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  1. For those who are a bit of a drive from me: I'm willing to drive a modest distance to meet you for delivery.
  2. Will try to check width tonight. Don't resist! Adopt my chairs and give them a good home!
  3. Had these sold back in the spring but my buyer's WAF seemed to get in the way... So, I'm bumping the ad to give my friends in the Klipsch forum first crack at 'em before they go on craigslist locally. These chairs would be a fine addition to most any home theater.
  4. Thanks, Tasdom. Yes, the seats are pretty comfortable, especially when you recline them and use the little lumbar pillow behind your head. I'm sad to see them go but we'll replace them oneday.
  5. We have recently moved and unfortunately I don't see having the time to build a new theater in the near future so I'm selling our seating. I have 7 iJoy-100 massage chairs that we used in our theater for sale. They are black in color and have a cloth finish. Please note that the chairs do NOT come with any of the massage motors, etc but will manually recline. Additionally, the backrest folds all the way to the seat, which makes moving them a bit easier (ask me how I know ). Each chair comes with a small lumbar pillow. I would say all of the chairs are in extremely good condition. A couple may have a minor amount of wear on the armrests but nothing that will catch your eye. I have a pic attached but don't have anything closer up. Please e-mail me with any questions you may have. Price is $125/chair. Here's a link that will give you some closer up pictures of a SIMILAR chair (not mine): http://www.amazon.com/HT-100-Human-Touch-Massage-Chair/dp/B000BDG83Y -David Edit to add: Item location SE MI
  6. My theater is also in my basement. The dimensions are approximately 17 x 24, although one side opens up to a planned bar area that is about 11 x 13. If I were doing it over (and staying in my home for some time) I would make sure I ran conduit to every spot where cable either enters/exits the wall or where there are speaker terminations. I did run one conduit but it 1) isn't quite large enough and 2) only runs to the projector. The conduit running to the projector is obviously more important than the ones that would run to the speakers as this is one area that is likely to undergo a number of upgrades over the years and having the ability to swap out the video signal cabling is very handy. You may also consider putting in a riser in the event you are planning on a second row of seating.
  7. Amen to that. I started out with my RF-7s running a receiver at 75wpc. Shortly thereafter I picked up a B&K AVR 307 which is 125 wpc. Both of these units were receivers but the B&K is built like a tank and was sonically much closer to separates. My next step was running separates, also by B&K at 200wpc. There was a dramatic difference in the sound with each equipment upgrade, especially when I got the separate amplification. Your original question was regarding bass output at lower listening levels. This was one of the most improved aspects of my listening experience. I haven't been very active on the forum in a few years but if you run a search for RF-7 recommended amplification you will see CECAA850's comments (and mine) stated very emphatically. Good luck and welcome to the forum!
  8. Your room looks great. Watching a movie on a screen like the ones you are considering is such a step up from watching on a television screen, even a large one. There's just no substitute to the BIG screen for getting that theatrical feeling! Good luck on the project. In addition to the Panny you may want to take a look at the Epson 8350. This projector has a stunning image and sells for about $700 less than the Panny. Here's an article where it was named 2010 projector of the year as well as a shootout with the Panny model you are looking at (Projector Central did the shootout). To boil it all down, the Epson was rated in all aspects about the same as the Panny although it does not have a couple of the features such as the powered zoom, etc. The comparison is a few pages back. I've seen this projector a number of times and have always been impressed. http://www.projectorcentral.com/epson_home_cinema_8350_projector_review.htm
  9. Microphones?! Shoot, I thought the young buck finally found a hair on his chest! []
  10. I would ask the seller to tell you what he is looking to get from them and then negotiate from there. Never negotiate against yourself. Good luck and welcome to the forum!
  11. Happy birthday, Glenn! I hope your day was exceptional!! [^][ip][<)]
  12. Just another word of support from the troops.... Will keep you and your family in my prayers.
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