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Hampton Hawes on a foggy Sunday morning . . .
seti replied to Allan Songer's topic in 2-Channel Home Audio
Yeah, but there are some bad things about it, too... ---------------- LIKE WHAT!?! I intend to donate my body to science for them to study the true long term effects of coffee abuse I mean love : ) -
---------------- On 9/25/2004 3:17:07 PM paulparrot wrote: Seti, I gotcha now. If you're a collector then it doesn't have to make logical sense. Still seems like you should be able to find it for less than that though. ---------------- Yeah I sure hope your right haven't found it yet but I will... What is a good site for determining the volue of LPs? I have been going through my dads LP stash which is a collection of records from the 30's-70's. Lots of swing, country, some rock from that time period.
---------------- On 9/24/2004 1:47:55 PM paulparrot wrote: Seti, That was way overpriced so you should be glad you didn't buy it. I think I was given that bootleg on CDR. ---------------- I guess this one could go into my illogical obbsesions box because I have been hooked on this tune since I was a kid. Although it was expensive I really wanted it on vinyl and not cdr as I already have a copy on cdr which was about $30. The odd thing is that I found this LP in Arkansas of all places which is not really the best place to find that sort of bootleg and didn't buy it ugg. I haven't looked for it in years I think I'll see what some google searches bring up. Seti
I remember seeing a double lp set of the making of strawberry fields for $250 bucks 2 years ago now I think I was a fool not to buy it dam dam dam. Anyone have a timemachine?
---------------- On 9/23/2004 4:19:51 PM colterphoto1 wrote: that website is KOOOOOL! Did you notice on some of the songs that your cursor becomes a tool in manipulating the 'remix' and that you can record your own version of Kraftwerk songs?? I just spent 20 minutes there, what a blast! ---------------- Yeah it is bad addictive my fave is the boing bing song. I wish there was a record button : ) The user interface to the site is very unique but what else would one expect from kraftwerk!
I tend to like the roots of just about all forms of music wether it's bluegrass, country, blues, rock, techno etc. I really haven't listened to alot of Jazz just some Juan Esquivel and St.Germain then the sporadic tune at a friends house. If you were going to suggest a couple must have jazz albums what would they be and what are the earliest Jazz recordings? I must admit my knowledge of Jazz is limited but I have yet to find it boring.
I forgot the name of the festival but Kraftwerk played in California this year as well as a tour. Check out http://www.kraftwerk.com/ weird navigation but a very cool site. I think they even have a discography.
Sorry I should know better than to post before having my morning coffee. It is the George Wright WLA12A which I have been very happy with. The tube compliment is 2x 6SN7 Sovtek 1x 6EM7 Sylvania 1x 6X5 Mullard. I did roll the tubes.I will work on isolating the preamp. Thanks, Seti
What causes a preamp to go microphonic? or at least I think that is the right term. I was listening to some tunes and noticed an odd sound which I hadn't heard so I turned off the preamp and it went away. It was a feedback sort of a buzz so after I turned it back on I tape the rack it was on and the tapp tapp tapp came out of my speakers grrrr. I did the same to the preamp and it came through the speakers yet again. I rolled tubes swapped interconnects but to no avail. It is not always like this but often enough to make me coo-coo for coco puffs. Any ideas? Thanks, Seti
JBL Paragon for sale in SF Bay Area...Not Cheap!
seti replied to fini's topic in 2-Channel Home Audio
I remember seeing one of this in a flee market in Stephenville, Texas before I knew what it was. It had a big scratch across the front and I thought $200 was a bit much for a big tacky speaker cabinet. I can still remember almost barfing when I saw one online and what it sold for. -
What are you Listening to Right this Second-Redux
seti replied to thebes's topic in 2-Channel Home Audio
the undertones - teenage kicks -
my second favorite tweak is cleaning the wax out of my ears with beer
Steve from Decware wrote an article about the power grid and why he thought his system sounded better at night. I just copied it from the decware site good read. High Fidelity Engineering Co. A U D I O... P A P E R THE MAGIC HOUR by Steve Deckert Nov. 1997 It was the wee hours of the morning as I can recall, a hectic day had passed, and I was ready for bed. Everything was quiet, the air was still and a sense of peace encompassed the place. The magic hour was almost upon me, but as usual it meant I got to go to sleep and that was magical enough. Nevertheless it is that hour the begins to open a window that lasts usually until 3:00 am when listening takes on a new dimension. I walked through doing the bedtime check, part of which is going to the front listening room and getting the blasted cat, Tesla, out of the subwoofer. It seems that the sub has become his new throne. He gets pissed when I try to extract him from it. We had our little confrontation, and Tesla grumbled off into the darkness in search of the next best thing... his food bowl. On the sub was number # 22 of my SE84 little Zen amps that I had left on from a demo earlier that evening. The little guy waiting for some Sylvania NOS tubes to come in on Monday so it can ship out. I reached over to turn it off and suckered into the same old trick of seeing how long I could hold my hand on the power transformer before my finger nails start smoking, which by the way wasn't very long tonight. Oh what the hell, I haven't looked at the time, but we're probably right in the middle of the magic listening window, and this thing sounded like it had its first bloom earlier this evening... leave it on... let it cook out another tune, I want to hear my stereo real fast before I retire for the night. I put in an Aaron Nevils CD, a recent gift from someone who appreciated the demo yesterday. I had already listened to it perhaps 6 or 7 times, enough to be familiar with it and I wanted to hear it again! It took only the first few bars and I went into stage one - the open mouth I can't believe it look... oh yes, It was alive tonight! I was as usual only planning to listen for a few minutes if that and shut it down, but this rearranged my priorities without effort or delay. I sat and listened to the next song and while silently loosing track of where my body stops and the chair begins, and marveling at the incredible articulation, the nice wet blooming midrange and the fact that the bass was coming from inside my body and going out into the room. The progression into stage two - focused listening, where the stress of trying to hear something wrong has been replaced by complete surrender as you tease euphoria. A few more songs had passed and the release of denial that it can't be sounding this good gives way to stage four - foreplay. This is when your body has become one with the chair and your spirit begins to flirt with the space around you. You slowly focus your senses to a heightened state where you have the hearing of a blind man and your body becomes and extension of your ears. Oh the depth at which you can hear. This is when you can start to trip on conversations in the control booth behind glass at around 60 dB down. It is when focus becomes so great that you can hear a pencil hit the floor 150 feet back, and roll in a pie shape arc along the floor. You can hear it has flat sides. A half hour has passed and now time does not exist. The foreplay has triggered stage five - euphoria. This is when your emotional and physical senses become so acute that they overlap causing your mind to forget which sense organ is doing what. Your sense of smell becomes hearing, your hearing becomes site and you leave your physical body and become the music. Then after you've pushed repeat 3 or 4 times your heightened state collapses and you come back. In a state of humble shock, you reverently touch the magic tube amp wondering what alien force just possessed it, and then turn it off. Safe now, and back in control you dash out of the room with the energy of a 10 year old saying holly **** at least 400 times and then collapse in your bed. Does your stereo do this to you? Don't you wish it did? This experience I'll admit is rather new to me, a direct result of our Casprera System, but the middle of the night blooms are something I've puzzled over for many many years. I used to get so irritated that the stereo would never sound like that in the day that I put more than enough effort in trying to discover why it is. Although the Room Treatment is what took me to stage 5, my other work over the years would frequently take me to stage 4 but only between the hours of 1:45 AM and 3:15 AM give or take an hour for daylight savings time. During the day stage 3 was all that you could ever hope for. Naturally I have confirmed this with enough audiophiles in different parts of the country to know it is not just a unique experience I'm having but stereos actually DO sound better in this night time window. It all started several years ago at my first location, where I would be up late working on the computer with my stereo playing in the next room. I typically will have been sitting there working for several hours and the stereo playing unattended the entire time. Then IT WOULD HAPPEN. Suddenly the sound in the other room blooms and becomes distracting because of the profound change. Just that fast you sit there starring into the monitor with your complete undivided attention on the music coming through the doorway in the next room. You get up and walk in there because you can't believe what it's doing. Suddenly ALL grain is GONE, the sound stage goes from 12 feet to 30 feet deep, and everything becomes holographic. 3D sound, so convincing it tugs on your reasoning and spawns an uncomfortable feeling as your mind starts to short out. The eyes and the ears disagree, ...Which will win? Time and time and time again this has happened. It happens out in the shop on the old console stereo from the 60's, it happens at my bench on the crappie car stereo/monitors I have back there... About 18 years ago I did some work with our local electric company that allowed me to go inside the nuclear bomb proof underground control center that manages the power distribution for our city and surrounding area. It looked like a scene straight from Star trek. Curved walls with floor to ceiling schematics of the entire state, LED's blinking all over the place. I sat at the captions chair with the arc shaped control desk in front of me and saw a giant knob marked "cycles". There across the room was what looked like a large clock, no speedometer because it went from zero to 100. There was a large analogue hand melodically hanging at 57 cycles. Hmm, I thought, is that what I think it is? I asked the operator still waiting for me to get out of his seat, and he confirmed that that was in fact what controlled the frequency of ALL the AC generators in the three connecting plants around the state. My first reaction was hey.. You can't do that! Well, it turns out that during high heat days in the summer it cost less money to manufacture the energy at lower frequencies. Then at night around 1 or 2 o'clock, he turns that big knob and the big gauge across the room crawls up to 62 sometime even 65 cycles so that they can speed up everyone's clocks to catch up for the lost time. I thought I had found the answer to the magic hours but since then I have been using a power conditioner (a real one) and it maintains noise free 60 cycle 120 volts AC regardless of the input. And while that improved the sound during the day, well all the time really, the mystery middle of the night blooms continued. I have since then found that it seems to be many things that align themselves on a coherent harmonic that yields the effect. Although an unregulated power supply on a basic tube amp will perform better when you bump up the 60 cycle AC a bit, it turns out that it is the harmonics in the power lines surrounding your area that seem to be responsible. During the day with hundreds of things running off of ultimately the same power source, the AC power in your lines is full of contaminants that add grain to your sound, and collapse your sound stage. I believe it is the reduced level of power line harmonics that make possible the middle of the night magic, triggered by the increase in Cycles on the AC power, combined with the fact that this is the time when the Sun is on the exact other side of the planet. Radiation from the sun adds it's own effect to power line harmonics in my observations. And finally, the reduced ambient noise floor you typically have at those hours of the night let you hear more dynamic range. This is my theory, and as person who likes to invent audio products, I'm still frustrated that I don't have a concrete answer. If I knew exactly what it was, perhaps I could bottle some up and sprinkle it around the room during the day! If you ever want to experience the 5 stages I talked about in the start of this rambling, just come over (call ahead please) and be prepared to wait until after 2:00 am to start the session. High Fidelity Engineering Co. A U D I O... P A P E R THE MAGIC HOUR - PART II by Gabe Valez May. 1998 Hello Mr. Deckert, I happen to have read your paper on The Magic Hour, where one experiences a better sound from their equipment at night. All of your points are good solid ones with regards the power line. But even you admit that your line conditioner (a UPS?) gives a consistent 60 Hz at 110 volts. I would imagine that it also cleans out the harmonics and the spits and spats of power line dirt which occurs during the day. (I am going to get one for my tube amp!) I have perhaps another addition to the conditions which you mention that might also contribute to that magic hour listening zen thing, the level 5. There is a condition of Earth's magnetic field called the Schumann Resonance's which is excited by lightning, earthquake activity, tornado's, acoustic events et al. The frequency at which the base, or fundamental occurs is 7.83 Hz. Oddly enough, our brain's alpha state is 7-12 Hz. The conclusion can be drawn that since the 7.83 Hz is within the window of the alpha state, that it causes us to be in that state when we are not consciously maintaining the beta state (13-60 Hz, or full consciousness). The alpha state is one where we are relaxed and "dreamy", euphoric. At night, the amplitude of the Schumann Resonance's is at its *highest*. Here is another interesting fact: As you know, from Russell Hamm's paper, the harmonic pattern of the triode is similar to a musical instruments pattern. That is, the fundamental is the highest, followed in successive directly proportional levels of decreasing amplitude the second, third, fourth etc. harmonics. Did you know that the Schumann resonance's *also* have the same pattern? Also, there are seven resonance's (approximately 8,14,21,27,33,38,42 Hz.). There are seven tones in an octave (as you know as a musician. do,re,mi,fa,so,la,ti. The last do is the first of the next octave). Or ears can only discern from 5 to *seven* harmonics. The FFT printout of the Resonance's resembles the EEG pattern of the human brain. I think you know where I am getting at. I am not a numerologist, though. My opinion, after many years of research in this, is that the Resonance's are responsible for the tube sound, our brain's function at night (and anytime for that matter) and other things. I say that because, as you know, the tubes input impedance makes it susceptible to EM radiation. The resonance's are EM radiation. I built a solid state amp which takes advantage of this. It sounds like tubes. It has the same harmonic pattern as the triode. No, I am not trying to sell you anything. I am just saying that the design is a "proof of concept". I also read your reply to another emailer about the tubes versus transistors thing. Bravo! His statement that tubes always have distortion is indicative of his lack of knowledge in that particular area. I have seen tube amp ratings which are exactly comparable to transistors (0.005%THD) in power amps. Pre-amps are much easier to attain this rating (no hysteresis problems from transformers). As you say, both technologies are subject to possible clipping. However, I also agree that listening should be at such a level as to minimize it as much as one can. On the other hand, I have listened to real expensive SS equipment at low and loud levels, and would still return to my modified EICO tube amp (proud to say I did it myself!) and say AAAAAAH, THAT is music! Oh well. The war goes on. Gabe Velez
My best to tweak was going out after a good rain and picking.....I mean buying a George Wright Preamp although I still have to get some decent interconnects. Also moving my system to a house with no neighbors was a pretty good tweak as well : )
unfortunately they are warped to the point to where a cartridge change would not help. Thanks for all the suggestion really hope this works. btw and off topic but i have 6 gmail.com (google email) invites left if anyone wants one send me a msg. It is still in beta and not open to the public.So far very good and no problems plus it has a 1gig limit and 10mb per attachment limit which is better than most free services.
Hmm I hadn't thought of that but it does make sense.I really really hope I don't hear a difference but this is a last resort as pressing the vinyl doesn't seem to be working. There are only 6 that are worth trying to save as I don't think I could find them again. Thanks!
A couple of the albums still play they just wobble abit but the rest are in bad shape. I think I may actually try this oven idea but I will try it with the worst album in the lot not sure how john denver got mixed in with my stuff LOL. I'll let you how this goes...Thanks for all the advice!
I found some vinyl that has been in a box for a very long time problem is the person that packed the vinyl left other items between the vinyl which caused it to warp. I have taken the vinyl out and have some heavy books on them to press them over time. Is it possible to unwarp the vinyl and is there a better way to do this? I would normally just look replacing the vinyl but most of it was very very hard to find to begin with. thanks seti
My bet is that he is getting hitched and the to be wife says that it has to go. Could you imagine setting that up before she gets home LOL...... Wonder how much they want for the horns?
Yeah this was on ebay a while back I have seen this link off and on for a while and yeah where are the bloody klipsch : ) but at least there are horns..... I would think they would have been better off splitting it up and selling it on ebay if they really think it's worth 21K. Finding someone to purchase all at once would be a hell of a chore...
---------------- On 9/13/2004 5:54:19 PM Speedball wrote: Really interesting dude...... I hear tubes go well if not fantastic with the Klipsch. Gosh I'm really tempted to try something like that..maybe I should spill soda in one of my recievers to show the Mrs. we really need something like that. ..... ---------------- No no no you've got it all wrong. Take the receiver out one morning before she wakes up put it in your trunk of your car or something. Then leave the front door open run up to your wife and say that you have been robbed but all that they took was your receiver at his point you act distraught and say how will I ever replace it it it was priceless! Hopefully she will feel sorry for you and you can buy some tubes and also sell the receiver to help pay for the new gear. The only problem is that I'm not married so I am not sure if this scenerio would work but it sounds better than the soda
What are you Listening to Right this Second-Redux
seti replied to thebes's topic in 2-Channel Home Audio
I remember listening to some early aerosmith a while back that sounded incredible but can't remember which albums they were. I am not a huge fan of their latest work but I remember the harmonica work on the early stuff was amazing. Which of their early works do you guys think were the best? -
wow those are wicked! Looks like it could help keep the little lady from complaining about those big ugly boxes : )
---------------- On 9/12/2004 2:00:07 PM Klipschfoot wrote: go to www.minidisc.org for more info. I have a couple of deck and a portable unit. I am also mp3 challenged. ---------------- thanks the only mp3s i have are of recordings that i could find in no other format. the mp3 cds i first listened to just sounded terrible but it could have been the sample rate.