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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. Get the denon dl-160 and let me know how you like it. []
  2. Now that was some excellent writing. New York Times---be ashamed.
  3. The Surf Punks Richard Hell and the Voidoids
  4. Aye aye. I don't mind being on one just don't want to own one.
  5. Enough bleach will take the stain out of most anything. Except the one that remains in our brains.
  6. I thought it was the Virginia state slogan: Virginia is for the confused? And of course the shocked. Or is it as the Rutles described their feeling: Shocked. Yeah shocked. And stunned.
  7. Who cares, really? I love wooden boats and the thoughts expressed by the OP. They are organic, and almost alive. They draw you in and you become one with them. It doesn't get any better than that. It doesn't matter if its a huge diesel trawler or a Herreshof 12 1/2. The grace and elegance is overpowering. The owner of the boat cares. That's why the 2 happiest days of an owner's life are when they buy the boat and then when they sell the boat.
  8. Emmo and lake will be in Dallas at the Granada on the 30th this month and then May 1st. There were some few tickets to the may 1st show left a couple of days ago. My schedule will not allow me to attend (slight chance on the 1st) so I did not buy any. Check it out. I will be hoping for Palmer to join in and get near enough to attend, and would probably move anything out of way to make it.
  9. Willie Nelson was born in Abbot Texas and Stevie Ray grew up in Oak Cliff (dallas).
  10. Crazy? Great tune by a Texan by the name of Willie Nelson.
  11. That's where i bought sleeves. The MOFI ones are the ones to get, and they make great gifts for your sleeve challenged friends and relatives.
  12. Without debating the merit or suspicions that statement belies, Arkansas regards itself as a part of the US, while Texas as everyone knows is "a whole 'nother country."
  13. Crude and somewhat effective, but dtel posted a much better one recently.
  14. Sorry about that last post (only if anyone took offence). With Amy on vacation what I really meant was gun control, er religion, er maybe politics or really rather the interaction between gun control politics and religion and the fallacy thereof since there is only one true religion. And it says nothing much about gun control except as regarding the political aspect of paying taxes with or without representation and therefore taxes on guns, and of course religion. Wait, did I mention Klipsch? Ahh, there it is.
  15. Not to worry. Arkansas is nowhere near Texas. Except for maybe some of those really weird east texans. (imagine the deliverance banjo theme about now).
  16. Wooden boats are a maintenance nightmare. Stereo gear is nothing by comparison.
  17. My thoughts still remain with the monos we are talking about were recorded and engineered with quality and care, unlike many later stereo efforts. A good recording is a good recording and gets noticed, no matter what.
  18. LarryC that veneer is seriously beautiful. [Y]
  19. Playing a monophonic source and using two separate speakers already set up to image 2 channel sources successfully should be expected to provide a nicely imaged presentation. It will be more coherent and consistently stable than 2 separate channels playing 2 different channels (stereo) which are then supposed to blend before they hit your ears. Personally that's why I feel a well recorded monophonic source comes across as powerfully as it does when played back over two properly placed speakers as opposed to one, which theoretically is all you would need to hear the entire recording.
  20. Rotator cuff? Whatever it is good luck to you. The bravery part will be easy, especially after the anesthetics take hold.
  21. From digging around I found they will be closing as headliners in London July 24/25 at the High Voltage Rock Festival in Victoria Park. ELP and also ZZ Top. Hopefully they will tour the US after that but no word I could find on an ELP tour yet...
  22. Box elders leaves seem to be separated on individual stems. To me it looks more like a variation of the sugar maple known as black maple or acer nigrum: http://www.cas.vanderbilt.edu/bioimages/pages/compare-maples.htm
  23. If you crush the young leaves and they smell sort of like citrus then it is probably a sassafras. In just a week or so you should be able to post a new pic of the leaves more fully formed. I would lean toward maple right now if it is one or the other because the sassafras fruit seems to be on more upright stems, while maples have that dropping habit. Please update this, plant ID is so much fun!
  24. I'm old school in that like coytee I do what we used to do in school: Open the windows and crank it up. Sometimes I have to just to drown out the neighbors poor taste.
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