp is what is code here on the west coast. The ramp might not be the thing for Coytee. But of course that is for Coytee to decide. Or his WIFE The incline seems reasonable to me, I was just wondering if I had the math right.
  2. Also gotta wonder how Raider fans would accept being in SD? And would they be the SD Raiders? That would suck I think that every team that has moved (as opposed to expansion) has donned the name of the new city including the Oilers. I guess there wasn't much oil in Tennessee so they went with a name change. If it is a short move, NY to NJ I guess you get to keep your name.
  3. Here is a link to the article from Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/your-online-secrets/201409/internet-trolls-are-narcissists-psychopaths-and-sadists I wonder if WVU is aware of any authoritative articles or books on the subject. There is a marked difference between a troll and someone who expresses a different view. BUT, from the few articles I have read, the way you agravate them the most is to ignore them, act as though you don't see their posts. I think that is the reason many sites have an "ignore" button.
  4. There is a study that up to 4 cups a day is very heart healthy. Then again, I thing there is another study that says it is bad. I would say if you wake up in a good mood every morning to skip it and focus on cocktails.
  5. GF advised after meeting with nutritionist yesterday that we will be eating fish at least 3 times a week, which is ok, I love fish, but I am going to have to find a bunch or recipes to cook it up. Too cold to grill right now, so either baked, broiled, or pan fried in olive oil Mediterranean diet style. Anyone have a favorite fish cookbook or healthy fish recipe? EG, that doesn't start with "Turn fryer to 350, fill fryer with peanut oil . . . ."
  6. Girlfriend bought a Nespresso machine a couple of years ago, but she always gets a decaf Latte at Starbucks to start her day, and so I have been picking up a cafe americano for myself, or Clover Press. Asked her about the machine, said it works fine, so I ordered some different coffees to go in it, and I like it better than Starbucks. This thread is way too long to go back and look, but is anyone using Nespresso?
  7. From Psychology Today: In the same study from yesterday, the authors introduced a measure of someone's trolliness (that's my term, not theirs). They call it the Global Assessment of Internet Trolling (GAIT). Subjects in their study were shown these four statements: I have sent people to shock websites for the lulz. I like to troll people in forums or the comments section of websites. I enjoy griefing other players in multiplayer games. The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt. The first three statements measure enjoyment and experience with trolling, and the last one measures how closely someone identifies with the trolling "culture." Subjects were asked to rate how well each statement described them on a five-point scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The average of a person's ratings for these four statements became their GAIT, or trolliness, score. The main idea is that trolls are people who make comments to upset others because they find joy in upsetting people. It's not just that the comments are disruptive or provocative - it is that the poster makes them with the intent of enjoying the suffering of others.
  8. It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. TR
  9. i was working on an ice breaker on the Great Lakes that winter. Remember it well. That must have been when you were with the Coast Guard? Those ice breakers are so amazing to me. How think is the ice? How long does it take to ice back up again? Next to a 46' MLB that has to be my favorie CG vessel.
  10. I don't either. Voters won't vote them a stadium.
  11. The fact that they can even talk about moving is because of Al Davis. They are trying to get their cities to build them new stadiums. The Rams are getting one. The Chargers are talking about moving to LA as well. So Raiders talk about moving to SD so Oakland will build a new stadium, or contribute towards one, for the Raiders. It is a more difficult propositoon for San Antonio, they would be fighting against Dallas and Houston. It will be interesting to see how it all sorts out.
  12. Saw this in Lowes today, they may make one large enough for wheelchair.
  13. So 1" incline for every foot of ramp? Do I have that right? It looks like Richard has at least 12' vertical up from basement level to first floor. So that means you need 144 linear feet of ramp? Or 120' for 10 rise?
  14. About $9,000. Harmer is more commercial grade, used to retrofit older building into ADA compliance. Looks like you would have a lot of options running that outside. Going to probably have to pull a permit, and may need to have an annual inspection, because of potential problems that DTEL mentioned.
  15. Was this it? Dat be one of the 3. Bear, he wanted lowest distortion in his amps,and speakers with lowest IM distortion.
  16. According to conformity theory, we should all believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old. So is this a trick question? I thought it was cooking, specifically fire, that allowed humans to evolve to the brain power we have?
  17. 1973-74, 28,000 watts of McIntosh power using 350W tube amps, MC-3500, and 300W SS amps, the 2300, the Wall of Sound
  18. I heard Transfig match up very, very well with Triplaner. To you have a Transfiguration dealer near you? Travis
  19. Here are some links on the articles and the incomestatements: http://www.billboard.com/biz/articles/news/1083499/business-matters-accounting-explains-how-spotifys-business-model-can http://www.billboard.com/articles/business/6561113/spotify-losses-accelerate-as-revenue-grows-to-122-billion
  20. I was hoping you would chime in with your always balanced and educated explanation of all things financial. I subscribe to Billboard, including their email blasts and blog updates (an uncle works for their parent), If you google for "Billboard Spotify income statement", it will get you where you to where I would think you would want to start. First, whey they are using percentages as cost of sales, they are including things that should not be included. When they say they return close to 100 percent, that isn't accurate. It is more in line with the 75 or 80 percent you have been hearing. Billboard puts on a music industry business/economics symposium every year in LA. I attended one almost 15 years ago and Todd Rundgren (that Todd Rundgren) spoke and told the audience that while download were going to take over, where things would be heading was interactive technology. He told the record company executives in the audience they if they hadn't learned the hard lessons already from CD being overtaken by downloads, they had better be prepared for what was coming with interactive internet. He predicted that the world of music would be universal and unbroken, that like cable and satellite TV, music would no longer be bought in units, whether CDs, downloads; music would be a service paid for monthly. He was highly in favor of that model, which he said that the record company executives in the room were probably not too pleased to hear, but if they can figure out where they fit in that model they will be much better off. He believed that after things shook themselves out that a subscription service takes care of everyone in an equitable way, especially the artist. Travis
  21. There stuff is amazing, and I really like the way you have that rigged up. Now all you need is a third tonearm with a mono cartridge and you have everything you need. So that has the vacuum system? How loud or quiet is that? ​
  22. Last updated on: 1/7/2016 10:23:46 AM PST 23 Legal Medical Marijuana States and DC Laws, Fees, and Possession Limits I. Summary Chart II. Details by State III. Sources I. Summary Chart: 23 states and DC have enacted laws to legalize medical marijuana State Year Passed How Passed (Yes Vote) Possession Limit 1. Alaska 1998 Ballot Measure 8 (58%) 1 oz usable; 6 plants (3 mature, 3 immature) 2. Arizona 2010 Proposition 203 (50.13%) 2.5 oz usable; 0-12 plants 3. California 1996 Proposition 215 (56%) 8 oz usable; 6 mature or 12 immature plants 4. Colorado 2000 Ballot Amendment 20 (54%) 2 oz usable; 6 plants (3 mature, 3 immature) 5. Connecticut 2012 House Bill 5389 (96-51 H, 21-13 S) One-month supply (exact amount to be determined) 6. DC 2010 Amendment Act B18-622 (13-0 vote) 2 oz dried; limits on other forms to be determined 7. Delaware 2011 Senate Bill 17 (27-14 H, 17-4 S) 6 oz usable 8. Hawaii 2000 Senate Bill 862 (32-18 H; 13-12 S) 4 oz usable; 7 plants 9. Illinois 2013 House Bill 1 (61-57 H; 35-21 S) 2.5 ounces of usable cannabis during a period of 14 days 10. Maine 1999 Ballot Question 2 (61%) 2.5 oz usable; 6 plants 11. Maryland 2014 House Bill 881 (125-11 H; 44-2 S) 30-day supply, amount to be determined 12. Massachusetts 2012 Ballot Question 3 (63%) 60-day supply for personal medical use 13. Michigan 2008 Proposal 1 (63%) 2.5 oz usable; 12 plants 14. Minnesota 2014 Senate Bill 2470 (46-16 S; 89-40 H) 30-day supply of non-smokable marijuana 15. Montana 2004 Initiative 148 (62%) 1 oz usable; 4 plants (mature); 12 seedlings 16. Nevada 2000 Ballot Question 9 (65%) 1 oz usable; 7 plants (3 mature, 4 immature) 17. New Hampshire 2013 House Bill 573 (284-66 H; 18-6 S) Two ounces of usable cannabis during a 10-day period 18. New Jersey 2010 Senate Bill 119 (48-14 H; 25-13 S) 2 oz usable 19. New Mexico 2007 Senate Bill 523 (36-31 H; 32-3 S) 6 oz usable; 16 plants (4 mature, 12 immature) 20. New York 2014 Assembly Bill 6357 (117-13 A; 49-10 S) 30-day supply non-smokable marijuana 21. Oregon 1998 Ballot Measure 67 (55%) 24 oz usable; 24 plants (6 mature, 18 immature) 22. Rhode Island 2006 Senate Bill 0710 (52-10 H; 33-1 S) 2.5 oz usable; 12 plants 23. Vermont 2004 Senate Bill 76 (22-7) HB 645 (82-59) 2 oz usable; 9 plants (2 mature, 7 immature) 24. Washington 1998 Initiative 692 (59%) 24 oz usable; 15 plants
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