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Everything posted by ancientdude

  1. How much is this worth, approximately? Have a local lead...I have decided to take a breather from high end audio and just go simple...this seems like a good choice, let me know! Thank you!
  2. Congratulations on the affirmative action! All this "iwant this" "i want that", your pulling through on us Jay! Good JOB!
  3. A great price IMO is 500. Gives you a bit of room to sell them for more.
  4. Believe it or not, according to quantum physics and mechanics, light rays always take the shortest route even before arriving at a location. An experiment was done with protons of light and a slit in a paper, one on the top and one on the bottom and the proton made a zig-zag line, then many slits were placed in the paper and they did a more compacted zig-zag... even Einstein's relativity theory shows that light comes the shortest route from any star, regardless of what impedes it. Its a mystery and perhaps a difference was noticed... you can only speculate, but one thing is for certain: there is more than we know.
  5. Man it looks like you live in a dungeon or something...something out of Hostel...haha!
  6. We know you have them somewhere on that harddrive, lets see the people behind the screens. I guess I have to go first. Dont make me feel like a fool and be the only one, my girlfriend and I.
  7. Less than 2 grand, is that a good price?
  8. Its just like one of the Canadians here who has a picture, like this one: It isnt ACTUALLY him...even though everyone thinks IT IS him.
  9. I have the chance of maybe purchasing one locally (used), would this match well with regular reference or heritage speakers? Would I destroy myself in awesome bass?
  10. I bottomed out my PC-Ultra on many a occasion, very dissapointing! Its a known problem (if thats the word) that I have read about on different forums accross the internet. And the sad thing was: it wasnt even that loud.
  11. The Rf83 and 63 are not 3 way, they are still two way speakers, just with a better tweeter.
  12. I have a pair in medium oak for sale, too bad I am so far away! I am really pretentious of shipping these as I have heard so many horror stories with the Legend series and shipping. I would probably let them go for 750 + shipping (if you can arrange shipping). Box measurements would probably be: 48x18x18 at 90 or so lbs x 2. I am sure I can exxagerate on shipping material and everything should be fine...it might work out!
  13. Thank you, Daddy, Malcom and Ears, I have proceeded to inform the buyer that its just too risky for me. I have the credentials (ebay, audiogon, canuckaudiomart) but he has none (his audiogon account was created 3 days ago). I told him that I would require a payement through paypal or money order (after it clears) and am waiting for a response.
  14. Thank you for the valuable information! I called the fellow this morning and he seems pretty set on the COD. What if the check/money order dont clear? Does UPS give the shipper any sort of protection? Thats all I am afraid about, it isnt a small amount either: its 2500dollars worth.
  15. A guy wants me to ship COD through UPS, is it safe? I have never done it...it seems weird to me...let me know of your opinion!
  16. Come on already Jay... not to disrespect but I see you "wanting" everything and making offers on things through your ears. Settle on something already!
  17. To figure out MSRP for Klipsch in Canada, this works well: Sad but true: x1.5 ex. RC-7 = 800USD = 1200cd RF-35 = 1000usd = 1500cd How sad is that HELLO!? AS SOMEONE POSTED ABOVE< OUR DOLLAR IS MUCH BETTER NOW, GET A GRIP CANADIAN DEALERS!
  18. Yes I can definately relate to both of Argerich's performances...must be all that Spanish blood []
  19. This is a must have for all people who love Beethoven's piano sonatas: Richter doing the OP. 57 (Appassionata)...one of my favorites, mostly because I an play it...the third movement is just astounding, the fastest and cleanest rendition of the third movement, ever. Richter doing Pictures at an Exhibition is one to look for too. I have the recording somewhere around but I cant find it at the moment...typical! And speaking of the Sonata in B-Minor from Liszt, Horowitz does an amazing recording of it back in the 30's and again in the 50's, The one in the 30's is one of the fastest I have ever heard but with astounding precicion and musicality, coming in at 26:xx, as opposed to the common 30+ (minutes). I used to fall asleep to that piece at night, but now as I am getting older...its just too emotional for me! Emmanuel Ax - good recommendation for the Chopin, it totally escaped me! and if any of you are really really really into piano, listen for Glenn Gould (Canadian...haha) and his Bach, especially his peformances of the Well Tempered Klavier: The guy literally sings while playing, he was crazy....probably why he died so early. It isnt the most orthodox playing of Bach but it can be one of the most entertaining. Speaking of Rachmaninoff's third piano Concerto: STAY AWAY FROM David Helfgott's performance of it, VERY POOR: Musically and Technically. I have a lot of problems with his playing, he is nothing in comparison to what the the movie "Shine" protrayed him to be. He can play hard pieces but thats all he can do...either that, or the recordings of his music are always poor (doubtful). He makes many technical mistakes and interprets Rachmaninoff like he thinks he knows how! Dont feel sorry for him just because you have watched the movie...end of rant. There are many better recordings but if its one thing you want to stay away from, stay away from that. Sebastian
  20. No Excuse Max! Im 19 and I adore Chopin, listen to Chopin's Heroic Polanaise (Opus 53) just one more time...listen to Gerrick Ohlsenn's performance of it...the closest to Horowitz! The Opus 44 is another amazing one. I admit his Piano Concertos and and Waltzes and Noctures can be a bit "twinkly" but you have to give credit to his Scherzo's, Etudes and even some of those Preludes! I just got myself the whole Chopin collection by Ashkenazy and though he is not the best Chopin player (a bit harsh), you get a taste for everything Chopin's second Sonata performed by Vladimir Horowitz is so dark and frightening...its ridiculous! (that reminds me of Rachmaninoff's second sonata which is just transcendentally exhilarating!). Some of his Mazurka's are enjoyable, especially Opus 59 No. 3! And do not underestimate Chopin's Ballades (No.3 is my favorite!). Get a good recording...again Rubinstein comes into play here. And last but not least Chopin Opus 49, the Fantasie and of course his Fantasie-Impromptu which is one of his finest demonstration of his musicality!
  21. Thank you For the details of those Rachmaninoff's 3rd Concerto recordings! The Ashkenazy's recording are by far the best sonically recorded ones to date and the Horotiwz/Ormandy on the RCA is definately the smoothest and most satisfying to listen to! I did actually manage to find a copy of Rachmaninoff playing his own concerto...a few years back, too bad I cant find it anymore! [] but I guess him playing some of his preludes (G-minor, C-sharp Minor, and the Flight of the Bumblebee, to name a few) is just wonderful enough for me! If you want some good Debussy and Liszt, check out the Zimmerman collection. And of course, Arthur Rubinstein for his famous Chopin...especially his (Chopin's) Waltzes!
  22. Definately, Always keep all my boxes...have about 10 large boxes sitting around in a place of storage!
  23. If you want Organ (in particular Bach) , there is nothing like Virgil Fox on vynil. Check out his Jigue Fugue...Simply astounding, he dances on those pedals like he was freaking insane!
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