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Everything posted by ARPRINCE

  1. Yup wanted to get one too but he outbidded me. Do you think he's playing safe that's why he bidded on all of them so that his chances of getting one is better? If that's the case, I hope he wins them all. On the other hand, he may want all of them and would give them out as gifts for xmas. I would probably do the same.
  2. We will have an Aragon item go up this evening!!! [] Yup - they are there now and they're not Refurbs.
  3. Yes. They were both designed primarily for tubes. AVIA was released 1999 and DVE on 2001 but was updated 2003. HTH
  4. I have both disks. AVIA is more user friendly compared to DVE, easier to navigate through the tests. However, DVE can test for BTB (Blacker than Black) which AVIA lacks. I think both were designed initially for the older type of TV (not DLP, LCD or PLASMA) however, some of the major test you would be able to use if you have one of those types of TVs I mentioned as well. If you have a THX DVD (i.e. star wars), it has a THX optimizer that you can use initially to tweak your video settings until you get either one of the disks. If I'll make a choice all over again, I'll get DVE because of the BTB tester (I got AVIA before DVE). Here's some more info for you.
  5. They have them now! Limited quantities so get them while you can. It's a bundle so it's a little more expensive than the xbox premium @ $399.99. Just ordered mine so in case I don't get the premium one on lanch date. YES!!!!!
  6. They have them now. I just ordered mine just in case I don't get one on the launch date. [Y]
  7. You actually wouldn't notice because both look the same as far as the style is concerned. Hehe - nice catch!
  8. Agreed! I just can Imagine how it would all look like when the new high definition DVD format comes out!!! Can't wait.
  9. Sony Headphones. I'll try later without the headphones and see what I come up with.
  10. Same here......won't forget to include her in our prayers tonight. Just remember, God doesn't give you challenges that you can't over come!!
  11. I was at my local BB store today checking out some wireless networking units when I decided to visit the display demos for Klipsch speakers. What a welcome surprise when I found they were demoing the Synergy SLXs. Very slick design togerther with the Sanus stands - imo. The sound was great too. I maxed the volume and started jumping from POP - ROCK - etc. when I noticed that the right speaker was a little off-base. I decided to straighten it out so that it would be more a pleasing display to view at. Well, the system suddenly stopped playing after I moved it. Pressing the master control of the display didn't do anything. I then noticed that the receiver was dead so I looked behind the speaker I moved and saw the wires open and touching one another []. Looked around and gently walked away! []
  12. Got my 676 mid August. Have not changed batteries yet. Then again, I don't use it everyday because it's exclusively dedicated for use with my HT in the basement.
  13. Klipsch should really change those La Scalla II images in the products page because you can clearly see the dust on the unit. La Scalla Pix 1 La Scalla Pix 2 La Scalla Pix 3 Advertising is all about "perfection"! []
  14. Here's what google says about it.

    Kingdom of Heaven

    Watched this one last night. I liked it too but the story line was however somewhat so-so for me because I felt it was jumping from one to another leaving some gaps that made me ponder a lot more than just follow the flow of the story.

    Batman Begins

    Watch the DVD today. Great - great movie and YES, better than all the others. I think I read somewhere that his BATMOBILE was designed after a Lamborghini - sweet!
  17. The only other DVD I will buy is Star Wars Episode III since I already have all the other episodes. The rest would be rents only for now. I'm waiting for the next gen and would probably be supporting both formats. PS3 supports blu-ray and I will definitely get a unit. Microsoft supports HD-DVD and I hope XBOX360 will support this one too because I'll also be getting this unit.
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